Nov 7, 2020
This was a lot of fun, challenging, and very practical. I was able to start implementing the new skills I learned at work after each learning module. Can't wait to take the advanced course! Thank you!
Jun 24, 2020
The course material and assessments were just right and very useful. The course is well structured and the instructors explain things so neatly that there are no doubts left after watching the videos.
By Md. A I
•Sep 15, 2020
A lot of concepts were new to me. Found it a little bit hard to complete the assignments. But, it was worth it.
By Jamshaid A K
•Sep 6, 2020
Very much helpful and rigorous. But it gives me a sense of achievement after completing and passing the course.
By Ankit A
•Sep 8, 2018
No matter how much you know, this course for sure will add very valuable skipped parts to your excel knowledge.
By Jan C
•Nov 22, 2022
It was absolutely awesome. All the presenters have been excellent and are able to explain scenarios very well!
By Apostolos P
•Feb 14, 2021
So intresting course and little difficult at week 6 because Macros want right moves if you want to work right.
By Luis B
•Nov 14, 2020
Very good. Nicely structured. Keeps you practicing what you already learnt. Gives you new tools at every step.
By Jorge M M P
•May 3, 2021
A very usefull course, that guides you over the knowledge and gives to you a deep tool to achieve new skills.
By Viacheslav S
•May 20, 2020
This is the best Excel courses i have ever had. I'd recommend it to all my friend and even to my future kids.
By Marcello L
•Apr 9, 2020
Excellent course, well structured and lectured, plenty fun and meaningful learnings for everyday business use
•Jul 6, 2020
This course was fun to learn and intellectually challenging. Very helpful in increasing overall productivity
By Sergio A M O
•Jun 6, 2020
Very useful, great instructors and gread content. I am into the specialization (4 courses), recommended 100%
By Saeed A
•May 29, 2020
It's a great experience for me, especially the extended version of what if analysis & solver was new for me.
By Benjamin H
•May 10, 2020
Impressive! I really enjoyed the course. It was quite challenging and should be, that's how life is. Thanks!
By Sandile M
•Feb 19, 2021
Technical but fair course content. Requires a lot of attention to detail and understanding. Above all, FUN!
By Kasey W
•Nov 7, 2020
This class was hard and I was considered a pro at Excel. That shows that Excel is capable of so much more,.
By Md. H R
•Jun 3, 2020
I'm just being impressed with the courses in the specialization. This third one developed skills immensely.
By Niceson S
•May 13, 2020
Wonderful, absolutely essential, challenging and condense course!! Thank you to all who worked behind this!
By James G P
•Oct 27, 2023
This was hard! I was happy to finally finish it, the instruction was great, I just struggled with Macros.
By Abhimanyu P
•Aug 21, 2022
It is quite uniquely designed and gives valuable lessons. The assignment help develop the skills required
By Abdul-Rashid G I
•Mar 31, 2022
Learning Excel with your outfit has boosted my confidence and way of getting things done easily. Thank You
By Laima S
•Nov 29, 2020
Not such an easy course, But compelling to think and work hard. I overcame it and am very proud of myself.
By Shadman S R
•May 8, 2020
Everyone says wow. Great course, well-structured and organized to teach anyone very advanced excel skills.
By Amit L S
•Mar 13, 2020
Well designed course, brilliant teachers and structured assignments and ......
By Ilya L
•Oct 12, 2019
It was a great course! It's getting difficult and I like it. Now you have to think and solve real problems
By Asael C
•Jul 31, 2019
Al igual que los dos anteriores es un Excelente curso con un contenido completo y explicado detalladamente