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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset: First Step Towards Success by Michigan State University

912 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first in a series on starting a business. Though new venture creation is the focus of the specialization, this course is important for everyone.To create a successful business it is not only about what you do (technical execution), it is also about how you think. This course provides learners with insights to re-frame their thinking in order to maximize their chances for success. So what can a learner expect to gain from this course? At the end of this course a learner: 1.) will be able to argue effectively against all of the reasons for not starting their business (or reaching some goal); 2.) will be able to operate effectively within the new framework or model for starting a business (or any new endeavor), thus increasing their chances for success; and 3.) will be able to make the initial business startup decisions of what type of business to start, and what type of business owner to be. Having an entrepreneurial mindset is critical to being successful as an entrepreneur. An entrepreneurial mindset stands alone in terms of its importance. No other attribute, personality, inherent entrepreneurial proclivities, training, or demographic profile is common to all successful entrepreneurs whether Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or the neighborhood florist or grocer. The course provides learners with an understanding of the attributes and perspectives of an entrepreneurial mindset, and the process to acquire one. We suggest that learners bring an open mind and be willing to thoroughly explore the nascent business ventures they have been carrying with them.The course introduces concepts that enables a person to start a trans-formative process in the way they think generally, and in the way they think about business specifically. This new way of thinking has the potential to positively impact not only them, but their family, and community....

Top reviews


Dec 26, 2021

The course was well designed to help does who are thinking about starting there own business, and also for those who already have business but need a helping hand to understand what is to be done.


Aug 22, 2021

For an absolute novice this was a great insight into starting your own startup. A strong foundational course that covers in detail what is required from a person to run and sustain a business.

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1 - 25 of 273 Reviews for Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset: First Step Towards Success

By Md. A A R

Aug 17, 2020

This course is very helpful for who want to start a business venture. This course already changed my opinion about starting a business. Thanks to all who crate this type course.

By Lisa S

Nov 4, 2020

This was a real mess of a course. The format was badly organized, the reading materials and PowerPoints were poorly done, the videos were badly edited... Really, I don’t even know where to start describing how unprofessional it was. It needs MAJOR editing and revision.

The quizzes and assignments were SO BADLY written they were almost incomprehensible, as if they were written in a foreign language and then poorly translated into English. The reading materials had almost no citations, despite the fact that they are apparently created by an accredited academic organization (U of M). The occasional url was thrown in in some of the videos and reading, but those often went to 404 error messages or to embarrassingly amateur personal or small business websites. The materials were woefully out of date and were wildly inaccurate when describing current innovations, business challenges and the economic climate. (For instance, statistics from the 2016 World Economic Summit are interesting historical data, but should not be considered appropriate resource material for 2020. Or even 2019, 18, or 17).

Incongruously, a very big learning challenge comes smack at the beginning of this course. This was an assignment to create three short videos, post them online, and also create a logo or business image, and post it as well. There were absolutely no directions on how to do these things. That’s WAY beyond reasonable expectations for an entry-level student, and far more difficult than anything that followed. It was also FAR beyond the skill level of even the people who created the forms used to do the assignments... they failed to allow the student to cut and paste the URLS of the videos and images that were created.

My last criticism is that many of the “experts” cited in the course are complete cranks or at the very least, not “lean starters.” At the worst they are corrupt and exploitative. Elon Musk and Ms. Rothschild are great examples of all three categories. Many of the students who took this course with me were not native English speakers, and a good number of them are from former colonialist empires. The “out of touch”-ness of this course in general is cringeworthy, but that, to me, was the most egregious inclusion.

Apparently there were mentors for the class but no one replied to my posts in the forum, and I did not see any mentors attempt to answer other students’ questions in the forums. I doubt this will be read by anyone responsible for the course, but I would warn anyone considering this class or series to look elsewhere.

By Pieter d V

Jul 26, 2020

Well structured and balanced. This has helped me to better understand what is required to not just start a business, but how to use the mindset at work to trial new things.

By Laurie I

Jun 4, 2022

I learned so much in this course. Now I feel I can actually be successful in starting a business. Looking forward to the rest of the courses in this specialization! Thank you!

By Loila L C

Jan 12, 2021

This first step is an eye-opener to the "whys" of entrepreneurship. I've learned a lot from how opportunities should be identified and exploited. I'm more hopeful now!

By Sofia M

Jun 27, 2016

The course helped me understand that being afraid is common but that giving one step forward proves fear wrong.

