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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teach English Now! Foundational Principles by Arizona State University

15,396 ratings

About the Course

Through a series of engaging metaphors and stories, prospective and current EFL/ESL teachers will identify, summarize, and evaluate 7 basic language learning paradigms. Learners will be presented information on such foundational principles as motivation, risk taking, two different modes of learning, and balancing the teacher profession. Learners are also given an understanding of basic techniques founded on those principles, such as teacher talk, looking “ridiculous” in order to lower the affective filter, and networking. With these foundational principles in mind, ESL/EFL teachers will scrutinize common assumptions about language learning by comparing how they stack up to research-based core principles....
Engaging instructors

(331 Reviews)

Interactive content

(104 Reviews)

Top reviews


Jan 7, 2021

I really love this trainibng, since it helps me to refresh my knowledge about my professional teaching.I also learned and related a lot from this. You inspire me to teach more effectively . God bless!


Aug 23, 2022

First of all , i really liked this course they way they taught and made it simple to understand i loved it . throughout course i enjoyed learning i highly recommende this course to all TESOL teachers.

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201 - 225 of 5,232 Reviews for Teach English Now! Foundational Principles

By Jean C P

Nov 18, 2022

I really love this course. From the beginning I was very engaged, 100% recommended. I have so many notes on everything that was taught and I am sure I will re-watch some videos to keep everything fresh in my mind. Thank you very much for the passion and all the effort you put into this course. This course will be with me my whole life, thanks to all the lovely people who work hard to make it happen.

By Lindemberg P d S

Apr 23, 2019

Excellent!! A wonderful TESOL course for any one who dreams of becoming a great teacher someday!! It grasped my attention since the very first moment I started watching the first lesson. All the classes by Dr. Shane Dixon are quite interesting and enriched with a lot of pedagogical tips to teach better English language. Congratulations for ASU university and all the team behind this amazing course!!

By Diana V F

Jul 5, 2020

This course was really good for knowing basic techniques used for teaching!! I loved the teachers, they were all very nice and willing to answer questions on the Discussion Forums. The videos are really useful for explaining the topics and I found them to be entertaining with the use of metaphors and anecdotes. Overall, its a good course if you're looking for knowing the basis to be a good teacher.

By Alexandra C S

Nov 2, 2020

I found the course touched on important topics with useful links and additional resources and references for deeper learning. Additionally, the content was presented in an easy-to-understand fashion, with engaging videos and readings. However, the assessment criteria via peer reviews to me seemed to lessen the overall standard as everyone taking the course wants to support everyone else to pass.

By Giang N

Mar 22, 2024

I'd like to say a huge thank you to ASU for organizing such a wonderful course like this, to Dr. Dixon and Dr. Haraway, and the whole team for their effort in producing lessons which has an enormous impact on my awareness about teaching principles. I have a lot of opportunities to practice everything I learn in every lesson by taking review module tests, which are really detailed and effective.

By Kristina K

Dec 2, 2021

I really appreciate the chance to study this course. It helped me to understand the ways to motivate and engage students. I found out great modes of learning to help my students understand the language better. Now it is obvious how to engage my students speaking. After using some technics from the course my students show me more interest in speaking and they are not afraid to make the mistakes.

By Yolanda M A

Jul 23, 2021

The course is excelllent. It has a lot of content and is taught in a very interesting way. It was very motivating and I didn´t want to stop learning. The professors are fantastic. I could relate the content to my own language learning process and that of other people I know. I very much look forward to becoming a teacher of English as a second language. Thank you very much for this opportunity!

By Patjane S T

Jan 12, 2022

I have learned the principles of teaching English as a foreign language. The principles taught in this course are applicable to the teaching of any language. The course is very well structured, with formative assessments on the go. I like the peer review methodology. It is real and gives us the students the opportunity to see the other students' approach to the course and learning in general.

By karima b

Feb 12, 2022

Hello! I am karima. I am from Morocco. I have just finished the course Teach English Now! Founditional Priciples. It's valuable course. I learn a lot of thigs from it. And I really recommend students and ESL teachers to take it sice it will help them doing great and carrying on in the field of teaching on the basis of new skills, techniques and strategies, that they will get in this course.

By Anastasiia S

Dec 24, 2019

I was glad to have an opportunity to enrol in this course and it gave me a truly important experience and useful knowledge. It was rather interesting and exciting to work on peer-graded assignments and I would be glad to continue working hard on my road through TESOL certification from Arizona State University. Let me express sincere gratitude for your work on this course. Let’s keep going!

By Якина Л Д

May 26, 2023

I was really impressed by the quality of presenting information! I didn't even expect that learning can be such an exiting thing! Thank you sincerely for such a magnificent course, it was such a pleasure to have lessons and feel inspiration after each of them. Now I am completely sure I made a right choice with my profession! Good luck to all of the global teacher's community in the world!

