Jan 1, 2024
An excellent course for acquiring fundamental knowledge about Fluid-Structure Interactions. The organization of the course is decent, and the content is relatively easy to grasp.
May 30, 2020
Got some knowledge about FSI . It is very much interesting with lots of experimental demonstration and the reason on its effect. Thank you Very much for such a wonderful course
By Shubham
•Sep 28, 2016
This course is very informative and gives starting platform to pursue this field. I really like this course. There is one thing that I felt missing. I could use some coding assignment to better grasp the course contents. it can be made optional. This could provide more help to people who wants to have a deeper understanding.
By Yuan T
•Jan 21, 2019
This course is very helpful for me, it let me know the mechanism of some basic phenomena in our nature. I know know that these phenomena is not only very interesting, but also follow scientific criteria. After understanding these basis theories, I fall in love with FSI and would like take further courses about FSI.
By Felipe G
•Aug 12, 2022
Very interesting course, Emmanuel seems to know an outstanding omunt of knowledge and his teampartners works in very very interesting projects, im personally more than satisfied to learn about FSI phenomena, you should make a second course with emphasis in computational approaches in ANSYS
By Hemanth K
•Nov 7, 2020
This course literally unlocked the understanding of dynamics of motion around us. It certainly helped me in understanding the basics of FSI with courtesy of all team members and the experiments provided in this course. Thanks to all course team members for making such a great course.
By Siddaraja D
•Jun 13, 2020
Its Superb course. It gives the complete overview of the field. the nice part is using dimensional analysis approach to the problem and summarizing all models across reduced velocities. Nicely summarized and conveyed. Looking for next courses from this fluid solid interaction domain
By Farooq R
•Nov 2, 2016
I am delighted to subscribe this course. Thank you Course team to introduce us the wonders of FSI, the way this course was designed and the contents explained are all excellent. Thank you Coursera for giving us this opportunity. Hope more courses by the instructors are coming soon.
By Kumar S
•Aug 27, 2018
It was an awesome experience completing this course. In such a short duration, many things were discussed. But, still much much more to be learnt. I shall be highly interested in all other courses too regarding FSI and especially VIV.
Thank you Coursera, Thank you all instructors.
By Arsalan Y
•Jan 29, 2021
The course is suited for beginners such as me, to get a grasp of Fluid Solid Interactions course. With this fundamental knowledge, one can start exploring this subject in depth. I cannot wait to sign up for the full and extended course on Fluid Solid Interactions.
By G R K C A
•Mar 22, 2020
The course was superb. The instructor explained every intricate concept of FSI lucidly. The extra videos on various research topics enlightened us as to how different concepts in FSI are put into practice. Overall, the course was worth every bit of it.
By shoaib k
•Jul 23, 2020
It covers all the relevant topics related to fluid-structure interaction.I will like to suggest to please involve a session for numerical problems and their solution so we can understand better and work with confidence while working on the Assignment.
By Spoonosaurus
•Dec 21, 2020
Very good and thorough course on fluid-solid interactions with great illustration from research, industry or experiments. Great overview of main effects of interactions (added mass, dumping, rigidity etc) as well as resonance phenomena.
By beyza n o
•Jun 8, 2022
I think this course needs to include more mathematical approach. I would like to understand where all these equations come from. For example I needed to look for all the mathematical parts from different books and that cost more time.
By Surya_Narayan
•May 13, 2020
I have never found a more mathematically vigorous yet so comprehensive course till date. This course all the more pushes you to understand the hidden meaning inside equations as we obtain in mechanics. Wonderful piece of work!
By Koushik M
•Jun 5, 2018
This is a very good course to start-off with Fluid Solid interactions. The course content is well organized and very neatly explained at a fundamental level, which enhances the understanding of the course recipients.
By Alan P
•Mar 20, 2021
Excellent Course!! It gave me a tremendous insight on how fluid and solid mechanics interact with each other in many interesting ways. Would recommend for any engineer who seeks to know how the world around us work.
By Maxime E
•Mar 10, 2020
Cours très intéressant et donne les clés pour comprendre une grande variété de phénomènes. Un seul petit bémol, les questions numériques sur les quizz pourraient être syntaxiquement et numériquement plus laxistes.
By Mauricio G M
•Apr 26, 2021
Excelent. A bit hard, solid bases needed. Probably more time needed between Units (Weeks). (By the way, I didn't know I could finish Questionares after the suggested date. Read it at the end of last week) : - (
By Balaji K
•May 14, 2020
Professor explained concepts very clearly and also in a systematic way of approach. It is very easy to follow the lectures and able to understand many complex problems. Thank you so much for your contribution.
By James G S
•Sep 24, 2022
Excellent. Combined well-documented lectures that presented the principles and relevant equations with experiment demonstrations and research illustrating the practical application of those principles.
By shiva b
•Jun 12, 2019
Highly appreciate the entire team for making the subject comprehensible. I would like to suggest a small background course on the mathematics and solid dynamics, for the advanced version of this course.
By Cheriet
•Apr 2, 2018
je peux pas terminer mes cours, car il y a un problème de téléchargement , quelque part ici, je pense il est de ma part, je ressaye ultérieurement , je les achète , merci c'est formidable, à bientôt
By Baratha D
•Jan 2, 2024
An excellent course for acquiring fundamental knowledge about Fluid-Structure Interactions. The organization of the course is decent, and the content is relatively easy to grasp.
•Nov 5, 2020
This course was helpful to understand the basics of fluid-solid interactions. The "research project" videos give a great opprtunity to explore different aspects of the subject.
By Maheswaran M
•May 31, 2020
Got some knowledge about FSI . It is very much interesting with lots of experimental demonstration and the reason on its effect. Thank you Very much for such a wonderful course
By Charbel F
•Jan 2, 2022
It was an amazing experience. I learned a lot about modeling and about fluid and solid interaction. I was amazed by the sequence of the course. You did a great job thank you