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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future by University of Colorado System

709 ratings

About the Course

THIS COURSE GIVES YOU THE INSIDE TRACK TO A COMPLICATED INDUSTRY. The approach of this course is truly unique in how it approaches and engages learners. It looks at the electric utility industry, which has remained critical to our quality of life, health and comfort from the eyes of numerous industry experts through on-location interviews, compelling visuals, and animation. You will benefit from having the inside track because you see some behind-the-scenes information not covered in news stories, social media or even if we are in the business ourselves. EACH WEEK YOU NOT ONLY LEARN WHAT IS CHANGING, BUT WHY. As this industry continues to unfold at an unprecedented pace, you will be armed with knowledge and insights to form informed opinions supporting decisions you will increasingly make for your energy-dependent homes and businesses. This course kicks off with animated crash course on industry history, highlighting aspects of the structure, governance, and technology that remain today, despite the passage of time. Then, throughout the modules, you will build some basics about how electricity gets to you, who watches over decisions, including setting rates. This information establishes a knowledge foundation so that when we explore some of the most critical topics, like renewable energy, smart grid, battery storage, and you can think about it from a much more analytical and critical viewpoint. YOU WILL DEVELOP A FRAMEWORK FOR MAKING SENSE OF THIS INDUSTRY THAT WILL BENEFIT YOU BEYOND THIS COURSE. This industry can get pretty complicated, and this course will help you make more sense of it. Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future is the course for you whether you’re just curious about the industry or an industry veteran looking to grow – or, thinking about joining the industry. (Hint: now is a good time. You'll learn why in this course.) No prior education or experience required. You just need a healthy curiosity and an open mind to learn about an industry that I think a lot of us, including myself sometimes, take for granted....

Top reviews


Sep 26, 2017

Great course for people who have no clue how utilities and microgrids work. Take this class if you're considering diving deeper into concepts like green energy, regulation and distributed generation.


Oct 28, 2021

Exceptionally informative for someone new to the Utility industry. Very engaging, especially for complex content. Melissa is excellent! Quiz material is fair. Videos are high production value.

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51 - 75 of 202 Reviews for Electric Utilities Fundamentals and Future

By Abhik


Sep 3, 2020

A little bit difficult course...some part were really harder...and difficult to understand...but overall nice course..

By Anandraj


Aug 13, 2020

Course is nicely designed ... i felt, this is how any course has to be designed. thank you so much for the efforts.

By Burak M


Oct 15, 2018

Fantastic course providing fundamental foundational information about the industry and its different elements.

By Yash P


Aug 16, 2020

It's very important for the Energy Aspirants in order to pursue business or start a career in Energy sector.

By Prince A


Nov 6, 2020

Such a good course for every one willing to learn about the electric industry, the tutor is also good.

By Nona


Mar 30, 2023

This course is a good place to start if you would like to learn about the Electric Utilities industry

By S.T.C.V. T


Jun 28, 2020

Best course ever I completed. So many interviews with the industry keep this course more interesting.

By Prince S


Jan 4, 2022

It was well laid out, detailed and provided enough insights of the North American Utility Industry.

By Rinku k


Jun 25, 2020

It was a great experience to gain the knowledge about electric utilities fundamentals and future...

By Suri R


Apr 2, 2024

Good course to understand the fundamentals of Grid, Rating, Smart Grid and Futures of Electricity.

By Stephen F


Mar 17, 2022

Excellent overview. The presenter was thoroughly engaging and the information succintly explained.

By Yann B


Feb 14, 2021

Very good course on fundamentals of electric utilities which is a complex and regulated industry.

By Justin F


May 10, 2018

Solid course! I am a regulatory analyst but I liked having more of an overview of the industry!

By Tony M


Feb 19, 2018

Outstanding and very informative course. This knowledge will help propel my education forward

By Hendro & N c


Apr 13, 2021

In this course, it is very easy for me to understand about renewable energy and electricity

By Mohamud A A A


Jul 15, 2021

it was good course covering electrical systems specifically utility and it's regulations

By Eduardo B


Nov 25, 2020

I think that is a good course to understand how work the electric system in the country

By Charles J


Apr 7, 2020


historical current & future of power generation

encouragement to learn more

By Sanaul I


May 5, 2020

Great overview of the utility industry as well as a view of where it will be going.

By Hanan B


Jun 14, 2022

Great course! I learned so much about electric utilities. I highly recommend it.

By Avanish V


Jun 10, 2020

One of the best course to get very good overview of Electrical utility industry.

By miguel a r l


Jun 4, 2018

I must! In order to understand the already complex world of Electrical Markets!

By sahil n


Oct 1, 2017

Excellent briefings about the all the concepts. very useful for basic knowledge

By John H


Aug 26, 2021

An excellent overview of the state of play of electric utilities in the USA.

By Dr R G


Sep 1, 2020

Course was very useful to those whose who are working in electric utilities