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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II by Macquarie University

8,257 ratings

About the Course

Spreadsheet software remains one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software used in workplaces across the world. Learning to confidently operate this software means adding a highly valuable asset to your employability portfolio. In this third course of our Excel specialization Excel Skills for Business you will delve deeper into some of the most powerful features Excel has to offer. When you have successfully completed the course you will be able to Check for and prevent errors in spreadsheets; Create powerful automation in spreadsheets; Apply advanced formulas and conditional logic to help make informed business decisions; and Create spreadsheets that help forecast and model data. Once again, we have brought together a great teaching team that will be with you every step of the way. Nicky, Prashan and myself will guide you through each week. As we are exploring these more advanced topics, we are following Alex who is an Excel consultant called in by businesses that experience issues with their spreadsheets....

Top reviews


Nov 7, 2020

This was a lot of fun, challenging, and very practical. I was able to start implementing the new skills I learned at work after each learning module. Can't wait to take the advanced course! Thank you!


Jun 24, 2020

The course material and assessments were just right and very useful. The course is well structured and the instructors explain things so neatly that there are no doubts left after watching the videos.

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1601 - 1625 of 1,888 Reviews for Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II


Oct 7, 2020

The wording sometimes gets a little bit confusing as to what is being asked, and I definitely struggled with some of the concepts of data validation and getting the organization of what-if scenarios correct. It was a tough class! I feel I learned a lot though.

By Moataz A

Oct 20, 2018

A bit tough, maybe not very useful for everyone.. but REALLY interesting.

I meant for me, for example, I don't think I will use those MACROS for a very long time lol, but they're good to know.. and I can always come back to review them if I needed them.

By 藤野圭

Sep 8, 2019

It is a pity that Week 5 Challenge was very difficult, but there wasn't enough explanation.

Except for this, I am really satisfied with this course.

The final assessment was really tough and it took me hours to solve it, but now I am really confident.

By Edward P

Feb 4, 2021

Excellent Course once again from this team. My only suggestion for improvement would be to have a video solution for the practice assignment on macros as i really struggled to understand where i was going wrong with this. Other than that excellent.

By Jana A C

May 26, 2020

It was an excellent course and I learnt things that I was previously too intimidated to even consider looking into. However, the macros section felt a little underdeveloped. I had to supplement that part of the course with lots of outside sources.

By Clare C

Aug 15, 2019

Sometimes the practice challenge and final weeks tests were difficult because there were certain things that needed to be done that weren't taught. I understand having to figure things out, but it wasn't always clear as to what the issue might be.

By John C

Dec 25, 2019

Less consistent than the previous 2 courses. Some of the final assessments need work (as seen in the discussion forums. But the said discussion forums were super helpful and saved me a lot of time. So I may have just negated my own argument

By Anthonio V

Jul 5, 2020

This course was very useful, and helped me to learn things I did not know. However, this course needs a makeover. It needs to be much more user friendly, and not geared toward individuals who already know how to perform these tasks.

By Kazi H

Oct 26, 2019

It was a great course where i have learned new techniques that i can use in my day to day jobs. This course will enhance my excel skills which will may help me to improve my performance. I am looking forward to learn advance excel.

By Elisabeth W

Jul 23, 2024

Some was really easy and was I felt, left you hanging and needing more to get the work completed this time. Specifically in Week 5. All really good material to learn and use. The platform and structure is mostly well put together.

By Joshua C

Dec 29, 2020

Es un buen curso, se aprenden nuevas características de Microsoft Excel. Recomiendo ver desde el primer curso (Essentials) para conocer muchas cosas de esta herramienta y estar preparado cuando pase a este curso (Intermediate II).

By Avni V

Jun 16, 2020

The instructions in certain Week's Practice Challenge were vague. They must be more specific. And many concepts were not covered in the practice videos that were available in the Practice Challenge. Otherwise the course was good.

By Om U

May 5, 2020

should've focused more on macros and vba. also, practice challenge for macros was very difficult. I would've appreciated if a separate video was made to address that. all in all the course was challenging and very knowledgeable.

By Rafat H

Jan 31, 2023

Although Macros Week was a bit confusing, overall this course is amazing and it is structured neatly. you can't go wrong with learning excel, as it is not only helpful in job hunting , but it is also helpful in our daily life.

By Simón C R

May 5, 2020

This course was good, but there are some videos that are not completely clear, specially the one about relative references while recording a Macro. I had to look for a video on YouTube to solve my questions about this topic.

By Kartikay B

Jul 17, 2020

Overall, Great Information and Gradual increase in the level of the knowledge

BUT, there was a need to make the MACROS concept more clear because the practice assignment required a bit more understanding of new concepts.

By E K

Mar 31, 2020

I would prefer a few exercises where the instructions are given (create a chart showing, or based on the data given create a dashboard with this functionality) rather than the listing of step by step for each exercise.

By Holifah

Jul 25, 2020

Honestly Im having a trouble with the practice challenge for week 6 but the solution didnt really help because I still couldnt figure out what went wrong. But overall it is awesome and fantastic! super challenging

By Gretta G

Jul 26, 2019

The course was great, however, I the last chapter on Macros could have been better guided. Could have given a couple more of videos with more details. The rest was awesome. And of practical use already in place.

By Mauricio M

Apr 27, 2019

Some of the practices may have a better step to step explanation. Sometimes you try and try and never get what you're doing wrong. Beside that, I really enjoyed the course and how challenging it can be. Cheers!!

By Eduardo R O S

Nov 28, 2019

Me gusto mucho el curso ya que te enseña a usar funciones más avanzadas como ser VLOOKUP e INDEX. Sin embargo los retos al final de cada semana no están bien diseñados debido a que sus preguntas no son claras.

By Kirstine M

Jan 15, 2021

The solver section although fairly clear in the demonstration proves difficult in real-life. Perhaps additional explanation and some more examples would help, likewise with macros. Otherwise excellent.

By Sudhamsh B

Jul 25, 2018

Course was very interesting. Explanation of tough concept like solver was explained with ease.

Only thing which was not that good is the Quiz and assessment question are a bit difficult to understand.

By Juan F R P

Feb 9, 2021

The macros topic was poorly explained. In my opinion, I would have preferred watch more videos specially about how to know what kind of error we are making. The rest of the course was pretty cool.

By Juan D E A

Jul 27, 2020

A really useful course, it provides relevant information and excercises. Sometimes however the questions were missing further instructions. But overall I felt I learnt a lot. I highly recommend it