Jun 11, 2020
Finance is my fav subject. In this course lectures are very good in explaintation. the quize and practical exam are very easy and they have answer for final quize it's very useful to refer.
May 17, 2020
The course can be taken up by any person irrespective of the stream he/she belongs to. All the topics were well explained along with real life examples. The instructor was excellent.
•May 5, 2020
I like the course, it includes good examples and explain all the financial formulas and terms.
By Sushruthan U
•May 2, 2018
A great course for those who want to start their understanding of finance.
By Ciyad M S
•Jun 16, 2020
The course is designed in such a way with relevant topics and simple examples. Additional topics with more focus on Equity and Bond markets may be included
By Dylan R S
•Jun 1, 2017
Wonderful introduction to finance - including global context and basic formulas.
By Sri v .
•Jun 12, 2020
Finance is my fav subject. In this course lectures are very good in explaintation. the quize and practical exam are very easy and they have answer for final quize it's very useful to refer.
By Abantika R
•May 17, 2020
The course can be taken up by any person irrespective of the stream he/she belongs to. All the topics were well explained along with real life examples. The instructor was excellent.
By Nabila R S
•Jun 6, 2020
I liked this course very much. I have learnt many things which will surely help in future. Those who are interested to know about Finance can definitely try this course.
By Dikeledi S
•Jul 12, 2020
I have learned a lot , not only about financial literacy and my personal financial decisions but also about decisions made in corporate
By Islam M A
•Nov 18, 2018
To be honest, Finance is tuff material. that's why I put 3 stars only, the lecturer is great but I think I have a problem with finance.
By Shahzaman
•May 2, 2020
i would rate this course 5 starts. and i have rated. they way Sir Arshad taught was amazing and a bit challenging as well. i faced challenging questions because all the questions were handmade and you are not gonna find a single answer on internet. so, i am very glad to had this teacher and i am looking forward to attend next course Financial Markets.
By Charles W
•Jul 12, 2020
Although the title of the course is called: For everyone, it's actually elaborate, profound and a little bit difficult when understanding some notions and do calculations, which haunt me usually. But the quiz illustration solved me many bewilderment instantaneously, I will continue studying this specialization to explore more knowledge in this area.
By Sajjad H S
•Aug 26, 2020
This is my second course I have rated 5 Star and interestingly the first one was also from McMaster University (Mindshift) The course content was very well structured, well balanced between history, theory concepts and practical problem solving techniques. As I said in one of my posts, "I want to be able to teach like Arshad when I grow up :)".
By Shavindi N I
•Jul 14, 2020
Lectures are not so complicated so the beginners also can go through the course and anyone could get a proper understanding about finance. The videos, lectures were really good. The relevant formulas were taught very well in a simple manner. The instructor is also extremely good.
By Dr. G N M
•Aug 4, 2020
I have nothing but good things to say about my experience with Coursera. I have loved the learning I have been able to do and look forward to taking many more classes with them ... I don't understand the reviews with low ratings. I have never had any problems with them.
By Melissa H B
•Aug 26, 2020
I absolutely loved it, this course is time friendly. You don't feel like you have more work than you are able to do. And if you now nothing about finances is nice for you to get trough all these courses easily.
By Swetha B
•Sep 17, 2020
It's gives the more help learners to got a depth information and about the fianance.
And also provide the lot of calculation to got the with formulas also and we learn easy method and usefull the real-life .
By Romero M E
•Mar 11, 2021
Excelente Curso de aprendizaje para poder comprender los criterios basicos del las finanzas
Buen material y las explicaciones muy congruentes con el material de apoyo
By Guna S
•Oct 1, 2020
It was a good learning experience. I have learned many new concepts which will be helpful in the future and the teaching way was also easy.
•Jul 10, 2020
This course truly shows an insight to the financial world,concepts made easy to understand with a lot of help through lectures and quiz
•Jun 4, 2020
By Chinmoyee A
•Oct 22, 2020
the instructor is fabulous and has covered every topic possible can't wait to learn further from this specialization.
•Oct 10, 2020
The lessons were very well placed and the lecturer really did a good job in making the content easily understandable
By Anlys M
•Aug 23, 2020
Loved it learned so much. I love how this course makes you think and apply what you have learned in real life.
By Naimur R H
•Aug 7, 2020
"Great if fairly strange class.""Great class - new appreciation for for actors in combat and their art."