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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Exploratory Data Analysis by Johns Hopkins University

6,071 ratings

About the Course

This course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling commences and can help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed by the data. We will cover in detail the plotting systems in R as well as some of the basic principles of constructing data graphics. We will also cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to visualize high-dimensional data....

Top reviews


Sep 23, 2017

Very good course! It provide me the foundation in learning how to plot and interpret data. This will definitely strengthen my "R programming" to generate publication type figure for my genomics data!


Jul 28, 2016

This is the second course I have taken from Roger Peng and both were outstanding. I have a strong math background, but not much of a background in stats, but this course was very approachable for me.

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101 - 125 of 860 Reviews for Exploratory Data Analysis

By David J G


Feb 3, 2016

I think this is a great course. I learned a lot about data plotting and some multivariate techniques for understanding underlaying patterns of the data.

By Sandeepkumar P


Feb 1, 2016

Wonderful course with lot of graphical representation of the data. Dimensional reduction and Clustering analysis needs a bit more detailed explanation.

By Nathan D


Oct 18, 2016

Very solid class in terms of R's base plotting system. I wish Coursera offered an advanced class focusing on ggplot2 and the wider world of dat viz.

By Alfredo A


Feb 6, 2018

This was a great course. I learned how to use several graphic systems within R, and to imagine how to make clear answers to questions using plots.

By Athanasios S


Jul 16, 2018

Very good class. Of the four I've taken so far, this one has given me the most confidence that I could be successful as a data scientist/analyst.

By Alexis C


Aug 11, 2017

This was an important class because in future classes in the certification peer reviewed projects require some sort of exploratory data analysis.



May 21, 2023

nice learning course it is provide video with transcript in text and give us to do practical and submiting online i am happy to do this course

By David S


Apr 22, 2019

Great Course. Lectures did diverge from Quizes and projects but still was good practice of looking at a set of data and reporting out from it.

By Fenneken K


Feb 7, 2020

Learned a great deal. Especially on clustering.

The second project could be a little more challenging; I overestimated the answers requested.

By Ishwar N


Feb 17, 2018

Highly recommended course for budding data scientist. I loved the John Hopkins univ pedagogy and peer review system. The content is great.

By Charles K


Feb 5, 2016

Covers all the basics of visualization in R. Well structured and there is plenty of opportunity to practice your newly acquired skills.

By Donald M


Oct 16, 2020

Excellent course, it has allowed me to learn the bases to explore and analyze data.

Dear teachers thank you for sharing your knowledge

By Roman O B


Sep 10, 2017

Great overview on explonatory data analysis and preparing graphs in R. I could apply the now knowledge directly to my current work.

By Diqing F


Aug 23, 2017

The course is interesting and values practicality. The exercises and the projects really helped me a lot in grasping the knowledge!

By Nikodem L


Feb 9, 2016

This has been a great course. Accompanies by a book, it constitutes a great piece of material about exploring and visualizing data.

By Bhargava B


Apr 1, 2018

This course really helps you to learn the fundamental exploration techniques. The assignments and the examples are really helpful.

By Marat K


Dec 2, 2017

Very good introduction to Exploratory data analysis for beginners, the material is structural, lectures are interesting and useful

By Amith c


Feb 9, 2016

A Must have course for beginners in Data Exploration and Analysis. The best part is that exposure to these amazing concepts in R.



Apr 20, 2020

If you really want to learn, Coursera is the best option. There is a myriad of options and sources this specialization provide.

By Ted M


Oct 5, 2016

The lectures in this course included theory and examples on PCA and SVD - however this was missing from the practical materials

By Juan H


Sep 16, 2021

Excelente curso, si deseas aprender a exlporar tus datos este es el curso que debes tomar. Muchas gracias por la oporrtunidad.

By Oscar A


Aug 21, 2020

If you want to know how to use plotting systems like ggplot2 and how to explore your raw data, this course is really Useful!!

By Marta R


Jun 28, 2019

Really good course, with amazing videos and examples. I have learned a lot and I think the projects were really interesting.

By Kevin C


Mar 28, 2016

This was an excellent course full of useful exercises, assignments and lectures. I took these classes for the data analysis

By Andaru P


Feb 12, 2016

basic plotting and getting the feel of data, this course really helped tackling that and seeing perspective in data analysis