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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Financial Markets by Yale University

29,868 ratings

About the Course

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. The ultimate goal of this course is using such industries effectively and towards a better society....

Top reviews


Oct 25, 2021

This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance


Mar 9, 2021

This course is easy to follow and interesting. Professor Shiller is very motivating. It not teaching about finance but more importantly how finance can build a better life for all. Really recommended.

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5901 - 5925 of 6,620 Reviews for Financial Markets

By Marco L R


May 4, 2021

A good introduction to the world of finance that makes you want to continue studying this subject in more depth. A course taught by a great teacher who is very enjoyable when he teaches his classes. Thanks for everything.

Una buena introducción al mundo de las finanzas que hace que apetezca seguir estudiando esta materia más profundamente. Un curso impartido por un gran profesor que resulta muy ameno cuando imparte sus clases. Gracias por todo.

By Karim T


Feb 11, 2021

I have just completed this course and was very happy with it. It's informative and pretty comprehensive. It covers most of the main themes of Financial Markets and gave me a better understanding of how Economics and Governments play an important role. The only negative is that the tests taken after each module should be returned without answers so the student has to research more before re-submitting. Overall very happy.

By Palak G


May 20, 2020

A great beginner-level course which can be completed and understood by anyone. No pre-requisites or prior knowledge in economics or finance is needed to take this course. A person from any background interested in learning about global financial markets can take this course. The course may not cover the depth of the topics, but covers the breath and provides a basic understanding of almost all the financial instruments.

By Jonas H


Jan 21, 2021

Der Kurs hat sehr viel Freude bereitet, insbesondere der Dozent überzeugte durch seine Kompetenz und ansprechende Gestaltung der Vorträge.

Leider waren die deutschen Untertitel miserabel, weshalb es einiges - aufgrund meiner schlechten Englischkenntnisse - gab, was ich nicht verstanden habe.

Mir hätte es noch etwas besser gefallen, wenn einzelne Themen genauer behandel würden, im Gegenzug einige andere rausgestrichen.

By Dimitris M


Feb 12, 2022

Robert J. Shiller is a great professor with a unique style to teach. He provides though provoking material that creates the need for the viewer to search and gain more knowledge through the period of the course. The only drawback that i would pintpoint in the format of the course is the transition of some topics in the videos provided. There were times that i would want a more focus transition into different topics.

By Gaurav C


Nov 10, 2019

Very good overview of financial markets with details on historical origins as well. Prof. Sheller has very natural teaching style and content covers a lot of topics. For many places in course it feels like bits and pieces were stitched together and few lectures reference to topics which are not part of videos on the coursera content but might be part of actual class. Overall very educative course.

By Aykut D


Mar 1, 2025

I would have liked if they included more real life examples involving the tutor of the course, slowly working out cases. A deeper dive into portfolio building towards different individual goals would also be highly appreciated. Overall, I benefited greatly from the course and am thankful to Coursera team and Prof. Shiller for their efforts in making such information available to wider audiences.

By Deniz K


May 11, 2020

It was actually quite good, but as an international business student with a major in international finance it was not that complicated, still had a lot of joy throughout the course, prof. shiller is very good in lecturing. There were some videos, where it was a little bit boring because, all of the rules and laws are US specified (as a german student not that interesting). Still recommend it (Y)

By Rishi K


Dec 12, 2022

A course taught by Prof. Robert J Shiller a Nobel Laureate was one of the most exciting thing about this course and he taught exceptionally well, like you expect from a Yale University Professor. This course certainly helped me to again knowledge about basic finance and financial markets. Rating it four stars because at times it got boring, well it was expected from a Finance course. Thank you.

By Lam A T


May 5, 2020

I had a good experience learning in this course , the lecture could improve a little more ,i find some part of it very informative and detail ,and some part that doesn't explain too well, but overall this course help me improve my basic financial background and various financial instrumental. Thanks you professor and anyone involve in making this course .It was really good experience for me.

By Ritesh C


Aug 29, 2024

This journey has deepened my understanding of the complexities of financial markets, risk management, behavioral finance, and the role of institutions in the global economy. A big thank you to Professor Robert Shiller and the entire Yale team for this enriching experience. I'm eager to apply these insights to my professional endeavors and continue learning in this ever-evolving field.

