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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Effect of Fires on People, Property and the Environment by University of Maryland, College Park

563 ratings

About the Course

Fires impact people, property and the environment in all countries around the world. In some cases, the resulting losses are extraordinary, causing hundreds of deaths, widespread damage to property and contents and significant impacts on the environment. More often, fires may cause a single casualty or affect a single home, though the effects are still highly significant to those affected and collectively are substantial. This course will provide an overview of the challenges posed by fire as well as the fire safety solutions that are available to meet those challenges....

Top reviews


Mar 13, 2020

The course is designed in a brilliant manner so that everybody can understand it in a very efficient manner. The course content is right on the spot and the topics are explained in nice manner.


Jun 9, 2020

It was really a great course, the way of explanation, videos, photos, and delivered your experience in such a professional way make the course too interesting and joyfully. Thanks

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26 - 50 of 183 Reviews for The Effect of Fires on People, Property and the Environment

By Faried d B


Mar 27, 2020

AS an architect it made me feel good about my own country where we have taken good precautions in our designs with fire safety. it was surprising to see that so much more is for fire safety in our fast expanding global development, urbanization and densification. We need more fire institutions , and wider studies and research in both prevention and combating fires.

By Umang K Y


Mar 30, 2020

This course helped a lot in understanding the effect of fire on people, property & Environment by overview of the fire behavior , FPE , supressions system & use of effective fire design system .

Overall this course has great influence on understanding the concepts and provide with great learning experience from the videos and the assignments .

Thanks Coursera !

By will a


Jan 5, 2021

The knowledge shared in this course is vital for life safety given that people furnish their homes with plastic and wrap their homes with plastic providing a much greater heat release rate. Oxygen is used up faster in modern compartment fires. And modern structures use less material per cubic ft. so collapse can occur faster.

By Gerhard N


Jan 27, 2021

As an international specialist for fire, entrance (of confined space) and safety (FES-Guard/ BES-Vakt) on oil platforms, vessels, land-based processing oil and gas refineries, I learned at this course alot. It goes very deep in the details and I hope to see more like this in the future. Thanks alot and stay safe!

By Khuzama W


Aug 11, 2024

Comprehensive and unique course on Coursera, not too technical but introduces the essentials of fire engineering, in addition to many concepts and considerations in fire protection design. I had very insightful thoughts while moving forward in this course, and I am interested in further expansion in this topic.

By Farah P V


Apr 5, 2021

I took this course to see, if I want to further my education and career in this field. I think it was a good overview and I feel like I learned alot in a short amount of time. The professors try to be engaging and use real life examples in many cases. I would definitely recommend.



Jun 27, 2023

Thank you to all organizers for launching this online learning course in fire protection engineering. This course provides a deeper understanding of the necessity of designing fire protection systems. In order to be safe for life, property and the environment as much as possible.

By Luis A


Sep 26, 2022

Un curso muy bueno, desarrollado en módulos introductorios de lo que es la Ingeniería de Protección Contra Incendios. Superó mis expectativas. Si existiera la factibilidad de profundizar conocimientos, en lo personal me significaría una alternativa viable de especialización.

By Gizelle J


May 5, 2020

This course is very helpful in helping students who want to learn the basics of Fire Protection. I would suggest to have a follow up course on this wherein there are calculations and in-depth discussion on the different aspects of Fire Protection.

By **


Mar 27, 2017

I'm surprised at how much I learned in such a short lesson plan. REALLY useful information, both theoretically and to make me aware in real life of the risk of fire, and mitigation strategies and techniques. Thank you for a very engaging course!

By Luis E C C


Jun 6, 2020

Fue un excelente curso, por el contenido y la experticia de los docentes. Este curso me ha ayudado mucho a comprender lo que en realidad es la ingeniería de protección contra incendio y como ayudar a que nuestro mundo sea mas seguro.

By Carson S


Nov 29, 2020

An interesting course, fire protection engineering seems to be a beneficial job to the public and should be advertised more! This course will help me on my way to a Fire Science degree in the future for my career.



Jul 31, 2020

Excellent course on the effects of fire. I gained valuable knowledge in this branch of fire protection engineering. The course has encouraged me to continue studying and learning about this specialty.

By Joel A C


Jan 28, 2020

☼ A very comprehensive review, on a topic I did not know enough about! Great course. Especially for those who live in Australia or California and want to understand fires better.

By Nandita P


Jun 23, 2020

Very relevant course specially for professionals to grow. Knowledge are available but where it is that is important. Really liked the teaching approach of instructors.

By Talha G


Oct 11, 2022

It was a shortly described detailed course more practical and can be implemented anywhere covering all aspects of fire safety in all situations and anyywhere.

By Raj K


Apr 10, 2020

it is very good course design for the HSE proffessional, who can enhance their knowledge through online study material. thanks for the Team for your efforts.

By Gloria H


Nov 8, 2019

Buenas información desde el fuego hasta como tratar de controlar este y poner vida a salvo con diferentes sistemas y aplicar los código establecidos.

By Mohammed S


Jun 24, 2020


By Rick M


May 29, 2020

World class Instructors, relevant case studies with updated science and methods. Excellent course, highly recommended to all of my colleagues.

By jithin m


Mar 30, 2018

it is a good informative course regarding the safety of people property and environment arranged in a systematic order. thank you

By Roberto c c


Jul 27, 2020

Un curso excelente se pudo aclarar algunos conceptos, ademas seguimos aprendiendo de lo que nos gusta, para poder salvar vidas.

By Yousuf I


May 9, 2024

Had a professional knowledge in this course, would like to recommend to all fire protection engineers to attend this course

By Jun R D


Oct 26, 2020

To my all Professors ,thanks for Sharing your knowledge about Effect of fires on people , property and The environment...

By Anthony U E


Feb 21, 2021

Great content! It has provided me with a lot of information that will be beneficial to me in dealing with fire.