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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Everyday Chinese Medicine 2 by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

207 ratings

About the Course

This course, Everyday Chinese Medicine II offered by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, aims to show to the public, as well as the healthcare professionals about the basic principles of Chinese medicine. Our primary goal is to empower healthcare choices by promoting awareness and practical application on Chinese medicine diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and to facilitate interprofessional education between Chinese and conventional clinicians. Learners will develop skills in applying theories of Chinese medicine for understanding health and illnesses. We will discuss the treatment principles of Chinese Medicine and the corresponding herbs for application. This will then be followed by the application of diets and exercise. Finally, we would expand the horizons of how integrative medicine are practiced in Chinese populations such as China, Taiwan and Hong Kong for specific diseases. This showcases how different disciplines joints-hands to fulfill the unmet needs from the public. The perspective of research, education and medical coverage will be explored....

Top reviews


Jul 1, 2021

excellent extension from the series 1. hopefully there will be series 3 with more everyday applications recipes and common symptoms which can be done at home. well done and thank you


Aug 6, 2022

It is a very trustful source and an easy reference to rely on for learning chinese medicine, of course combined with Everyday Chinese Medicine 1.

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1 - 25 of 67 Reviews for Everyday Chinese Medicine 2

By Dominic C

May 1, 2020

It helped me to understand some of the basics of Chinese Medicine. There is so much more to learn and I look forward to the more advance course.

By Imbi P

Aug 6, 2021

I love these two series of Chinese Medicines course. Highly recommended for everyone who wants to live our lives consciously.

By Eugen C

Nov 1, 2020

Hello Mrs./ Mr !

First of all, I consider this course is well structured and I could learn easily.

Thanks to the Management of the Chinese Medicine University of the Hong Kong and to the Professors who taught this course.

This course help in my profession as a Senior Physioterapy PhD., and for help people in need.

Always, I realized that without Chinese Medicine I can't help better my patients, my family and myself.

I am very happy, because I learned and finished this course.

Many thanks !

Best regards,


p.s. Please write my :

How can I continue Chinese Medicine for I can practice acupuncture ?

Thank you !

Eugen Caracas

e-mail :

By Janis A

Sep 22, 2022

Excellent. The amount of knowledge included in this short course and the first course is outstanding. I plan to continue to learn about TCM.

By Ronald L W S

Sep 15, 2020

Great course. I learned a lot. I hope more there will be more courses on Chinese Medicine!

By Hilda L A

May 12, 2020

Very well explained and simple for everyone to understand.

By Mohd A A S

Jul 1, 2021

excellent extension from the series 1. hopefully there will be series 3 with more everyday applications recipes and common symptoms which can be done at home. well done and thank you


Apr 1, 2020

very nice course and highly informative

By Owly B

Mar 22, 2020

Awesome, thank you! : )

By D T

Jan 3, 2021

Good to re-learn a lot of what I learned 15 years ago. Charts, diagrams and visuals were helpful. Expected more everyday practical info. Disappointed that some errors were probably there for some time I suspect (and also pointed out by students in forum) were not addressed or fixed e.g. a few Q's didn't have the correct answer offered.

By Irvin T

Jul 15, 2021

Nice overview and continuiation from part 1. But the videos are a little too short with the majority with less than a minute's worth of actual subject matter. I spent almost as time clicking and waiting for videos to load than the subject matters themselves. Would be better if it also came with a simple deck of slides to refer back to after the course.

By Aedrian A

Sep 23, 2021

This offering, an essential continuation of the “Everyday Chinese Medicine” course from the same institution, provides an overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from theory to practice (diagnosis, treatment and prevention). As someone trained in Western/allopathic medicine, the two courses made me appreciate a little better the difference between the medical system that I am used to and TCM, which is also quite popular in my country. While I was hoping for a presentation of the current state of critical evidence on TCM approaches for various diseases, I know that these are not the courses for those issues. I was positively surprised by the details shared in both courses, reflected in the quiz questions, and some moments of feeling overwhelmed while moving through the material reminded me of my initial years in medical school. Nevertheless, outsiders to the TCM system, either as practitioner or patient, who are beguiled on what it can offer in terms of promoting and restoring health are recommended to take the two introductory courses by CUHK.

By Mercedes C

Oct 18, 2022

This course, Everyday Chinese Medicine II, is an approach to the basic principles of Chinese medicine and the health options of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, between Chinese medicine and Western medicine. helping us to visualize simple illnesses like the flu or stomach problems and giving us certain principles of treatment with some types of herbs that could be applicable, without going into depth on how they should be applied. It is not a deep course, it is simply "cultural".

By Judih W H

Jul 11, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this course, involving such wonderful teachers and fascinating information. The aspects learned in Part 1 of Everyday Chinese Medicine were used as a logical basis for everything taught here. I loved the sections on Food as therapy as well as Exercise for Well-being. Thank you to all involved in creating this wonderfully useful course.

By Luiz A M d C

Jan 8, 2021

Este módulo é uma continuação do curso "Everyday Chinese Medicine" e é imprescindível para quem quer adquirir maior conhecimento acerca das práticas que envolvem esta abordagem medicinal. Ao longo deste curso as aplicações cotidianas do conhecimento adquirido no módulo anterior serão explicadas de maneira simples e eficaz.

By Lingjun K

Apr 2, 2020

an innovative course trying to bridge traditional and conventional medicines to achieve the much well delivered treatment to the varieties of patients. I have appreciated the opportunity as well appreciated the efforts of the lecturers and the faculties of this course ware

By Fionn R

Jul 25, 2023

The information I have learnt in these two parts of the Everyday Chinese Medicine course have been invaluable. I now have tools and techniques, underpinned with sound principles, that I can use to improve my health and well-being. Thank you so much!

By Alice N

Feb 24, 2021

I learned a tremendous amount from this course! I would recommend that one saves all the notes, as the wording of test questions is tricky. I feel much more confident with how to preserve my own health after this course.

By Vitor D d O

Sep 13, 2022

Gratidão eterna muito obrigado o curso é maravilhoso parabém a todos.

Eternal gratitude thank you so much the course is wonderful congratulations to all.



By Jorge D

Apr 7, 2021

me hubiera gustado mas que los examenes tuvieran la opcion de ser en español, ya que es confuso la traduccion.

tambien me gustaria que sacaran cursos mas avanzados para los que ya tomamos los primeros 2

By Ricardo D

Jun 6, 2022

Es una excelente introducción a la Medicina Tradicional China. He quedado muy contento del contenido del curso y con muchas ganas de profundizar aún más utilizando la bibliografia sugerida.

By Jedalia d S I

Apr 23, 2021

This course was very important for my whole life, it helped me to take care of myself and will help me to take care of many other people. #Gratitude. Thank you!

By V. G O

Jun 6, 2023

las clases son muy profesionales y fáciles de entender, aprendí mucho, y me aclaro muchas dudas que tenía sobre los principios de la medicina china.

By Muhammad A F

Aug 7, 2022

It is a very trustful source and an easy reference to rely on for learning chinese medicine, of course combined with Everyday Chinese Medicine 1.

By Jesus B

Mar 29, 2024

its a nice course because the way it is being designed to study is well plan, easy to learn with, and the lesson is valuable..