May 8, 2023
Clear and easy to digest information. Gives a great overview of the industry and the roles each one plays. Helpful for complete newbies to understand the basics of digital marketing and e-commerce.
Nov 13, 2023
This is simply the best course, started out with barely much knowledge in digital marketing and e-commerce but I have been making consistent progress in the level of my knowledge in digital marketing.
By Danae B
•Dec 12, 2022
Google is a beast, there isn't too much they are lesser at. These courses are simple and easy to follow. I will be continuing my online training and might not stop......
By Ash S
•Nov 14, 2022
Great foundation for any digital marketing professional. Even with a decade of experience in digital marketing, I learned new things. Recommend for onboarding new staff.
By Chinenye U A
•Sep 18, 2023
it was an amazing experience and am grateful to African coding network for such amazing opportunity and thanks to google for such detailed lecture and course materials.
By Sangam I
•Jun 17, 2023
A detailed understanding on the basics of Digital Marketing with a good explanation on the various terminogies used .Overall a good course to begin on digital marketing
By Elizabeth Q
•May 27, 2023
Overall a great course for introducing digital marketing. I will say the material goes by quick so I suggest stopping videos when needed, take notes, and ask questions!
By Krishtina S
•Feb 2, 2023
It provided a lot of important information in a clear way making it accessible to anyone who is new to the industry and is looking to make a change in their career path
By Rafael R
•Jul 24, 2022
so far im very pleased with the course. The instructor knows subject. Program easy to navegate.for a new student with limited computer knowledge this program is great.
By Navgeet S
•Jul 12, 2024
It was a great learning experience. Looking forward to starting career in Digital marketing. and the knowledge I gained through this program is going to help me a lot.
By Rana H
•Apr 29, 2023
I enrolled in this course having a concept about jumping into the Digital Marketing world. I learned a lot from this course and hope it will help me ahead of my career
By J V
•Apr 21, 2023
Great intro to the basics. This will give you a solid foundation to see if digital marketing and e-commerce may be something you are interested in. I highly recommend.
By sunbal t
•Mar 12, 2023
Really a good learning experience where everything was quite interesting and a good combination of videos, reading stuff, and quizzes made it easier and more engaging.
By Brandon B
•Nov 15, 2022
Super fun and easy course that covers the framework of digital marketing and e-commerce. I set a goal to get this course done in 3 months and I got it done in 3 weeks!
By Katherine
•Aug 29, 2022
I learned so much on this course. The importance of learning about your target audience, what they do, what they buy. The importance of emails, social media and data.
By Samantha C M U
•Dec 10, 2024
Es una excelente curso con lo básico de marketing digital No me gusta que los videos sean en inglés, ya q te confunde mucho la transmisión en español con subtítulos
By Azzelarab Z
•Nov 4, 2024
Excellent job! Module well crafted for a beginner or intermediate level and it could help also experts to refresh their knowledge on digital marketing and ecommerce.
By Phillip L
•Jul 26, 2023
Gave me a new light when I was going down a bad path. Never thought I'd be interested in any form of marketing prior to taking this course, now it's all I want to do!
By Rita C
•Jan 17, 2023
Well organized, each week presents a lot of information in an easy-to-follow manner, and examples are always given when new concepts are introduced. Highly recommend.
By Rodolfo H
•Nov 22, 2022
I didn't expect the quality of the content in this course. Now that I've finished it, I'm only more excited to get started with the next course. 100% would recommend.
By Alee H
•Nov 3, 2022
it was a very beautiful course. i learned so much from this course. the instructor was very polite and her teaching style was just awesome. highly recommended course.
By Abdul B
•Sep 28, 2022
In my view all the things were organized very well in this certification which are helpful for the new people as well as for the people who are already in this field.
By Rizqiana K
•Jan 9, 2025
Kursus ini menjelaskan tentang digital Marketing & ecommerce secara rinci dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Saya sangat senang mendapatkan ilmu baru dari kursus ini
By Benedetta B
•Feb 20, 2024
I studied economics and management, but wanted to deepen my (meagre) knowledge in digital marketing and e commerce. I really enjoyed this course, it was very useful.
By KaGiuliani M
•Jan 14, 2024
Excelente! toca todos los puntos sobre el marketing online de manera sencilla y a su vez profunda. Vale la pena. Disfrute todo el proceso, y ya tengo el Certificado.
By Elle 1
•Oct 24, 2023
This amazing course does an excellent job of introducing the fundamentals of digital marketing in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. I would highly recommend it.
By Elizabeth
•Jun 21, 2023
It was a great start to the 7-series course. The lesson was well-organized and easy to digest. I'm very thankful for the course. Can't wait to learn the next course.