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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology by New York University

516 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you access to an exploration of physiological systems from the perspective of overall health and wellness. In particular, a focus on yoga, meditation and mindfulness as a therapeutic intervention in chronic illness and long term treatment. This course is intended for yoga practitioners and teachers, as well as college students and medical practitioners looking for a deeper understanding of the physiological benefits of yoga. The value of taking this course is to understand the impact that yoga can have on reducing stress, and aiding in healing or preventing physiological pathologies. Throughout this course, we will learn about different physiological systems and highlight yoga practices that can influence different systems and reduce pathology. Reading material will include analysis of scientific studies that have successfully utilized yoga practice as a tool for treatment of various illnesses such as: hypertension, stress, diabetes, insomnia, chronic pain and PTSD. In order to understanding these conditions, lectures will provide a complete understanding of the correlating physiological system. The weekly course assignment will include physiology lectures, a weekly yoga practice, suggested readings, and optional discussions for a total of 3-5 hours per week. The course will provide a tremendous amount of information and hands on experience for those interested in alternative health perspectives and a more in depth scientific understanding of this ancient healing method....

Top reviews


Apr 24, 2024

I found only 1 yoga course on Coursera and it was amazing. I am very satisfied with the knowledge of physiology and yoga science as well as the very effective practical guidance. Thank you very much!


Feb 24, 2020

In this course I have learned more about anatomy than my entire life and all yoga courses together. I can't enough recommend this course for any yoga level practice wether students or instructors!!

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1 - 25 of 208 Reviews for Engineering Health: Introduction to Yoga and Physiology

By Manuel G J


Jan 9, 2020

Superb course for anyone who practices yoga. It expanded the reach I thought yoga had. A lot of scientific research connected to yoga is explained, along with practices. 100% recommendable if you practice yoga or you are thinking to practice it in the future.

By Lindsay H


Feb 21, 2020

I loved taking this course. As a registered yoga teacher, I was looking to continue my training and to be able to apply my doctorate degree in biomedical sciences. I enjoyed the videos and the "Test Your Understanding" style questions throughout were very helpful. The teachers were outstanding and very knowledgeable in their respective fields. I wished that more of the additional reading materials (articles) were available in PDF form instead of having to pay individually for them. That was the only drawback and some of the articles were available right away to download. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn more about yoga and how it affects physiology. Thank you all so much!

By helena m


Oct 30, 2019

One of the best courses I have ever done. Edie's book as an additional support, very good one too, I'm miles forward now with my teaching,thank you



Nov 5, 2019

i am very happy with the course. I have gained ample knowledge of how yoga helps body in various ways to heal and release stress.

By Angie


May 11, 2020

This is course demonstrates how yoga can change your life. The practice of yoga, synchronizing breath with body movements can improve your overall health, from a cell level and genetics to every single organ and tissue of you body, providing an optimal physical condition and stress reduction. We have learnt from scientific studies how yoga postures can benefit and aid in almost all kind of pathologies of the body. I am an enthusiastic yoga practitioner and this course encouraged me to do even more yoga, read, research, and reccomend yoga practices to family and friends who suffer from some pathologies. I really recommend the course. DO YOGA! :)

By Abimael S N


Feb 24, 2020

In this course I have learned more about anatomy than my entire life and all yoga courses together. I can't enough recommend this course for any yoga level practice wether students or instructors!!

By Dnyaneshwari D M


Jul 29, 2020

it was a great experience. I learned so many things and made me more aware of the importance of health and how each organ plays a crucial role. even the course structure was very good.

By Aisling F


Jul 6, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I found the combination of lectures, reflective and summary questions as well as the topic-specific yoga and meditation flows to be well-executed and engaging. Although much of the biology/physiology components were revision from first-year undergrad it was really nice to see how much I had remembered but more importantly, the course made some links of yoga to different functions of the body that I hadn't previously made and I found that this improved my personal daily yoga practice as I got better at connecting breath to movement and mind to muscle as well. I think that this course is very accessible and I highly recommend it to anyone with even passing interest in yoga in order to gain a broad idea of the many health benefits that regular practice offers.

By Ajay K A


Jun 10, 2020

The course gives scientific correlation of human physiology and its relation to Yoga practices. Generic description of various physiological systems in medical terms, their functioning and problems due to internal/ external factors are magnificently brought out in the course. Impact of Yoga exercises on various physiological systems/ organs has been explained by sensing the movements/ pressures created through Yoga. Videos of Yoga exercises are a great help to beginners. For me, the faculty needs the best appreciation for creating interest in the course for students and explaining it so wonderfully. It is a wonderful course for professionals as well as health enthusiasts.

