May 10, 2021
this course is really beneficial, I highly recommend it to people of any age. I was in doubt about it because I read it is good for young people, but I learned a lot from this course. Thank you all.
Jan 2, 2021
I learned a lot, things are very well explained and slow so that you don't miss anything and so that you understand everything perfectly. Its perfect for beginners and for young adults.
By Mohammed S
•Mar 6, 2017
3 stars because this course is standardized towards Financial Planning in USA. I am not from USA.. most of the terms do not match.
By Aditya T
•Jan 24, 2019
Way too basic. Good for kids entering college not young adults in their 20s working
By Mark R B
•Feb 7, 2017
Course overview should note that this course is only suitable for people with ZERO financial literacy. Anyone who has ANY level of basic financial literacy should not bother with this course.
By Carmen A
•Apr 8, 2019
The course is well organized for people to understand the basics of financial planning. The teachers were very helpful and the discussions and graded activities did help a lot. They also give really good material and websites to learn more in depth if you want to. I took the course to see if I could start making my way to CFP and there is a module that explains very clear what you need to do and how your life could be if you decide to take that path which helped me a lot making my decision. I recommend it to young adults, adults, or people who, like me, wants to see what CFP is about. This course can help you make a plan for your life.
By David H
•Dec 21, 2020
What a wonderful introduction to financial concepts and the world of personal finance. If you take this course, you will learn something new every week and will not be disappointed!
By Olivia D K
•May 25, 2020
Uninteresting, useless and painfully boring. Some topics were embarrassingly out of date or excruciatingly rudimentary. Videos were lackluster and the teachers were too distracted by their prompt cards and scripts to show any sign of interest in their topic. I definitely need more courses to expand on the few things I did learn.
By yuyin y
•Feb 8, 2021
The course is good but could you please remove the graded peer review? I hate it when I can't get full score because of peer rating and there is no way to discuss and change it.
•Apr 23, 2020
It was a wonderful course offered by University of Illinois . It was a practical course and has helped me learn a lot of new concepts and widen my horizon of learning.
•May 11, 2020
The course only on US-based though they providing the course throughout the world. So they might have to think about the financial system of third world countries too.
By Brian T
•Jul 10, 2017
Too generic and basic, this felt more like a high school course
By Amber Y
•Jul 5, 2017
It's not informative.
By yash m
•Oct 12, 2017
All my friends, who want to secure your life with the proper financial management.
this is the best course for all. very simple, nice understandable videos with real time examples.
good discussion forum, almost everything best, nice website to learn, best experience with coursera.
thank you very much.
all the above statements are true and written by experiencing the course.
By Simone S
•Jun 22, 2020
I really enjoyed the course throughout its duration, the teachers are easy to understand even for a non-english (I'm Italian). I look forward to put the skills I've acquired to use!
By Bobo
•Jan 7, 2021
There were many new interesting information that I have gained from this course. I benefitted from some of this information to better manage my money, but I did not feel that I belong to this course completely. True for some points they mentioned that they are for USA citizens, but that is not my problem. Nor my problem is that they include information for more people in different case scenarios, but it all felt very Western to me. As a person from the Eastern hemisphere, I did not feel that I completely belong to this course. There were many times that I skipped through the lectures because I knew they were not for me, especially not the current me. They might benefit me in the future and I can look back to them. Some information were very basic and kind of shocked me that the lecturer went on too long on them, but I cannot speak for every citizen. The course teaches on multiple things that can benefit even older people that have not gotten into the basic of their finance. I liked that there were quizzes that we can take to better understand ourselves and I shared some of them with my family members so we can compare and all of understand ourselves, especially our money personality type. It is good to hold onto the information gained from this course and it is good that you can access your courses anytime later in life. This course can be most beneficial for those who are starting to work.
By Clarence A
•Nov 16, 2020
Great especially if you're not very financially literate. The course breaks it down to manageable pieces that makes everything feel doable - even if it formerly scared me to think about my finances. Absolutely can attribute my future budgeting knowledge to this course.
By Saurabh V
•May 9, 2021
Amazing course highly recommended for all students, youth, teens so they have the knowledge prior before getting to the stage where they actually need to execute these things and save
By Temesgn E T
•Jun 27, 2020
This course has truly been a life changing course and really so thankful for the lecturers and tutors who have passionately put their enthusiastic work to benefit someone like myself to be able to study about financial planning and how financial world works.
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to be in charge of their finances and money, it has helped me to gain and build up the knowledge I have Wanted. Thank You
By Nha V
•May 11, 2020
Thank you very much. The instructors go straight to the points. The lectures are very organized and well planned. The language used throughout the course is easy to understand. Videos support a lot of lecture materials and emphasize more what are covered in the lectures. Questions on the quizzes are clear and understandable.
By Raisul A
•Jul 19, 2020
It is a very good course that I have audited and personally I think the instructors are really good at explaining their expertises. I enjoyed the interviews and the real-life scenarios that they showed us and I geninuely think I will utilize this for the next section in my life.
By Sam W
•Jul 3, 2020
Very applicable to those about to finish up with college, or even high school students for that matter. Also for young adults just starting out in their careers; get yo money straight! If you do it now (in your 20s) you'll be thanking yourself if/when you retire.
By Julea C
•Jul 19, 2020
It was very helpful and helped provide deeper insights on things I already new or the things I didn't. I would 10/10 recommend this for lifestyle purposes!
•May 22, 2020
This course is for beginners who have no idea of handling money. It gives explanation of different financial we should be aware of before starting your financial life. Doesn't cover any specific plan or strategy but gives an overview of all the terms involved in personal financial world.
•Sep 18, 2020
I liked the course very much. It covered all the major aspects of Financial Planning with focus on young adults as the course name suggests. The concepts were easy to understand and real life scenarios as well as the interviews really helped in gauging the perception of people towards financial planning.
By Patrick K
•Jan 20, 2020
Very glad I took this course in college I feel much more prepared than I feel others my age are and feel prepared to start saving and investing early.
By Laurinda
•Apr 3, 2018
Loved this class. Appreciate so much that it was so practical. A basic class, but thorough. Just what I needed.