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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Financial Markets by Yale University

29,868 ratings

About the Course

An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. The ultimate goal of this course is using such industries effectively and towards a better society....

Top reviews


Aug 19, 2020

Curso perfeito em todos os aspectos, me introduziu ao mercado financeiro e me fez querer escolher essa área para atuar. Robert Shiller merece o posto de maiores economistas que temos, pessoa incrível.


May 9, 2020

This course is so useful to know about finance in depth it gives more examples about the finance . It help to make more decision in finance market. It also motivate students to attract towards finance

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6426 - 6450 of 6,618 Reviews for Financial Markets

By nascsshilpa c

May 18, 2021


By Eshan P

Sep 20, 2020


By afif p

Aug 29, 2020


By Nisha S

Aug 17, 2020


By Parth G

Jul 10, 2020


By Bharanidharan M

Jun 21, 2020


By แชมป์ น

Jun 18, 2020



Jun 17, 2020



May 22, 2020


By Thirividi S S

May 8, 2020


By ayoub m

May 20, 2022


By Diu N

Nov 10, 2022



Jan 28, 2022


By Birender S

Jul 12, 2021

By Shubhangi S

Jul 4, 2021


By Felipe N d A

Jun 10, 2020



Aug 21, 2019



Oct 9, 2024

It is a very good general course in finance. It spans a very broad area of finance and while it is addressed to undergraduates or beginners in the field, it does contain some elements just like the capm for example that in order to understand them you should have a previous idea. In order to fully understand it and take the most of it you should study some concepts on your own. In my case, which I work in banks credit departments for 14 years, have an MSC in Finance and wanted to take the course for refreshening my knowledge, it was fun. Moreover the professor is reknowned and most importantly it did broadened my view in finance concerning its social aspect and the way it can be used as a tool for improving peoples lives.

By HolfTa 9

Dec 10, 2023

Although it was an in depth course it is very conservative with the teaching methods, it was hard to follow, sometimes the slides had very different texts that was talked about. I know from myself that I dislike this style of teaching, so it is a bit hard to give an objective rating. I found great that you had students there to make a sort of interactive feel to the lecture, however the audio got bad quality at those parts. The material itself was pretty wide, it was very heavily focused on US which was a bit of a shame, I was looking for a more general understanding, but I think the examples were quite helpful.

By John C

Mar 15, 2022

Excellent course if you already have a strong scholastic or professional understanding of both economics and statistical analysis. This course is not suitable for individuals who are looking for a general understanding of the way that financial markets work that doesn't stray very far into the weeds of statistical analysis and math. Unfortunately, the graduate assistant, who is suppose to guide those of us that are less math-oriuented, through those weeds only serves to complicate matters more by offer explanations that is overly reliant on statisical terms that are just as indeciperable.

By Shivendra S

Sep 8, 2020

Professor Shiller is no doubt brilliant, but the style of presentation leaves a lot to be desired. This is not helped by the fact that so many videos end abruptly, usually halfway through a sentence. I also found that the actually interesting information on financial markets was tucked away in the last few modules - the rest of the course is more focused on economics theory and statistics - something that could be made clearer on the course information page.

By Ege B

Aug 7, 2020

The course intends to talk about a lot of topics in an insufficient time without enough explanations and examples. It is really hard to catch up for someone without a finance background. It does not make any sense to squeeze financial markets as a whole into a few hours if it's not possible. Maybe you should re-consider if this course can be taken by everyone regardless of having basic finance knowledge.

By Kavya S

Mar 26, 2020

Robert Shiller is an excellent professor with a wealth of knowledge and experience. The concept specifications by Teaching Assistant Arun were helpful. The idea of showing other students' questions to Professor Shiller, was excellent. The course has advanced information which is sometimes too high-level for beginners to understand. Mathematical formulas are not explained much in detail.

By David S

Sep 25, 2024

The topics are explained well enough and seem broad, but I felt there was no structure, context, or continuity in the course. It seems like a series of one-off videos that were strung together, rather than a deliberately planned university course. I didn't continue past the first module but would revisit a future version of the course if they made improvements.