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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 3 by Curtis Institute of Music

117 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Part 3 of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas! I'm delighted to launch another set of new lectures of this course as Part 3. As before, this class is meant for people of all levels of experience with Beethoven's music (including no experience at all!). Remember that you are able to watch the lectures as many times as you like, at whatever pace is comfortable for you. As I’ve done with the first two sets of Beethoven lectures, I look forward to meeting with students—online and in person, in various cities. The dates and locations will be posted in the Announcements and Events section, as part of the course content. So please remember to check back there for details. In these four new lectures, we will explore the following sonatas: • Sonata Op. 10, No. 1 • Sonata Op. 22 • Sonata Op. 31, No. 2 • Sonata Opp. 78, 79, 81a The Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation supports Curtis’s lifelong learning initiatives....

Top reviews


Feb 17, 2021

Another fantastic instalment of this series. Jonathan's a great guide -- learned, witty and fully in touch with the music. Pitched at just the right level for the interested amateur.


Feb 22, 2018

I've studied classical piano for years, as a kid and now as an old person. I've never experienced anything in music so nicely combining the enlightening and the exhilarating.

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1 - 25 of 28 Reviews for Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas Part 3

By Tristan K


Jul 28, 2020

Jonathan Biss has inspired me to be a better musician through his sheer breadth of information, talent and emotion regarding these sonatas. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Biss and Curtis Institute for furnishing these lectures and providing laypeople, musicians, and aspiring composers like myself with masterful demonstrations and pertinent information. I am confident that the knowledge gained in these sonata appreciation lectures, paired with skill, drive and a goal to keep learning as I keep creating, will help me to be a much better composer.

By Susan L


Nov 3, 2020

Mr. Biss is uniquely qualified to guide students from all walks of life through Beethoven and his sonatas. His lectures and demonstrations are well conceived and executed. Each segment is a real pleasure to enjoy and to engage with and to learn from. Thank you for making these courses available. I look forward to the next in the series.

By Muskan C


Jul 3, 2020

I was so excited to do this 3rd installment of the course since I enjoyed the first two! Again, Mr. Biss delves beautifully into Beethoven's life and his sonatas that makes me more confident while listening his pieces and in understanding them. I'm so ready to begin with the 4th part, now!

By Robin P


Nov 22, 2018

Jonathan is just stellar in the way he conveys his passion and deep insight into Beethoven's mind. I enjoyed so much this course, I would take any other course that Jonathan produces without blinking. A millions thanks !

By Joy S


Mar 2, 2018

instructor's ability to just sit down and play whatever bit of Beethoven he wants is impressive. Very, very knowledgeable. Like to see him give classes on other classical composers. One thing: hate the beard.

By Russell M


Feb 23, 2018

I've studied classical piano for years, as a kid and now as an old person. I've never experienced anything in music so nicely combining the enlightening and the exhilarating.

By Vedran S


Feb 24, 2018

The instructor and the course are fantastic! I would highly recommend this installment of Exploring Beethoven's Piano Sonatas (as well as the previous two).

By Barend


Apr 12, 2018

Like part 1 and 2, this deep insights in Beethoven's Piano Sonatas by Jonathan Biss, and the way how he explains them, is all of superb quality

By Jak K


May 12, 2019

Superb! With great insight, erudition, virtuosity, and humour, Jonathan Biss inspires and delights. It doesn't get better than this!

By Roberto S


Mar 3, 2018

Great little course to delve into the fascinating world of Beethoven´s music, by the hand of one of the best experts in the field.

By nelly m


Jan 28, 2018

It is a auditive and sensory pleasure to attend these courses hosted by Johnathan Biss. And the learning experience is superb!

By Evelyn l


Sep 22, 2021

For a long time I avoided playing Beethoven sonatas because I had no affinity for them. Prof Bliss was able to provide interesting facts about each sonata shedding light into Beethoven's ingenuity and "tricks" so to speak, inspiring me to explore them more deeply. I appreciate this very much. There are couple of tests that have a D question that either is incomplete or makes no sense. I also wonder if the text is available so I can use them as I study them. Ditto of the test questions and correct answers.

Evelyn Lee

By Anne E


Aug 7, 2022

This series of courses continues to be outstanding. Biss's exciting, inspiring lecturing and playing of these sonatas has motivated me to start studying piano again for the first time since I was a teenager. I'm so grateful to him for reviving my interest in learning how to play some of these sonatas.

By Mark A


Feb 18, 2021

Another fantastic instalment of this series. Jonathan's a great guide -- learned, witty and fully in touch with the music. Pitched at just the right level for the interested amateur.

By Priscilla C


Feb 11, 2018

Johnathan's Biss's lectures are fantastic and transmit his enthusiasm, profound knowledge, and love for Beethoven's sonatas

By Samuel F


Mar 4, 2018

I'd watch anything with Jonathan Biss.

Some of Bach's music? Mozart? Chopin?

Anything piano related would be great

By Zully Y d l R G


Nov 20, 2020

Interesante análisis de las sonatas de Beethoven. Muy didáctico y útil para interpretar mejor las sonatas.

By Ellen M


Jun 2, 2022

again, wonderful analysis of sonatas. Insight on comparison to other Beethoven works.

By joseclon


Oct 25, 2018

I want to thank Mr. Biss and Curtis Institute for this great course.

By Harry K


Mar 24, 2018

Highest Quality in lecture and understanding of Beethoven sonatas.

By Fok s k


Feb 18, 2018

Great professor with passion on Beethoven's music. I love it.

By Robert S


May 7, 2018

Jonathan is awesome! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

By Weixiang X


Jun 7, 2018

Fantastic lecturer, very good analysis on the pieces.

By Virginia M


Mar 23, 2021

Great course, great teacher! Thanks, Coursera!

By Richard G


Dec 1, 2019

Excellent content and terrific presentation.