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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Electric Vehicles and Mobility by École des Ponts ParisTech

1,254 ratings

About the Course

The purpose of Electric Vehicles and Mobility is to help you, whatever your profile, your training or your country, find your own answers to questions such as: - Will electric vehicles be the last to be allowed in megalopolises in the 21st century? - Does the environmental gain from vehicle electrification justify heavy investment in charging infrastructure? - Are electric vehicles only for wealthy people in developed countries? This course will allow you to acquire elements from engineering science, sociology, environmental science, political science, economics, management science, in order to evaluate, analyze and implement the diffusion of electric vehicles where their use is relevant. This MOOC is the English version of Mobilités et véhicules électriques; in the lecture videos, the teachers speak in French, nevertheless their presentation is in English and English subtitles are available. Groupe Renault and ParisTech schools have been working together for almost 15 years on topics related to sustainable mobility. Together, they created two Master programs (Transport and Sustainable Development in 2004, Mobility and Electric Vehicles in 2010) and the Sustainable Mobility Institute Renault-ParisTech in 2009, to support ongoing changes. Electric Vehicles and Mobility is the result of this shared history and was developed from a course delivered within the Master Mobility and Electric Vehicles, led by Arts et Métiers ParisTech in partnership with Ensta ParisTech, Mines ParisTech and École des Ponts ParisTech....

Top reviews


Apr 19, 2020

A Very good course for electric vehicles learnings. This gave a deep understanding about the mobility using electric vehicles. The policy's for electric vehicles and mobility are well explained.


Mar 12, 2024

This course has equiped me with knowledge on electric vehicles and related infrastructure. The ll round approach to how choices should be made to boost coverage of emobility are insightful.

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26 - 50 of 378 Reviews for Electric Vehicles and Mobility

By Hosni A

Sep 6, 2022

The course was very interesting, the lecturers were stimulting new ideas, some were very fast and the others were very slow but on average the course has added a great value to my career

By Duglass P B

Jun 16, 2020

Excelente para ampliar conocimientos del sector de movilidad

By Rushikesh S A

Jul 8, 2018

Course is all good only problem i had was due to the language if possible please tey to provide it in english as it may increase its effectivity


Aug 2, 2019


By Carlos A S R

Mar 18, 2021

The course content is ample and has the advantage to have a written repository of all the topics covered, thus enabling off-screen study. I want to stress that the section related to interviews is really valuable and very well explained. However, there is space for improvement, for instance, to update certain facts or statistics (if possible), due to the very dynamic nature of the electric mobility sector. I found some minor units errors during some texts but not concerning at all.

I want to aknowledge all the academia members involved in the realization of this course, especially Virginie Boutueil, Marie Castelli, Émeric Fortin and the Sébastien Albertus (who was interviewed about the Quickdrop technology). They presented the topics in a friendly and concise manner.

By Divya G

May 6, 2020

The course "Electric Vehicle and Mobility" is very interesting and it is a suggestable course for beginner level in Electric vehicles. It has focussed on the Emergence, advantages, and limitations of EVs. It also focussed on standards, rules, and regulations for developing and implementing the EVs with respect to Europian countries. If an effort is made to add concepts of EVs more in developing countries, then it would have been better.

It is a wonderful subject for the Beginning level. Thank you.

By Kishore R

May 12, 2020

This is a unique course based on e-mobility, just not focusing on the technology but also discusses on the potential and challenges for implementation in all levels. Contents on EV Business, charging infrastructure in EU, US and China and the Govt. policies were fresh and I am pretty sure, learning this will be very informative not just for the researches but also for the entrepreneurs and other EV market players.

By Sai V R B

Apr 1, 2018

we just need the english audio please

By Prabhin C

Mar 7, 2019

It would e be better if more technical data about electric mobility added as the part of course

By Venkateshwarlu N

Jan 17, 2021

Please provide the videos in English language. I am from New Delhi, India....

By Devanandh V

Feb 26, 2019

Subtitles are very difficult to follow.

By Rajendra S

Nov 4, 2019

Video should be in English language

By Santosh N

Jun 19, 2020

English language should available.

By sanskruti g

Jun 24, 2019

video should be in english

By J v d L

Feb 9, 2021

I found it a very interesting course. It provides excellent explanations in many areas. The theory is execution. The people are experts in their fields.

However, the course is very hard to follow. The presentations are in French. They are also often accompanied by French PowerPoints. As a result, you can only follow the material by reading the accompanying text. Also, the various exams are very difficult to fathom. Graphically the texts are completely pulled apart, so 1 question is not visible on 1 screen or parts of sentences are broken off. This makes following the study very tiring.

It has taken away my enjoyment of this study. Despite the content, the tutors, etc. French may be a world language, for an international study English would have been recommended.


Feb 12, 2023

The speaker is using French, which I am not comfortable with. If they could have given a prior notification about the language, I wouldn't have applied for this course.

By Sagar S

Feb 22, 2021

I expected the course and presentation in English. However, it is French and I am not fluent in the language and reading subtitles is a bit cumbersome and stressful.


Aug 25, 2019

I don't understand the language. Therefore it is difficult for me to understand the concepts.

By Omar M A

Jun 5, 2022

Overall , very intersting course to attend, subject and its relation is explained from different point of views, climate change , economics , infrastructre, connectivity, user preferences, .....

Best thing that lecture transcript and pdf copies of the lectures are very well prepared, may be small errors occure, but you really grasp most of the discussion by looking at them.

Exam and quizes are frequent and explorers different aspects of the class, sometime tricky though.Slightly outdated reference reading section , links not working, rest in french langauage.


Aug 12, 2023

The course is a very useful one considering the UN SDG. The designers of the course have done justice to one of the most relevant topics of today. However, it is noted that the course materials and lectures are only up to 2017. Six years have passed and a lot of strides have been made in EV, Hybrid Vehicles, and Fuel Cell Vehicles. The lectures and statistics may be updated by incorporating recent developments in the industry, and the assessment of contribution of EVs to the environment and sustainability.

By Aymeric G

Jul 25, 2018

Intéressant, très complet et bien séquencé. Une seule remarque / suggestion : certaines vidéos sont très denses, or il n'y a pas de récapitulatif à la fin du type "principales idées à retenir". Il y a bien une conclusion, mais dans la plupart des vidéos c'est bien une conclusion (= où nous voulons en venir) et non pas un récap des idées messages clés / idées essentielles.

By Renju K

May 4, 2020

The course gives an excellent overview of the EV, Mobiity and related factors. It covers wide topics from effects on climate, need for action with help of EV, policies, TCO and demand anticipation. The further readings are useful, websites of IEA, Eurostat and IPCC have valuable information on EV trends. Thanks to ÉCOLE DES PONTS PARISTECH for desiging this course.

By Ramaratnam R

Nov 13, 2021

The course coverage was excellent. It gave an exposure GHG, Global warming and to the policies being followed by France, EU and various other countries to control GHG. It also presented extensively the current position of EV adoption in China, USA, EU etc and future plans. I enjoyed the course very much. Thanks a lot

By joys d

Aug 18, 2020

Great Course Ever.

I think one of the best courses. so many things I knew in it. But I would suggest one thing that this Course should be in the English language so that non-spanish people can learn this course and can take advantage of this Course. This course so helpful.

Thank You Coursera as well as This Organisation

By Omkar K B

May 27, 2020

The course is very helpful for understanding the global scenario of Electric Vehicles. I would like to have more courses on coursera related to Electric Vehicles. One suggestion is that, time for taking graded assignment again is currently 7 days, which should be reduced to 1 to 2 days. Great efforts by instructors.