Dec 29, 2021
It was the best first experience I had and I have gained good amount of knowledge where I am applying that to my day to day life . It's inspiring . Thank you Coursera , Thank you Stanford University.
Oct 7, 2021
this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya
By Alina H
•Oct 3, 2017
This course is very interesting and useful for everyone who wants to know more about health diet. If you would like to improve your daily nutrition but don't know how to start this course will lead you to wellbeing in everyday life by easy steps.
•Feb 7, 2021
Thank you very much for giving me the chance to study this very interesting and educational course. I love the course and I feel I got more skills for being able not only to have a healthier life style but also to help the people surrounding me.
By Zainab A
•Oct 18, 2020
A very helpful and informative course in terms of eliminating the confusion that surrounds diet plans and a nutritious diet. It is simple to learn, easy to understand and very eye opening about the food trends and why we tend to eat what we eat.
By Elizabeth F
•Aug 26, 2020
love it love it love it Great information presented in a very atractive way and kept my attention.
Wonderful delicious and nutritious recipes. Was very pleased with this course.
Thank you so much Maya Adam.
Healthy eating is a great way of life.
By Gina M R
•Feb 9, 2022
1. It is not always good to buy the most expensive 2. that having the basic ingredients, you can prepare delicious meals 3. It is important that half of your pkato is vegetables. 4. you can watch a movie enjoying healthy snacks prepared at home
By L G
•Feb 29, 2020
I am really happy about doing this course as i gained lots of knowledge about food & health. Got the opportunity to identify the bad food habits and now when i am shopping i really care about the facts i got to know from this course. Thank you.
By Mustafa Z
•Jan 13, 2020
This a wonderful time i had in studying this course as it offered me a lot of motivation with a spice of Information as well as knowledge with it to lead the next generation with full health fringe benefits to their basic dietary needs.
By Allan P G
•Mar 12, 2023
This is an amazing course that should be recommended to all Diabetes patients. Also, we should insist on people to translate this one and make it worldwide available. I have no doubt in my mind as Phyisician it would help tons a lot of people.
By Carmelita R
•Feb 26, 2023
An amazing knowledge I have gained through this course. I would like to pursue my passion further about food , nutrition and health.
Thank you Standford University and coursera for leveling my career . More power and God bless!
With gratitude
By Hani S
•Jun 21, 2021
it was a great lecture! really broaden my knowledge and make me realize how important is the food we consume. this lecture gave me a better understanding about which kind of lifestyle should we conduct to have a better health. thank u so much!
By Julia G d G
•May 8, 2021
As a non-native speaker of America, it was challenging but also very informative. I am very happy with the knowledge I gained and the payoff was very rewarding once I passed the course! I 100% recommend taking this course to those who haven't.
By Kaili C
•Apr 14, 2020
This course is quite simple and enjoyable, introduce the basic information of nutrition and simple skills to identity it on the label, highly recommended to all the people, we all need to concern about our health and what we eat in daily life.
By Maria O
•Apr 9, 2022
I truly enjoyed this course - it was informational, practical and very close to real life interests at the same time. The content was very easily accessible and interestingly edited. A very good job of Stanford for a really important topic!
By Nikhil V
•Apr 6, 2021
Over all experience great . must say story line and knowledge share in this course kept me steady and keen to learn and it opened my eyes in many ways inspirational and everything put together perfectly . and special thanks to both instructor
By lorde n
•Dec 28, 2020
Dr. Adams and Dr. Pollan were excellent in bringing the information to the course in real life, every day terms for the average person. Being able to easily transfer the knowledge to your everyday life made the course worthwhile and valuable
By Angelina G P
•Oct 27, 2020
By Harine S
•May 10, 2020
It was a wonderful course. After completing the course it made us a feel of cooking nutritious recipes using simple methods of cooking. It was interesting to learn more about the metabolism of nutrients and its importance for human well-being
By Valli d l G
•Jun 2, 2016
Very easy to understand, and gives you the most important aspects of nutrition. The focus of the course is for the student to understand how to make a balanced diet part of their lifestyle, and not rely on fad diets for short periods of time.
By Lorena V L
•Aug 18, 2021
Thank you so much for sharing such relevant information, especially these times when what we need most is to be mindful of what we feed our bodies and the impact it has on our health!!! Thank you Dr. Adam and thank you Stanford University!!!
By Angela W
•Apr 30, 2021
Very simple and easy to follow. Lots of great information on the connection between food and your health. I will recommend this course to anyone interested in having a better understanding on how our food choices affect our health overall.
By Nomfundo
•Apr 26, 2021
I really enjoyed the simplicity with which the course was conducted. The usage of actual statistics to back the information given really solidified the teachings as well. I also really liked the recipes given at the end - healthy yet simple.
By Sofia U
•Jul 13, 2020
This course allowed me to expand my knowledge of food by having an online learning experience with great professionals. I have been inspired to create healthy food habits, look for recipes, cook at home, care about my health, etc. Thank you!
By Peter Z
•Feb 10, 2020
Although it's a short course compared with those with programming homework, it teaches me a lot about how to build a healthy habit, which is quite important for everyone. Besides, each video is very attractive and each test is designed well.
By Heather A
•Mar 23, 2019
This is an extremely informative course. I learned quite a bit on food and healthier relationships with food. I believe this is a course that every cook, parent, and person paying into the fast food industry should take-- and take seriously.
By Shirley L
•Jul 5, 2018
It is a great reminder to educated modern community to look closely to our grandparents recipe and lifestyle in science view especially when it comes to food and nutrition. They live longer without packaged food/ nutrition labels. Thank you.