Oct 3, 2022
شكرا لكل من اتاح لي حضور هذا التدريبكان تدريب رائعاكتسبت مهارات جديدة بالنسبة الي على الرغم اني حضرت عدة تدريبات لان هذا التدريب اتارح لي اكتسباب معلومات جديدة لم على علم بها
Jun 6, 2021
It was an insightful course that helped me a lot to learn the basics of Microsoft Excel.
By Nawras A H
•Aug 16, 2019
It was very useful
By Mohammed A S A l
•Jul 4, 2020
دورة ممتازة لمن ليس لديه خبرة بالاكسل
واشكر الاساتذة وكورسيرا على هذه الدورة
By Ayesha A
•Apr 29, 2019
وجود بعض المشاكل في الترجمه، اختلاف كبير في الاسماء من الامتحان و الاكسل
By Sara H
•Dec 31, 2019
كورس جيد ومفيد جدا
By Sayed S
•Oct 27, 2019
thanks for you
By esmaeel s h
•Jan 16, 2023
دورة ممتازة وطريقة عرض وشرح سهلة الفهم .... أنصح الجميع بأخذ هذه الدورة
•Sep 16, 2019
only one word for this course: PERFECT
By Hatim A T A
•Dec 15, 2019
Useful course, and simple video,
By Mohamed E M M I
•Dec 14, 2019
very important
By Ahlam
•Oct 1, 2019
very useful
By osama a
•May 27, 2019
the translation to Arabic have problems
By Idriss I
•Jun 10, 2020
Excellent lessons, and I benefited a lot. I made a mistake in registering, I got on the first level and I want to study the second level. I appreciate the error, with all due respect to you.
By Abdulaziz S A
•May 14, 2020
very nice and easy course, I have had a great time with it. just one comment for translation to Arabic needs more re-audited. Thanks and best wishes.
By Kheder T M
•Nov 12, 2019
Excellent course
By Zuhair A
•Aug 22, 2020
1) So many mistakes in the questions and answers.
2) The Arabic version of this course has not used the Arabic language properly. In addition, it is mixed between Arabic and English.
3) Some names of the staff in some tables are missing and some questions were based on those lists; example: the names "Raghda Mustafa" is not listed in any table and one question was on this staff name.
4) Some questions in the same quiz have used both languages; Arabic and English. Which is inappropriate.
5) Many tables are confusing. In the same table, although the data and column headers are in English, there are some column headers used Arabic language but the were in English. This is too confusing and the translation was hard.
By Ahmad A R
•Oct 4, 2022
شكرا لكل من اتاح لي حضور هذا التدريب
كان تدريب رائع
اكتسبت مهارات جديدة بالنسبة الي
على الرغم اني حضرت عدة تدريبات لان هذا التدريب اتارح لي اكتسباب معلومات جديدة لم على علم بها
By Nadim S
•Jul 23, 2020
كورس منظم بسيط سهل التتبع مهارات أساسية كثيرة وعملية لمن ليس لديه خبرة بالاكسل وانصح به بقوة ولكن هناك بعض المشاكل في الترجمة، اختلاف كبير في الاسماء من الامتحان وملفات الاكسل.
By Marwan H A E A E
•Jun 7, 2021
It was an insightful course that helped me a lot to learn the basics of Microsoft Excel.
By Sumaya J A A S
•Sep 24, 2022
دورة رائعة وممتع جدا
شكرا للقائمين عليها
لقد استفدت منها كثيرا
دمتم في سعادة
By Mohamed R
•Jul 2, 2023
I want to get the free scholarship for courses offered by Coursera
By Sumaya A A S
•Feb 24, 2020
كورس منظم بسيط سهل التتبع مهارات أساسية كثيرة وعملية
انصح به بقوة
By Ahmed B E M
•May 11, 2020
This was a very useful course, I really enjoyed it.
By sarah b
•May 21, 2020
j'ai beaucoup appris dans ce cour
By Majd A H
•Mar 29, 2020
كورس رائع ومفيد جدا...شكراا جزيلا
By Majd B
•May 10, 2020
It was a Great course