By Keely C


Oct 7, 2019

A very fun course that goes more in depth on what I am currently learning in my 200 hour yoga teacher training. This course is a great addition to all of the anatomy that I am both needing and wanting to learn to become a safe and well informed teacher! Realistic amount of time to dedicate towards completing the course with great visual photos to encourage engagement and furthur understanding. Has inspired me to continue learning more, while really dialing in these basics!

By Nadia R


Dec 22, 2019

The course was a wonderful complement to my Yoga teacher training. It is well presented and developed with applicable knowledge throughout the course. As someone who struggles with chronic pain it made me understand why yoga and meditation work for me and I look forward to sharing this information and encouraging others to take the course. Thank you . Nadia

By Akanksha K


Jun 2, 2020

This course is great for all yoga teachers and core points of this course should be included in yoga teacher training! It's a good foundation for yoga therapy as well (if they ever did come out with Yoga therapy, would definitely attend it)

By Alejandra


Apr 7, 2020

It was a little too hard to folloe because it is too technical on medical terms

By Gary S


Aug 28, 2020

I've had a really hard time doing this course. First all the videos seem to just stop, clipping the last minute or less. If you pause the video then you have to go back to the beginning to watch. And my pet peeve is everyone dressed in black. I have never been to a yoga practice where everyone was in black. It's not the norm so it's distracting, almost cultish. I'm glad I decided to monitor the course and did not pay. Unfortunately there is a lot of good information here if I could just work through the aggravation.

But at this point I'm dropping out.

By Lourdes D G


Mar 13, 2021

I highly recommend this course for EVERYONE. However, if you suffer from chronic pain, auto-immune diseases or other type of pathologies that you struggle to deal with in your daily life, you need this course. This course can change completely your outlook and the way you go about your daily life. It can really help you improve your health in the long run and give you the fundamentals to make better life choices on a daily basis. The course is very complete, easy to comprehend, applicable for everyone and just so interesting. I really hope the medical community takes more interest in these types of topics for a more integral solution to patients needs.

By Amandeep S


May 4, 2020

what else could be a better course on yoga here? None but this meticulously designed course at very low price by NYU. A great hardwork is done by the faculy to design that course. It is a course which addresses the question "Why" and "how" yoga et al. helps improve the overall health and wellness. Lot of study material and research papers are introduced which makes it more interesting and helps inculcate practice with theory. Enjoyed every minute spent on this course. Kindly start more courses for an intermediate and advanced Yoga for the enthusiasts around the world.

By Shibaji M


Dec 3, 2019

This is a gem of a course, this is the best course I have ever done in Coursera and it's same in standard as the classics from Tim (Algorithm) and Andrew (ML) and some of the Banking and Finance classic courses.

This course should go into the Hall of Fame. I have benefited immensely from this course and thanks the instructors from the bottom of my heart for producing a course like this.

My only request for future edition will be to provide pdf for reading suggestions, 70% of them are behind a paywall.

By Caroline P


Jun 6, 2020

This was an excellent course in explaining how each body system can be affected by a regular yoga practice. I really enjoyed revising my anatomy and physiology by doing this course as an already qualified yoga teacher. Particularly the epidemiology

By Margaux H


Jun 8, 2020

This was truly one of the best online courses I have ever taken. The information is something that I believe everyone can benefit from on many different levels. I will be recommending this course to some of my fellow yoga teachers!!

By Ciapchin


Mar 24, 2020

I just got my yoga teacher certificte 200hr and this course really hep into linking my knowledge about yoga and its spiritual side with human body physiology. It gave me an insight on how postures influence on our organs and body.

By Rhea S


Jul 1, 2020

This course has opened new horizons for me as a Yogi. I have much more knowledge and this has made me aware of my entire body as a whole.

I will definitely help me guide people whom I teach in the correct and healthier direction

By Emily D


Oct 26, 2020

Excellent course, it tied together the physiology and yoga very well, the videos that showed how to do the poses and then reminded you what that pose was doing physiologically was very helpful.

By Thuy L


Dec 8, 2020

This is a very good course. I'm an yoga teacher and Im happy to learn this. I'm impressed alot by the researches show how yoga affect people health and help treating disease.

By Nisa A


Jan 2, 2022

The course is well-organized and all components are clear, coherent. However, I would suggest you to take it if you want to learn about the very basics of Yoga. If you already have a practice, this course would not suffice your needs. As the name suggests, it is an intro to Yoga. I would advise it for a base on anatomy, and the interviews included in the course are interesting.

By Sai A M


Aug 10, 2020

It's really amazing to learn from you. Thank you so much for your guidance!! :D