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Learner Reviews & Feedback for FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services by Copenhagen Business School

1,161 ratings

About the Course

The FinTech revolution is rapidly transforming the financial industry. The use of digital technologies is the norm, and together with regulatory and market changes it is creating a revolution. After completion of the module, you'll be able to: describe the changes that influence the financial sector, understand the complexity of the payment infrastructure, identify and explain the key payment instruments and how they function, understand the types of money that exits, and recognize changes in the regulatory frameworks and how they inhibit or promote innovation. To begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. A good place to start is the navigation bar on the left. Click Course Content to see what material we’ll cover each week, as well preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum! This course should take about four weeks to complete. You can check out the recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the lessons and assignments you’ll complete each week. By the time you finish this course, you’ll have mastered mastered the transformational forces of digitalization and the new competitive dynamics it gives rise to, learned from leading financial companies and seen inspirational examples from the digital masters. Good luck as you get started. I look forward to seeing you in class!...

Top reviews


May 30, 2019

The assessments were excellent. Initially, I did have hesitation in getting started, but got hooked to the assessments. Thank you to Kavya and Steve, our Program Managers who encouraged us everyday.


Apr 22, 2019

complete view of the businesses related to each type, separated into different sections, but with a clear explanations that the different types are interlinked into a bigger picture

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201 - 225 of 318 Reviews for FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services

By Choongo M


May 5, 2020

Very good introductory course to the FinTech disruption.

By Elif A U


Jul 14, 2023

Good course, although some of its content was outdated.

By Rauf N


Feb 15, 2018

Interesting and very educative at the foundation level.

By Abdullah H A R


Oct 4, 2022

It was an informative course which have been helpful.

By Fabio B


May 23, 2019

A bit more material for study would help a lot.

By Lina M


Jun 20, 2020

Literature and business cases are not updated.

By Victoire C


Nov 18, 2021

Good. Better with COVID situation updates

By Rey M S


Oct 21, 2020

a very interesting and challenging..😊😊

By Grace E


Jun 27, 2020

I really enjoyed the course and content.

By Yudha S


Jul 8, 2019

having many new insights by this course

By Sara A


Feb 7, 2021

I learn about important new things

By Melvin M


Apr 28, 2020

excellent course, nicely presented

By Jurgita Z


Apr 17, 2021

Some videos don't exist any more

By Jaydeep N P


Jun 6, 2020

Can be updated with latest data

By Jane K T


Jun 15, 2021

Quite compact & understandable

By Swetlana F


Jul 17, 2019

Too much of reading than video

By Samra A R H


Sep 25, 2021

it was a great experience

By Victor H


Oct 14, 2019

Thank you very much

By Juan I F L


Jul 22, 2018




Nov 13, 2024


By Sourabh B


Feb 10, 2020

Overall the design of the module is very nice, and they are stacked in an organized way. The way they are taught are also very helpful and easy to understand.

However here are some key issues:

I) Some of the press articles / white papers are quite dated – as old as 2012. Naturally, some of them have lost their relevance in today’s time (more so when we are discussing about digital disruption in Financial Services sector). These materials should get replaced with more relevant content.

II) The YouTube video tutorials on Applepay does not work anymore (a message pops up – This video is private)

III) All three links on the implications (implications for banks, customers and society) of Open Banking do not work, and there are questions on the assessment section on this implication part. It’s difficult to answer a question without going through the materials offered.

IV) Certain questions on the assessment sections are carrying grammatical mistakes (eg. for the final assessment module of Week 2 - Money Makes the World go Around, Q3, Q11 are wrongly framed). Though one can understand the questions, however wrong English is not desirable from an Institution offering Education

V) The framework on few of the questions are difficult to understand. There is a question on Core Banking Activities, I could not figure out the right answer. But I believe I have fair knowledge on what is Core Banking. I could not find out a way on how I can get the answer that is right according to Coursera. So once candidates completes their assessment, there should be a way to know the correct answer in case someone is unable to answer the right. I am not sure if there is a way to find out the right answer post completion of assessment.

VI) There are few questions who have lost the present day context. An example – there is a question on whether present day banks are equipped to offer a gamut of digital solutions to its customers with the option to choose from Yes or No. In present day context, it cannot be said that today’s banks are completely ill-equipped to offer such services, as a lot of banks / financial institutions have made significant developments in digital offerings (payments, eKYC, mobile apps etc.). Hence for such questions, there should be relevance with present day context.

I hope Coursera will look into this.



May 23, 2018

Considero que el curso da una visión general en cuanto a lo que tiene que ver con innovación financiera, pero me hubiera gustado entender mejor qué Fintechs están siendo realmente exitosas y cómo lo han logrado, al igual que la forma en la que las instituciones financieras pueden colaborar con este tipo de empresas para delegarles aquéllos servicios financieros que éstas pueden hacer mejor, de forma más rápida y económica. Tenía como expectativa conocer el mundo de las Fintechs en mayor detalle y además me hubiera gustado que el curso hubiera sido más dinámico.

By Cláudia T


Jul 29, 2021

Unfortunately not met my expectations since most of the course was based on reading articles which most of them were outdated (like from 2014, wikipedia source) so it was quite disappointing.

I have done other course before named The Future of Payment Technologies (by University of Michigan) which was more based on videos by the instructor, very well structured and more self-explained.

By D W


Sep 4, 2019

Some of the contents are pretty well designed and contains rich scope of information, can help to deepen the understanding of the industry, but there are some useful resources with breaking links which is a pity and some quiz are really badly designed with larges of confisions and no practical meanings, especially in the week 4, I wasted lots of time on that.

By Vivek P


Jul 8, 2021

Course is informative, however the text has many typos and spelling errors, some even in the quizzes. The design of the quizzes also lack some clarity. When we have questions with 'select all that apply' with 5 or more choices, there should either be partial credit or some explanation should be provided in the feedback.