It opened my ideas to a million more, it guided me into clearer ways of understanding how my idea can come true. I definitely recommend this course if you don't even know where to start from. Don't underestimate the time you need to work on it ;)

By Nusrat J

Jul 23, 2020

Everything discussed, every task given, all were up to the mark. I've come to know about the ways to go through entrepreneurial success in a strategical way.

By Tasha L

May 30, 2017

Really deals with the basics. Without which, the rest seems almost pointless - sort out your mindset and free yourself to be and do exactly what you want. The course made me look at myself and how I was the one holding me back. Highly recommend it.

By Deleted A

Apr 8, 2020

Great course to learn different skills, and enhance your entrepreneurial mindset. Has a capability to motivate your business structure. Quite a favourable and uselful way, in obtaining needs and desire, for what you want, as an Entrepreneur.

By Ayesha S

Dec 2, 2020

I always wanted to do business but never give it a try because of fear of risks that come with starting a business but this course clear so many ambiguities in my mind, no I think I am all set to plan and start a small business.

By Romuald F

Oct 17, 2016

I really like the challenges. And the course is too interesting. The Black teacher (Sorry I don't have his name in mind right now) show how science can support empiric thoughts : Everyone can start a business !!! So run people.

By Jennette D

Sep 2, 2020

quality content! thank you I've learned a lot and this is actually my first time enrolling in an online course. This is remarkable for me :) I hope I can apply this learning with my future business venture.

By Juan T

Feb 11, 2016

It is a great course. As the presenters said, it is not tailored to Silicon Valley companies or to sell great inventions. It will help any time of business from dog grooming or barber shops to the Facebook

By Adam W

May 3, 2020

A great course to clear the mindset decks, whether you're contemplating starting a business, or want to take an existing business to the next level.

By Maia J

Nov 4, 2020

The course presents information in a way that is easy to digest and understand! It also encourages you to go for your entrepreneurial instincts.

By Ashish M

Aug 25, 2020

Great & Must do course to understand & develop Entrepreneurial skill in short time ..

thanks to all contributes!!

with regards

By Prafful A

Jul 7, 2019

This course actually guides you and motivate to work more effectively in the right direction towards your goals and dreams

By Mando

Feb 14, 2016

Practical and useful... good for someone who has thought of opening a business, but who has never actually taken action.

By Sabiha A L

Aug 12, 2020

Very good work. Thank you.

By Joseph G

Oct 28, 2019

The course is entirely an exercise for convincing oneself that they can start a business (that is, to dissuade one's learned myths that hold them back from getting started). Once you've convinced yourself that there's nothing to stop you from starting your business, the course doesn't serve a further purpose. I stopped maybe halfway through and skipped to Course 3.

By Ekaakshar

Aug 24, 2020

I learnt about myths . The video which said to have a life plan and not a bussiness plan was a good one as that is exactly what I want a broader perspective . It's all about life in the end . I wrote about 3 passions and I realised i need to figure out what is right for me to do . Tho I was thinking about it for a long time but this excercise again le me to think about the things that I want to do and the things that I am good at . I will choose what is heat for me and for the world in general


Feb 28, 2021

It was one of the greatest opportunities that I have to get and achieve my skills in the outstanding topic of "ENTREPRENEURSHIP" as a starter. The Instructors are excellent and the way they are expressing giving lectures and other notes everything is so beautiful and extremely very easy to get understand and improve ourselves. I thank the Coursera team as well as Michigan University for giving me such a beautiful day.

By James L O

Jan 17, 2019

Excellent course that lays out the components of the entrepreneurial mindset by both exposing the commonly held myths we hold and reveling the truth of trusted methodologies prevalent in functioning during a business start up. Great instructors with a knowledgeable and personal approach. Very happy with what I learned and with the useful information I am taking away with me. Thanks!

By Ramesh C

Sep 30, 2020

At this age I would like to start my business, definitely I was having some preconceived notions in my mind that business requires money / mind & material. This course has helped me to correct my limitation and think beyond that. As referred in the book 100$ starts up. I am surely going to focus as how I can start my business with the limitations that I have.

By Katherine B

Jan 3, 2019

I'm very happy and relieved to have found this specialization, and this course. Dr. Carter is saying just what I need to hear: my instincts are right, but he is formalizing that and putting it in an actualizable framework. The website Fundera referred me here, when I went looking for "how to write a business plan".