Sep 22, 2023
I really enjoyed and learned new skills. it's awesome... Thanks instructors. I am thankful to Higher Education Commission of Pakistan for providing scholarship for this Courera license.
Feb 4, 2022
Absolutely fantastic course! I've been using Excel for nearly 20 years and I cannot tell you how many times I STILL found myself saying "Oh, that's neat!" Definitely worth your time!
By Vick S
•Nov 18, 2021
Thank you for this incredible course. Despite having some knowledge of excel as I use it daily at work, I learned a lot and acquired load of skills in this course. The material was presented in a very good format with the information straight to the point. I feel no minute of this course has been repetitive and it consisted of only useful facts. The case studies are very interesting and challenging. I will definitely recommend to friends and colleagues, and will enroll another course for sure! Thanks..!
By Abdoulaye B
•Sep 25, 2021
I started with Excel Skills for business, completed the 4 courses and then I began this one. I'm really happy to be here and to be able to learn so much. Thanks for the financial aid without which I could not achieve this. I'm really thankfull. Sorry if my english is a bit off, french is my 1st language. Thanks Nicky and thanks Prashan, ([with my Prashan's voice: remember, practice makes permanent :-)], I'll practice again and again till my brain saves every little detail ;-)) Thanks a lot.
By Kristina M
•May 1, 2021
Dr. P and Nicky are absolutely fabulous- professional, articulate, and fun. I have learned a lot about analysis and visualization in the first two courses of this specialization and am really looking forward to the final course. While I had a pretty good grasp of the general areas of what we covered, the gaps filled with efficiency tricks, understanding range of options, and creativity really took my dashboards to the next level. Thank you Nicky and Dr. P!
By Viktor Z
•Apr 22, 2021
Dear Nicky, dear Prashan,
Thank your for this incredible course. The content was broad but never drifted off and the difficulty was exactly right, neither too hard nor boring. Everything was very well explained. I liked that you often went into detail and showed your own hacks and workarounds. I learned more than I thought I would and even had some fun along the way.
Thank you, Viktor
By Muhammad T S
•May 4, 2023
Loved the content and the course structure. It was articulately planned and delivered covering all the important aspects. The teaching style was very captivating and the exams were designed to test the practical skills instead of a building a theoretical standing.
Thank you Coursera for providing an opportunity to learn from the best in the field.
By Maciek F
•Jul 24, 2023
Very useful course. Excel visualisation features are clearly explained with many examples. Practice workbooks are greatly prepared and practice challenges and assessments are interesting and well thought out. I highly recommend this course, I find it one of the best Excel courses I attended to and easily one of the best on Coursera.
By Nathaniel R
•Nov 12, 2023
To me, the course is easy to understand. Would recommend this to anyone trying to improve or learn their ability in presenting data into something meaningful using Excel. The course quizzes and practices are all also challenging and they helped me to understand how to visualize data better. Thanks Nicky and Prashan!
By Jiacheng Q
•Feb 24, 2023
Super useful for a college or university students to spend their free time to learn this course. The overall video is very interactive and also they will give the excel documentation and some spreadsheets to help you having a better understand on how those techniques work! Very exciting to have this experience!
By Sara C
•Apr 9, 2022
One of the most useful courses I have taken in my professional life. Each week I have been able to use what I have learnt and saved time in my work the same week, or within a couple of weeks. Both instructors are very pedagogical and the format with following along in my own work sheet fits me very well.
By Mateo E U
•Mar 20, 2022
This is an amazing course. It begins with different kinds of graphics and ends up with the creation step-by-step of a very nice looking dashboard. This is great because it is an amazing way to show the information and summarize data in a visual way. Loved every lesson of it. Strongly recommend it.
By Terrence H
•Nov 21, 2021
Excellent course. The material was well presented by both instructors and the ability to work through the examples while watching them in the videos is a great way to learn.The examples used in the practice challenges were well chosen and helped to consolidate what had been learnt in the videos.
•May 4, 2022
Really great course, the way how concepts are explained is very clearly and excellent complement to have a quiz after each video/class, the final assessments and practices are also great, I learn a lot and finally I can say that I know how to customize visuals and make them interactive.
By Nguyễn M
•Nov 30, 2021
I learned a lot throughout this course. The instruction is slow and in great details that allows me to follow easily. The assignments are challenging enough for me to practice my new learned skills. Many thanks to Coursera and Macquarie University for providing this course.
By Adriana P
•Feb 13, 2023
I highly recommend this course, in fact all the courses related to Excel, provided by Ms. Nicky Bull and Mr. Prashan S. M. Karunaratne. There is only one thing I wish there was more of in this course, more homework or challenges. Thank you for your great courses!
By Andrés G M
•Nov 24, 2021
Covers all the basics of Excel data visualization, all the topics are super usefull and it's very easy to follow along. The course gives you a full view of the available tools and also shows some interesting tricks. Excellent content! Thanks!
By Yissel A
•Sep 8, 2023
This course was excellent! The lessons were informative and fun. The video quality is great and the lesson format (work-alongs), followed by quizes and the optional creative corner, is engaging and enjoyable. I highly recommend it.
By Carlos G D O
•Apr 9, 2022
Es un curso muy completo, trabajas tablas dinámicas, macros y dashboards, todo orientado a tener una salida atractiva e interactiva de los datos, sientan las bases sobre buenas prácticas para contar una historia con los datos.
By Sahil k
•Apr 3, 2022
I can't thank enough to the teachers for sharing their valueable insights in this course. They did a great job.
This world needs more courses like this; perfect blend of theoratical and practical knowledge.
Thank you once again
By Arushi G
•May 6, 2021
It was a wonderful course, teaching me how to visualize data in Excel. The concepts were explained easily and in a beautiful manner and the assignments were designed in such a way that can test your knowledge in the best way.
By Miroslav H
•Jul 31, 2022
I've completed several courses from Macquarie University and I must say these are the best Excel courses on Coursera. Instructors, learneing content, learning pace, practice challenges and quizzes. I absolutely recommend it.
By Chase W
•Jul 12, 2021
This course (and series) has been very eye opening! I thought I was good with excel but not only have I learned how to do certain tasks much more efficiently, I have learned several new tricks. Highly Recommend.
By Abhilasha S
•Apr 12, 2023
Absolutely loved this course. The instructors taught everything very nicely. The course content was easy to follow & understand. I will definitely recommend this to everyone who wants to learn excel thoroughly.
By Miguel R C
•Jan 21, 2023
Amazing course, like everything Macquarie does!
Very simple, but it let's you wet your feet at all the things excel can be good with.
All tools work perfectly.
I totally reccomend it.
Thanks again Nikki and Prash!
By Luis S
•Apr 14, 2022
Muy buen curso, amplía mucho el horizonte de qué tipo de gráficas existen y podemos usar, y cómo utilizar de manera diferente y creativa las gráficas que ya conocemos. Recomiendo este curso para todo el mundo
By André L C d R S
•Apr 4, 2021
I'm not able to express all my gratitude to Professors Nicky and Prashan. They were so nice as tutors and explained everything in such a great way. Thank you very much for that! Greetings from Brazil!