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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Fluid Power by University of Minnesota

1,309 ratings

About the Course

Fluid power has the highest power density of all conventional power-transmission technologies. Learn the benefits and limitations of fluid power, how to analyze fluid power components and circuits, and how to design and simulate fluid power circuits for applications. In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamental principles and analytical modeling of fluid power components, circuits, and systems. You will learn the benefits and limitations of fluid power compared with other power transmission technologies; the operation, use, and symbols of common hydraulic components; how to formulate and analyze models of hydraulic components and circuits; and how to design and predict the performance of fluid power circuits. This course is supported by the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power, and is endorsed by the National Fluid Power Association, the leading industry trade group in fluid power....

Top reviews


Oct 1, 2020

Really excellent course for someone who wants to start learning the basics of fluid to advance level of hydraulic system where you can get a practical overview of the product been used in real life.


Aug 15, 2020

Best content for hydraulic students/professionals to understand basics of the fluid dynamics.This course really helped to clear my doubts and yes I am confident now.thanks for the wonderful course

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51 - 75 of 369 Reviews for Fundamentals of Fluid Power

By Ebenezer H


Jul 24, 2019

Just wow! They made me a convert or disciple of Fluid Power. I am from a chemical engineering background(MSc-Chem Eng). I will recommend this course for the simple fact that both professors can break it down to any level.

By Ethan R


Oct 23, 2016

A great course. Really well explained. They provide you with problem sheets weekly and what is taught is obviously applicable to any fluid system. This course is also a good introduction to Mathwork's Simscape Fluids.

By Cory L


May 15, 2022

Both of the instructors presented a wonderful course. Professor Durfee and asst Professor Van de Veen made the course easy to follow for this millwright. Thank you for a wonderful class and instruction gentlemen.

By Sávio d A A


Jan 9, 2019

The exercises, homeworks and simulations were very useful to understand the Fundamentals. Worth the investment for those how to wants to expand the knowledge about Fluid Power, Industrial and Mobile Hydraulics.

By Marcin R


May 5, 2020

Excellent meaningfull lectures, done ideally steadily and very clearly. Lots of cruicial knowledge perfectly folling gaps of practical experience. Kindest thanks to Univ. on Minnesota wonderfull proffessors.

By Humam T


Jul 28, 2018

The course was perfect. It was well done and presented. I especially enjoyed the mathematical presentations of the fluid power concepts that I used through out my career. My only issue was that one of the pr

By Daniel S


Aug 12, 2019

A great introductory course on fluid power that builds on other undergraduate course material. Easy to consume information structured in a logical way. I would recommend this course to anyone interested!

By Farhan


Jan 5, 2022

Very well explained course which was taught in a lucid and easy to understand manner. The course is amazing and quite helpful for those who want a introduction to hydraulics and systems controlled by it.

By Derar B A


Jun 28, 2019

Derar Adehanom

328 Cooper crescent saskatoon, Sk

S7M 4L3,

This course was by far the best. Extremely professional, well organized interactive and comfortable and help me improve my skills .

Thank you!!!!!

By Pranjal G


Oct 2, 2020

Really excellent course for someone who wants to start learning the basics of fluid to advance level of hydraulic system where you can get a practical overview of the product been used in real life.

By Sandeep K


Aug 16, 2020

Best content for hydraulic students/professionals to understand basics of the fluid dynamics.

This course really helped to clear my doubts and yes I am confident now.

thanks for the wonderful course



Jul 27, 2020

Thank you very much, I really like this course. Congrats to the teachers, because they have such a facility to show us the way thing work. Than you for your time and dedication to this course.

By Alessandro F


Jan 17, 2023

Very useful course, with practical examples and lots of references for further studies. Matlab/Simulink experience is not necessary, although it might be useful for thorough understanding.

By Sunil G


Jan 7, 2022

As a working professional found very useful to recall and clarified my academic theories . Excellent lectures on simulation. I will forward for advance course in same domain.



Jun 30, 2022

This is the best online course I have participated in. I want to thank University of Minnesota for providing this wonderful platform for learning more about fluid power.

By John P P C


Jul 14, 2020

This course is very helpful in the field of mechanical engineering. Overall experience is awesome. Thank you professors and thank you University of Minnesota! God bless.

By Dinara T


Mar 12, 2024

The course was very helpful.

On real practical examples, it was possible to apply the obtained theoretical knowledge. Many thanks to the professors of the university.



Aug 26, 2020

It very deepest knowledge about fluid and it's relative components. And in this practical components are shown so it was interesting. Thank you for your your work.

By Sonika R


Sep 8, 2016

This course is very explanatory and it has many practical life scenarios, which we are not exposed in college (here in india). Thank you very much for this course.

By José M


Apr 16, 2020

It is a practical useful course. It opens your mind in many different ways, even for those who have ideas on the entrepreneurial field. Such an enriching course!

By Meetkumar P


Apr 2, 2017

Thank you for giving me excellent information on fundamentals of fluid power. It is very helpful course for me. Thank you University of Minnesota and Coursera.



Jul 17, 2020

It is a fantastic course to understand the use of hydraulics. It provides the study materials and also provides the other useful study sources for this field.

By Daniel W


Apr 10, 2020

This has been a valuable review for me and I learned some new things.

I think it is an excellent way to get introduced to fluid power at an engineering level.

By Moussawi A


Feb 18, 2023

intensive, simple, and great course, filled with a lot of information about hydraulic systems and lots of references to improve our knowledge in this field.

By Sujith J


Apr 3, 2020

Very good presentation. give a basic idea about the fluid power systems. But would be better if instructors responded to the questions raised in the forums