Jun 27, 2016
Excellent course, a very good instructor using good examples and clear explanations. I also enjoyed the interviews, the quality of the production used to develop the videos and the great locations.
Jul 27, 2020
Any people who want to become an entreprenuer should definitely do this course. The lectures was explained in a detailed manner and the powerpoint slides are also quite precise and easily understood.
By Ilana G
•Jun 11, 2017
I think this course should have been called differently. I think the name that fits it best is The Basics of Management with examples from the world of food and beverages. The course was useful but it was not what I was looking for. I thought it would focus on aspects specifically related to the food and management industry, not in management in general. Also, the word "management" implies several areas (production, distribution, storage, etc). But the course focused on production and marketing. I think this should have been somehow emphasized in the title.
By Job L
•Sep 13, 2020
Very interesting introductory course to food & beverage management. Clear setup and interesting topics. ALso, the interviews with guest speakers are very interesting and relate to the topics covered.
By andrea b
•Apr 1, 2019
this is a very good course , excellent slides , well explained and the interviews with business people in food and beverage field where a great help to understand how they involve in the market.
By Shilpa L
•Jul 28, 2020
Any people who want to become an entreprenuer should definitely do this course. The lectures was explained in a detailed manner and the powerpoint slides are also quite precise and easily understood.
By Mauro
•Jun 28, 2016
Excellent course, a very good instructor using good examples and clear explanations. I also enjoyed the interviews, the quality of the production used to develop the videos and the great locations.
By Babette C
•Sep 2, 2019
Well structured content course which is easy to understand even for a beginner in the field and which allows a first excellent overall view of Food & beverage management thanks to very accurate video lessons, but at the same time simple and clear in the exhibition. From the titles used for each module you will immediately understand what we are talking about, just think that the first module is titled: "Products vs. Markets". The same slides you will be able to use will report key concepts and their definitions in order to simplify the study and make it more immediate. A lot of attention is paid to the visuals offered both in the lessons and in the slides which makes it possible to make learning intuitive through practical examples.
During the lessons there is the possibility to put oneself to the test with short optional interactive quizzes aimed at testing one's own understanding in view of the final exam. This certainly offers a great hand to deal with it and better, I therefore advise you to do them.
You have the opportunity to listen to the experience of various successful food & beverage entrepreneurs and to understand in practice how different marketing strategies have been put to use and what results they have given. A course that combines theory and practice because, if you wish, you can also decide to try to solve specific questions asked by the teacher to test your acquired awareness at the end of each module.
To make it more accessible to all, the possibility of subtitles in various languages is not obvious.
Learning is fast because it's exciting.
By Saw A R
•Jan 2, 2019
good for hospitality and restaurant . helpful for who running own small business in F&B.
By Cristina H
•Feb 2, 2019
I really found it very useful, I learnt a lot and I hope I can use all the knowledge in my career. Thank you very much to the Bocconi University and all the people who has participate. Useful terms, trends and well explained with examples.
By Shashwat B
•Feb 12, 2019
A very interesting course
By Tatiana H
•Jul 14, 2020
I enjoyed the content and they way the professor presented the material. The PPT was of great assistance throughout the course. Unfortunately I could not load most of the interest or YouTube videos.
By Lam H W
•Dec 4, 2016
A educational course with a lot of useful information. The interview with different kind of stakeholders also help the student to understand the ideology of the food & beverage management.
By Alejandro M F
•Jul 25, 2019
The course is Perfect! Clearly Marketing approaches than help the students to archive world real experiencess/cases and understad how does the Food and Beverage industry works.
By Federico V
•Jan 31, 2019
Un ottimo corso, completo e per gli studenti Italiani, sottotitolato, Il docente risulta chiaro e conciso anche per novizi. Consiglio sicuramente!
By Massimo S
•Mar 29, 2019
Excellent course. Congratulations for the perfect choice. I've really appreciated.
By Christos N
•Mar 30, 2019
Absolutely Perfect!!! Totally new perspective after this course! Thank You.
By Dide V
•Jan 14, 2019
Best course I have ever taken, thank you so much for the effort.
By Miranda L
•Apr 1, 2019
the course is very interesting and useful
•Mar 16, 2019
it was awesome
By Nabin K
•Mar 13, 2019
By Amin H
•Apr 12, 2020
Credo a mio avviso che sia uno dei migliori corsi riguardante il campo manageriale per chi ancora non ha avuto modo di approcciarlo. Detto ciò consiglio vivamente per chi come me ha voglia di entrare in questo mondo o semplicemente arricchire il proprio bagaglio culturale. Grazie al prof.Giuseppe Troilo e alla tua dedizione per questo magnifico corso!
By Joshua H
•Jan 7, 2019
A very well done comprehensive course on the foundation level concepts and materials of food and beverage management. Useful and understandable basics of the industry at both regional and international levels. Great use of interviews with real business owners of top brands in the industry as well.
By Gyula W
•Oct 10, 2015
I learned a lot and it was really interesting and well prepared. I specially liked the lots of real life examples. I seriously think it will help our company to increase the efficiency of our marketing and management.
By Anderson P
•Jan 30, 2017
This course is definitely an informative food and beverage management course, and helped me learn a lot about restaurant management ideals and brand name management. Thank you Bocconi University!
By Eliza W
•Mar 4, 2019
Loved the practical interviews & case studies. Very detailed and the professor did a great job of outlining the topics for discussion in the respective modules.
By Christos P
•Mar 14, 2016
Badly formulated alternatives in the multiple choice test