By Aaron G


Apr 26, 2020

Was good at covering a broader overview of the financial markets. However, there was not much mathematical rigor and the assessments were extremely easy in comparison to Yale's Open Course tests for their equivalent Financial Markets (ECON252).

However, this was a fantastic intro to gaining some insights into the bigger picture of the financial world and its various roles and rules.

By James M


Jan 24, 2019

Shiller is definitely an interesting lecturer - he gives real-life examples and personals stories that helps explain how concepts are applied in the financial world today. One drawback is the lack of reading material/supplementary text; sometimes content presented in lectures can be too abstract/confusing to rely only on lecture content. Otherwise, solid introductory course.

By Sonal P


Jun 17, 2020

I have learned so much about financial markets in short time.also gained much knowledge about economic theory, insurance, mortgage and more importantly crisis.

How to deal with such situation taught genuinely.

I'm so glad that I joined this course and learned that finance is not just about making money but also about helping others, serving others who serves others .

By Satyan I


Aug 15, 2021

It was a privilege to learn from such an esteemed faculty. I found the course a bit challenging at times as I am not an Economics student and there were certain concepts/formulae being explained that were too technical and I needed to take the help of Google to understand. The course was very helpful in helping me grasp the concepts related to financial markets.

By Jessica V F


Nov 18, 2022

I learned a lot from this course. The only thing i would change or would like to see different is that some of the test questions were not matching up with what was taught or explained very well in the lecture video, especially the math questions. As coming from someone who has not been in school for quite some time. I found it a bit difficult to understand.

By Edwin L P


Jul 24, 2020

Professor Schiller shares his extensive experience of a complex subject in a stimulating and informative manner.

If you have investments or value a secure foundation of knowledge for your future financial security he is an inspirational educator.

I value the role of empathy towards others as an important value he considers during the lecture series.

By Martin S


Oct 20, 2020

Very engaging professor, lots of contents with just the right amount of depth: financial products and relationships explained, but not too technical. A broad overview that's sasy enough to follow for beginners like me.

What I did miss though are detailed case studies of problems I can relate to (buy or not buy, pick insurance, investments).

By Rohit S


Apr 7, 2024

this course will give you deep insight into financial markets and all the different aspects of real estate, stock markets, government bonds, market crashes, insurance policies, etc. I want to add this certification to my resume but I can't afford to buy this certification from Coursera I need financial aid options it's not showing.

By Chaitaly A


Mar 21, 2018

This course is very beneficial to understand the basics of financial markets and the various elements and terms associated with financial markets. It would be even better if certain course reads are provided, for which the student need not buy a book. Reading material, would be very helpful in gaining maximum out of this course.

By Tyler C


Jul 8, 2020

This course feels a bit disjointed at times. Sometimes one lecture doesn't seem to flow into the next lecture. Having said that, I learned a lot about the basics of finance by taking this class and having open to look up the terms I didn't know! I would recommend. Overall, Professor Schiller is a good teacher.

By Gina L F


Sep 14, 2024

Very informative and great for the beginner to learn the financial market. I am glad that I took this course as I have a better understanding of the financial market and how it operates. Mr. Shiller gave a wealth of knowledge and it was easy for me to understand. I also enjoyed the student questions and answers as well.

By Imani D


Mar 3, 2025

Very thorough course on financial markets and the root factors that led to the origination of various financial mechanisms and dynamics we see today. I appreciated the holistic approach in the course that covered key fundamentals. From this foundation you can delve into specific areas of focus that you find compelling.

By Ritwik K P


May 31, 2019

Introduction to Financial Markets is a well realized introductory course for sophomores interested in finance. Robert Shiller's course provides with a rough overview of major concepts. The topics are also leisurely paced while the quizes and assignments, not tiresome. It has been a pleasure to complete the course.

By Pedro V G


Feb 4, 2019

I do not rate the course with 5 stars simply because I cannot apply what I have learned to my daily duties, te purpose in my case was to have an overview of a core part of the company I work for. Otherwise if you are a person involved in financial markets it is a must! (and highly for beginners and curious minds)