Jan 2, 2025
Short and concise course getting you up to speed on basic electrodynamics. Not the most in depth, and mathematically rigorous, but perfect refresher or intro that isn't too demanding.
May 17, 2020
Very closely follows Feynman Lectures, but with some extra helpful intuition in talking through examples. Quizzes tested the main concepts well.
By 김재운
•May 5, 2019
when you become interested in Electrodynamics and your major is not EE, then it will help you to understand what it is.
By Bhupendra b
•May 23, 2020
It was my immense pleasure to be part of this insightful course. I found it quite profound. Thank you so much. Keep up the good job!
By Aj K R
•Apr 7, 2020
The course has been very well designed and has right emphasis on basics. I'm extremely grateful to Professor Seungbum Hong for his painstaking effort. Longing to continue the next part of the course. Thanks Coursera.
By Gangi V
•Apr 17, 2020
A reasonably good explanations and lectures seem a bit quite lengthy. But the course content and interaction is quite satisfying.
By Paul S P
•Jul 15, 2019
Great course, great Professor, great assistant, very clear, well-paced. Ready for next course.
By Tejdeep G
•May 24, 2020
It is a good beginners course, Dr.Seungbum Hong explains it in a detailed manner, Even if you don't understand a few points in the beginning , as you go through the course you will get the feel of what is happening. The examples practical examples that he gives and the way he connects it to the topic is great. Assignments are little too easy, not at all lengthy , If you listen to the lectures properly and go through the slides and make note of points , they wouldn't take even 5min to solve. Overall, My experience was pretty good and I learnt something new from the course.
By Haziq M K M
•Aug 30, 2022
Fantastic course. The lectures are lucid and concise. The lecturers do a fantastic job of giving a deep intuition of the topic and the mathematics behind it. The course is based on The Feynmann Lectures. In the first week, they give a big picture view of Maxwell's Equations and they derive and apply it in the following weeks. The course contains a really nice section on Vector Calculus covering divergence, gradient, curl, laplacian, Stoke's and Gauss' theorems so only minimal experience with the subject is required
By Alireza A
•Nov 9, 2021
It seems to me that the quality of explanation becomes lower on week 5 . Beside that , it was really helpful and clear and open minded to me .
By Piyush A
•Jul 22, 2020
Exceptionally well deigned course to clear the basics of electromagnetism.
By Valér K
•Jan 17, 2020
For me the ordering of the weeks made the course a bit more difficult: the fourth and the fifth week has many intuitive concepts which clarifies the mathematics of the second and third week. Apart from that the course is very fine it is rigorous, interesting but totally explains of the details of electrostatics.
By Manish K G
•Apr 12, 2020
Good course for beginners with some mathematical background
By Buğra C
•Feb 24, 2021
This was a really fun introduction to electrodynamics, it was quite engaging an had really good pacing. The question based approach and the less formal chats between the professor and the assistant made the subject a lot more digestible and interesting. I am excited to start the next course in the series already. Thank you to Professor Seungbum Hong and Melodie Glasser.
By Joel K
•Dec 19, 2021
Excellent course. Good instruction through lecture videos and the provision of notes in PDF format. They did a great job covering the basics with in depth conceptual and mathematical explanations. Quizzes met my expectations for what a good quiz should be; making sure you understand the material covered in lecture, nothing less and nothing more than that.
By Rhys M
•Nov 21, 2020
The explanations are very understandable. The illustrations are presented in such a way that listeners can clearly picture out what's happening. I am grateful to this course because I learned many new things, especially the physical meaning of the equations and how they describe charges, including that of Maxwell's.
•Jun 4, 2020
I learned Oscillating electrical charges result in electromagnetic waves. On a larger scale, electromagnetism is the creation of a magnetic field from the movement of electrical charges. It usually concerns the use of electric current to make electromagnets, which is called electrodynamics.
By Shashi K R R
•Mar 29, 2020
I'm facing problem with English slang of Professor in some areas of his video lectures. Content slides are extraordinary and easy to understand the concepts. Assistant faculty was good. Assignments are not easy. This is a worthy course. Thank you.
By Таукенова А С
•Feb 13, 2025
Благодарю организаторов за такой курс, доступно объясняют, лекции с примерами легко воспринимаются. Очень удобно в плане того, что мы работаем, днем мало свободного времени, а вечером можно позаниматься, Дальнейших успехов и процветания.
By Anand P A
•Oct 20, 2019
Well organized and excellently taught! Little tough for the beginners but after some revision, could understand the topics and complete the course. Suggestion to create a course on "Ferroelectric and Piezoelectric Polymers"...
By Miguel A
•Jan 3, 2025
Short and concise course getting you up to speed on basic electrodynamics. Not the most in depth, and mathematically rigorous, but perfect refresher or intro that isn't too demanding.
By Thomas L
•May 18, 2020
Very closely follows Feynman Lectures, but with some extra helpful intuition in talking through examples. Quizzes tested the main concepts well.
•May 5, 2020
Well explained by professor. Easier to understand.
Thank you professor Hong for everything you have done to clearify my knowledge in this field.
By HyoungKyu K
•Apr 7, 2019
It was very helpful lecture and knowledge from this lecture would be powerful tool to research my field.
Thank you very much professor!!!
By Dr. N P
•Nov 25, 2020
Excellent lecture materials with more explanatory concepts. Thank you for your wonderful explanation about the fundamentals
By 김병준
•Jul 18, 2021
Thank you for giving a great lecture about electrodynamics. The metaphors to understand the concepts were really helpful.