By Kaveenga W

Sep 29, 2021

Teaching has been a lifelong passion of mine, but it needs to be handled with care. Even though this is a foundation course I learnt a lot through the balanced mix of scholarly literature and real life experiences of the teachers. The teachers are really passionate and you can see that they practice what they preach. Thank you for everyone who has contributed to put this course together.

By Camila N N D

May 7, 2019

Amei o curso! Mesmo sendo um curso online, me senti muito próxima dos professores. A metodologia usada foi incrível, trazendo metáforas para nos ensinar técnicas para sala de aula. Simplesmente maravilhoso! Acredito que poderia ter mais atividades para praticarmos o que aprendemos, porque eu sou uma pessoa que para gravar preciso praticar, então senti falta de um pouco mais de exercícios.

By Wafaa A

Oct 22, 2022

It was a very lovely experience and I liked how Dr. Shane presented the information and metaphors that were out of this world. How nice it is to keep relating the information with life-related situations. I enjoyed this course a lot and I refreshed a lot of the information that I happened to forget from university. It is nice to keep in touch with the English strategies all the time.

By Hung C K L

May 20, 2022

I would like to thank all the professioners for preparing this online course. The information is organized and precise. This Foundation course helps me build a firmer ground for my advancement in the teaching of the language. Most important of all, they motivate me to move on despite all the challenges ahead. I hope I can keep my fire burning in this teaching profession. Thanks again.

By Shane D L

Feb 14, 2016

Shane Dixon is a little over the top, but it's clear that his energy and enthusiasm is backed up by his knowledge (also it makes sense that he would have such a personality considering the need for it in his ESL classrooms). Everything he says is directed towards helping you understand how to apply what you are learning in a class. Easily the most interesting online course I've taken.

By Ola M E

Jun 21, 2022

Learn English now! Founding Principles First of all, thanks for this course and this scientific material. I have benefited greatly from this valuable information that will help me teach English in the right way and make it as a cake chip and make the study as if we are a basketball team trading the ball between us easily and conveniently and make learning the language enjoyable.

By Jenny V J

Jan 5, 2021

I love listening and learning from Dr. Shane and Prof. Haraway. It's an interesting course. It gives me insights on the best strategies to teach English as a second language. I enjoyed how the lessons are time-tabled with follow up quizzes and assignments to test my acquisition. It left me wanting to learn more and complete all the courses in this TESOL Professional Certificate!

By Angela G C

May 30, 2017

It has been a truly enriching experience to participate and complete Course 1 of Teach English Now! Foundational Principles because it allowed me to relearn concepts I studied some time ago, read about new ideas for ESL, and connect with classmates from all over the world. Also, the professors behind the course are pretty competitive and knowledgeable about this field.

Thank you!

By Mohamed A M J

Jan 12, 2024

I wholeheartedly recommend this teaching course to anyone seeking a well-rounded and effective educational experience. It not only equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge but also inspired a passion for teaching that will undoubtedly shape my future in education. Kudos to the instructors and organizers for delivering a course that truly stands out in its excellence.

By Arlene A M

Jun 19, 2021

I rate this COURSE: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles simply because the Professor from Arizona State, Dr. Shane Dixon, made the journey so very comfortable, easy, stress-free, welcoming, and worry-free. His humble and warm personality that accompanied every video presentation, just kept me wanting more and more of the learning environment.

Thank you Dr. Shane Dixon.

By Andrew L

Oct 4, 2016

This course is great! It has really got me excited about teaching English in China. All the concepts are explained clearly and with metaphors that make you think a bit deeper than you might have otherwise. And if you do all the courses in their Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) series (8 in total), you earn yourself a coveted TESOL certificate! Good luck!

By Felipe N

Jun 19, 2020

This course is fantastic because it opened my mind on how to teach my students English in the best possible way. I found each week motivating and the teachers surprised me with the taxonomy presented at the end of the course. It was emotional and tears came out of my eyes. I learned a lot and I will pass on all this knowledge to my students. Thank you very much from the heart.

By Ayşenur

Feb 10, 2022

I am a third year ELT student. Actually, I saw all these topics in the previous years. However, this course is so much educational and great that I had a chance to revise all the topics again and learned new things, as well. The instructors of this course planned this course in an order and great way that you can learn so many beautiful, great things about language learning.

By Оля М

Jun 4, 2021

All is excellent ! All matherial help us understand foundation principles for tought in cllass! Thank for this schans AZU! Thank all people who involwed in this process!! Becouse all matherial create for understand and use in real life!Thank you! Tried this cource becouse Dr. Shane DixonOpens in a new tab and Jessica CincoOpens in a new tab made a perfect and easily understandble matherial !It was perfect!