Dec 22, 2017
This course was very informative and provided just the right amount of challenge for me to stretch my creativity and newly obtained knowledge. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next course.
May 31, 2020
It's a very good course for beginners and I got to learn a lot and improve my photography in every way possible! I recommend it to everyone who's interested in Photography and want to do more with it.
By Bylent S
•May 1, 2021
thank you so much for helping me , this course give me a lot of information about photography and cameras.
By Anjelica W
•Apr 26, 2021
I never knew there was so much to learn about a camera I gladly take this course again I had learned a lot
•Sep 1, 2020
Un muy buen curso. Me gustó mucho por la simplicidad de las explicaciones y lo completo de los contenidos.
By Aleem A
•Apr 11, 2016
Learnt some very basic info about my DSLR other than the basics, but nether the less its nice to know what
By Bhuman S
•Nov 18, 2020
It was relly a good platform for me to learn from coursea,I relly enjoyed it and would like to thank all.
By Maru M
•Jan 24, 2019
I love hoe you can learn in your time and how you have access whenever you want, and where ever you are!
By Binoy v
•Jul 14, 2021
Thank you” to the Professor who provided us all with support, guidance and precious photography lessons.
By B.Pasindu S
•Oct 27, 2020
I got new knowledge and more thing about photography and how to get photos with rules, Its great course.
By Yogesh S
•Sep 15, 2020
Thank you, had a wonderful experience learning this course with great expertise team and their
teaching .
By ezzadnauruzi n
•Jan 2, 2020
thanks i love this course ,i have a suggestion please explain some lesson with more illustration thanks
By DreAnn C
•May 14, 2018
I really enjoyed this course!! In just the first course you have transformed my camera and how I use it.
By Jetromus J S B
•Jun 24, 2016
This course is awesome. Thank you for being so helpful! I learned a lot and the professors are so great!
By Furkan K
•Nov 28, 2022
Thank you to my teachers and Michigan State University who have given me good information for my career
By Sebastien P E H
•Nov 18, 2020
Thank you professor Mark Valentine Sullivan & Peter Glendinning for teaching me this amazing course :-)
By Kavya
•Nov 15, 2020
It was very interested course of photography i just loved by clicking the photos
thanks for this course
By Xik-ti-Amro
•Oct 11, 2020
it was an amazing experience. Thanks a lot for the opportunity you people give us .. thank you so mjuch
By The J
•Sep 19, 2021
I learned so much from the instructors and even more from the peer review. Thanks for the opportunity.
By Paolo M
•Aug 10, 2021
A good introductory course to photography. The basic concepts are well exposed by skilled professors.
By Andreja Z
•Aug 17, 2020
The professors are amazing and the information provided is core to any photographer. Highly recommend!
By V�ctor C S V
•Jul 31, 2020
Exelente muy completo este curso de fotografias, gracias a los dos profesores, Glendinning y Sullivan
By Marcy W
•Apr 30, 2018
Sometimes find it difficult to be judged by others, I wish that the professors would grade the photos.
By Rup K B
•Apr 8, 2017
This course a must have package for those who want to produce magic out of their camera or smartphone.
By Abhikeshwar A K
•Jul 6, 2020
Great course especially for beginners. But just attending the course isnt enough. Practice is a must.
By rami h a
•Jun 11, 2017
It is a super course , provide all basics in details to understand the camera and photography world.
By Elisha D
•Oct 5, 2020
Definitely will enroll in the next course. Thank you very much for the very knowledgeable lecturers!