Sep 4, 2017
I really enjoyed this course. it helped me to refresh some of the concepts I had learned early in m career as well as see actual case study work as it applies to the corporate environment that im in.
Apr 27, 2020
I am so glad to bump into this course during COVID-19. To get my PEA and help the others with their PEA are great! I highly recommend this all of those who just stepped into their leadership roles.
By Fatin I
•Sep 12, 2020
Thank you for the inspiring course. I have learnt more about myself in these past few weeks than the last 10 years trying to figure out myself. I really love the lecturer, Richard Boyatzis and it made me want to sit in his lecture and be part of his university course.
By marcA B
•Jan 29, 2017
This is a lot of work a lot of reading but what a great product ! Emotional Intelligence has been basterdized on the web and in some books, thanks to the team, this course re position where EI should be : Neuroscience. Thanks to the team
MA Bouchard, Quebec , Canada
By Eduardo P
•Aug 15, 2020
This course gave me another perspective about coaching and resonant relationship. The provided reading list are very complete and important to understand the topics and have more knowledge on the subject. It was a really great opportunity to complete this course.
By Manuela K
•Nov 7, 2019
This course was an extremely interesting journey through relationships and their meaning in private and professional life. It made me think a lot about my goals in life. I am sure this course will help me be a more reflected person and therefore a better leader.
By Zenaida A
•Apr 18, 2019
I really enjoyed this course and found that the materials and the professor's lessons were very helpful in grasping the concepts. This knowledge has helped me in my personal life and I'm slowly incorporating it into my professional life. Thank you very much!
By Nader A A
•Jul 23, 2022
This is an extremely beneficial course for leaders who seek inspiring others and make a difference. There are maany eye openers into the way we approcah life, work, dealing with others and looking inside us. I enjoyed this journey with Dr. Richard Boyatzis.
By Vikram A M
•Aug 28, 2018
This course gave me a clear picture of PEAs and NEAs and what is the reality behind these terms as we use them. The reading material was exhaustive and I enjoyed it a lot. It also allowed me to hitch-hike to various other components of EI through searches.
By Thomas B
•Aug 15, 2020
A fun course, Dr Boyatzis keeps it moving, packed with valuable info. Some of which I already knew, and much which I should know. I began making changes from the first week. I enjoyed his course so much I will likely take another course taught by him.
By Mary P L
•Jun 26, 2020
Dr. Richards is an awesome teacher, hats off to you sir. Thank you for making this course an interesting one and helping me to be more refined person through emotional intelligence. I enjoyed every activity and will cherish them. Thank you once again.
By Dominic S
•Feb 25, 2018
By far the best online course that I ever took. I've never had that level of satisfaction after any online course before (and God knows how many courses I took in the last 10 years !). Thank you Dr. Boyatzis for this amazingly inspirational course !
By Muhammad S T
•Jan 13, 2023
The felt more like personal coaching than class. I loved every minute of it, even when sometimes the course went into too detail. Even then, this course felt like it was focused on me as a person.
I'd love to continue if the course had more content.
By Dean F
•Sep 19, 2020
Great and varied content. Notes and videos extremely useful and insightful. Exercises and assignments allow for in depth reflection and pertinent thinking. A great course for varied learning which I'm sure will help me in future career development.
By Teresa
•May 30, 2019
Very well thought. It introduces ideas in a simple way so the understanding of the whole science behind our own attitudes is very easy to understand. It helps very much adding value to our own ideas and growing as a manager making changes easier.
By Myriam O M
•Feb 21, 2022
Fue una gran oportunidad para revisar pulicaciones e investigaciones actualizadas sobre los temas de estudio. Muy claro y sistemático el planteamiento d elos temas y las tareas asignadas. Estoy muy contenta de haber tomado este curso. Gracias.
By Susana G
•Jun 24, 2020
I enjoyed the Program greatly. The scientific piece of it is the part that I find exceptional, it allows to support coaching theory and practice. The PEA and NEA systems and their relationship provides a robust framework for development.
By Marco A P
•Nov 15, 2016
Es los mejor que el ser humano puede experimentar y de la mano de Dios potenciare mis abilidades y potenciare la de los demas. Gracias Coursera Staff, sin ustedes mi evolucion no seria una realidad. Sueño con ser parte de su equipo.
By Norman S
•Aug 4, 2019
One of the best course about leadership I've ever attended.
The Professor Richard Boyatzis' classes are outstanding ones. I would spend easily more 8 weeks learning with him more about this subject.
I strongly recommend this course.
By Sajith K
•Mar 21, 2021
This course gives a good awareness about emotional intelligence and its applications. The lectures are interesting as well. Not a bad way to understand and self-introspect your EI and how to apply it in your own leadership model.
By Hiran N
•Sep 9, 2018
Great course with a lot of great insights that will help you personally and professionally. Real practical take aways that could be applied in your day to day lives to develop you and people around you. It was a great experience!
•Nov 26, 2020
Excellent course.... well explained... and well organised.which will help me to spread positivity among those i assosiate with and help them to excell in theirfield......thankyou so much Entire team along with the proffessor...
By Eric P
•Mar 26, 2020
Enjoyed the course, taught by a passionate professor. I learned how to help others achieve their goals, how to allign efforts and to avoid some of the errors with coaching and leadership. Very interesting videos and coursework.
By Ken D
•Mar 22, 2019
Professor Richard Boyatzis is absolutely amazing. He will make you learning by doing not a passive kind of learning. I love him because I might have not changed much but there is a significant change in me through this course.
By Sara A
•Sep 17, 2019
Curso con enfoque muy práctico, realmente interesente. Desarrollo del liderazgo efectivo desde la inteligencia emocional y social. Muy recomendable para las personas que buscan mejorar en su liderazgo profesional y personal.
By Asia T
•Aug 9, 2017
This has been a fantastic journey. Dr Boyatzis is inspirational and I have enjoyed his short lectures every week. I have learnt the basics about the concepts I can apply when coaching as a student advisor on a daily basis.
By Ali Ö
•Jan 9, 2017
One of the best course of my entire life. You will find yourself in a theraphy which will make you return for further investigations in the fields of EI, empathy, mindfulness and ideal self besides many other subjects.