Feb 24, 2021
This is the best course for excel beginners. Both instructors are very nice. Course is focused on essential topics and will make you strong in excel for elementary topics. Recommended for beginners.
Jun 8, 2021
Learned a great deal through this course. Lessons were set up in a very friendly and non-intimidatingly manner. Steps were very clearly explained. Liked they offered tip sheet for future reference.
By Mohammad I
•Apr 11, 2021
Absolutely Amazing. I was A noob at this software and within months, they made me A pro . Cant express how grateful I am to Coursera Community and Macquarie University .
By Peter M
•Dec 28, 2020
Excellent and quite thorough introduction to the essential skills for Excel. Highly recommend, even as someone who has used Excel in the past I learned a few new tricks.
By Yufei
•Sep 27, 2020
Very sophisticated contents and practices. The courses are flexible and easy to understand. It's a course which you can master in short time and learn the best of Excel.
By Arantxa H T
•Sep 13, 2020
The perfect course to reforce and discover the essential and basic elements of excel in a business context. I learned so many tips that my university never taught me to!
By Тенишев Т В
•Jul 23, 2020
The course turned out to be much more useful than I thought, there were a lot of things I had not known before e.g. conditional formatting and freezing panes. Thank you!
By Ahmed S
•Jul 17, 2020
excellent course for beginner. By completing this course, you will know more or less usage of every tools. Thanks to maquare university and coursera to make this happen.
By Pillai A M
•Jul 12, 2020
Very thankful to Macquarie university for having great Practice Problems and Videos which helped me learn the excel basics quick.Looking forward to Intermediate course.
By Ayoob M
•Jun 30, 2020
Very Good course, i don't know even basic concept in excel when I was enrolling .they teach steps by steps cleary and it was help easy to understand like me.
thank you
By Kazi T I
•Jun 18, 2020
I'm very to finish this course. I'm looking forward to learning more about Excel in further courses. That'snwhy I have decided to complete the rest of the three courses.
By Ragini S
•Jun 17, 2020
By Muntasir H
•May 25, 2020
it was a wonderful journey. I was thought I know basics of EXCEL. but after doing this course I realize I was wrong and I learned many basics from this course. Thank you
By Koshiya D A
•May 8, 2020
This is very very good course for excel beginer. I suggest to all if you want to learn about excel spreadsheet I must prefer this university.
Thank you.
Dharmik Koshiya
By Md. Z H M
•May 1, 2020
I learned some great stuff like how to split and freeze columns and rows, how to print the excel, and also hot to insert a chart and format it. I had a great experience.
By Aya A M E
•Apr 20, 2020
It's just a wonderful course I had no basics of excel and now I think I know about excell more than many experts
Thanks For Nicky & Jan they where such great instructors.
By Naveen Y
•Apr 15, 2020
Amazing course. It completely drives interest and motivates us to lean. The hands-on is so well designed and the explanatory videos are perfect for anyone to understand.
By Pratik J
•Mar 31, 2020
There are many things which you might think you already know but this course teaches you all the new and easy ways to do the tasks.Explained nicely with proper examples.
By Sharlene V
•Feb 10, 2020
I loved this course and I loved the lecturers. Nice and slow and easy to understand! A tough final assessment - thank you for the opportunity to learn more about Excel.
•Apr 13, 2019
I have always had a background knowledge on excel but making everything formal and professionally obtainable is "superbulous".
Kudos to MACQUARIE University.
By Timothy D M
•Oct 8, 2018
This tutorial is really helpful and self explanatory, The tutor did a really good job. Although I asked a question in the forum chat which has not been answered till now
By A. T
•Jun 17, 2018
The course is very well organized and the tasks are according selected. I won't search internet for little issues with Excel from now on. Can't wait for the second part.
By marcin d
•Mar 4, 2018
very neat introduction for absolute beginners as well as a nice recap for those with a good grasp of excel, but in need of systematizing excel vocabulary / shortcuts etc
By Tracy B
•Oct 11, 2023
If you think you know the basics of Excel (like I did), you'll be surprised at the amount of information you were missing out on! Take this course, you won't regret it.
By Israel G E
•Sep 11, 2022
Muy útil incluso si llevas años usando asiduamente excel como es mi caso, aprendes muchas cosas que no sabías y que te harán ahorrar trabajo. Lo recomiento enormemente.
By Hussain A
•Jul 17, 2022
This course gives all the necessary basics of Excel. The presentation of the instructors is very understandable. It was an enjoyable journey for me through this course.
By Daniel C
•Aug 15, 2021
I just want to say thank you very much to Nicky, Dr. Prashan, Yvonne. Great curse, you make it easy for me to learn.
Let begin Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I