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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design by Google

71,300 ratings

About the Course

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is the first of a series of seven courses that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience design. UX designers focus on the interactions that people have with products like websites, mobile apps, and physical objects. UX designers make those everyday interactions usable, enjoyable, and accessible. The role of an entry-level UX designer might include empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up with ideas for design solutions, creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups, and testing designs to get feedback. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Define the field of UX and explain why it’s important for consumers and businesses. - Understand foundational concepts in UX design, such as user-centered design, the design thinking framework, accessibility, and equity-focused design. - Identify the factors that contribute to great user experience design. - Review common job responsibilities of entry-level UX designers and teams that they work with. - Explore job opportunities and career paths within the field of user experience. - Explain why design sprints are an important and useful part of a UX designer’s work. - Describe common UX research methods. - Identify and account for biases in UX research....

Top reviews


Oct 1, 2024

This particular learning provided me a strong foundation in user experience design principles and helped me understand the importance of designing products considering the user needs and expectations.


May 13, 2021

This course introduced me to the world of UX Design. It has also encouraged me to go deeper in this field and explore more. Thank you, Google, Coursera, Commonwealth, and the Government of Bangladesh.

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351 - 375 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

By Idara S


Apr 11, 2022

It was a great learning experience. Easy to understand and beginner-friendly. The inclusion of the Journey to UX design stories were very motivating and a great idea. The little quizzes in-between lessons also help remind the learner of key aspects of the lesson and ensure they are understanding. Itr has been quite the enlightening journey and can't wait to see where it takes me during the rest of the course.

By Isabel O


Feb 18, 2022

As someone that already has some basic knowlegde and experience in UX Design I though this was a complete and thorough course for any begginer. Due to personal reasons I stopped working in design for about two years and I'm now trying to work my way up again and I felt very lost, didn't really know where to begging and this really help me outline my own plan and strategy to work towards landing my first job.

By Edwar A


May 13, 2023

Excellent! It was really great to learn the common tools, frameworks, and platforms use in UX design. Also, identify the steps of a design sprint and how as an entry-level UX designer can take part in that process.

Very important, we all have biases, and they are often unconscious.

While we cannot completely get rid of biases, we can be more aware of them and work to overcome them. I am ready for next step!

By Costner H


Jan 4, 2022

I felt this portion was a great view into the position of UX designer. It gave you a great insight for those looking to see if this is the right path for them. It is definitely only a foundations course and I'm looking forward to moving forward and learning more. The instructor was easily relatable and understandable. I liked that they gave real-world examples using designers currently working in the field.

By Emily A L


Jul 24, 2021

Excellent, informative course if you are a new or intermediate UX designer. Effectively explains what UX design is, covers all the main terminology and tools, what design sprints are - all the important info you need to know to help get started in the world of UX design. While all of the information was useful, Week 4 was probably the most helpful due to actually helping one get started with their portfolio.

By Yetunde B


Nov 9, 2022

This course exposed me to User Experience and its corresponding processes. It is very detailed and the facilitators were explicit with the process of passing out the knowledge. For a beginner like me, i was able to understand the rudiments of User Experience, Putting the Users first, front centre and back. The user is priority in the UX process. Thank You coursera for the opportunity to broaden my knowledge

By Hernan F L


Mar 30, 2022

Thank you very much! I got plenty more than I expected. I'm truly grateful for all the learning I did during this period (I must admit I did it in 6 days). I completed every task but the networking part, which I'm planning right now, and have already made a list of people I know and have studied/worked to ask the some questions. I have a lot of plans actually. Really, thanks a lot, it's really motivated me!

By Faleke G A


Nov 27, 2021

I consider this a very robust introductory course to the foundations of UX design. I particularly like how everything is structured and the fact that Google has done a great job to make this course very immersive – it's almost like you are in a classroom. The reading sections are super informative. I'll put everything I've learnt in this course into use even as I proceed to the next courses in the program.

By Muhammad U M


Jul 28, 2021

Incredibly Awesome Course!!! It helps you to understand UXD, UX designer responsibilities, and learn industry best practices and methodologies, and a lot of different interesting topics that you would never even think of when it comes to UX design.

100 % recommended to anyone interested in the UX design but doesn’t know where to start from. The course is a kick-starter to start your career as a UX designer.

By Bitf19m024-MUHAMMAD A


Feb 13, 2022

First of all thanks to Google for making such a good course available to me. I had design entusiasm before this course, but now I too have knowledge about things and roles regarding designs and designers. The best part is, in such a brief course I managed to learn a lot of things plus creating the idea for portfolio and online social media presence. Thanks Again. To google and the Respected Instructors. <3

By Václav K


Jun 6, 2021

What was good: Practice tips, tools, examples, frames, video tutorial, etc. What was not so good for me... 1) examples/comparing of "great" ux employee, Oprah, etc... i think its not so good for comparing. Becuase for ux beginners it could be somekind of demotivation. 2) Some tasks/practices was for a long time. I like more shorter task eg 15minutes max, because of planing my time for work/family/freetime.

By mugs P


Oct 7, 2024

It’s been a really great experience so far! At first, I was a bit nervous since this field is completely new to me, but now I’m starting to feel more confident. Learning the basics of UX design has been a lot of fun, though I found it a bit tricky to grasp the different terms related to biases. But I’m sure that with time, I’ll get more comfortable using them! I’m excited to dive into the next course now!

By Dana J (


Dec 4, 2023

This course taught me a lot about research, not so much about design. At least, not as much as I expected, or would consider foundational to becoming a designer. Due to the nature of this course being mostly a lecture / informational introduction I think that is appropriate... but it will be important for anyone hoping to become a professional UX designer to learn foundational art and design skills too.

By Dracomidori G


Jul 11, 2023

Cours très convivial et très bien documenté, on se sent bien pris en charge! On n'a jamais l'impression d'avoir perdu son temps mais d'avoir appris beaucoup! L'assimilation peut paraitre contraignante mais c'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeron, c'est en pratiquant encore et toujours qu'on s'améliore! Ne baissez jamais les bras, prenez une bonne inspiration et persévérez, c'est toujours payant à la fin!

By ezra s


Nov 16, 2022

Very good for a beginner level course. Of course this is just the beginning of the entire set, but I think it was a very good first impression (better than some other google courses I've tried). Anyone who has little to no knowledge of UX design would have a good time in this course as its easy going and fun. Don't expect to become an expert with just this one course though. You should do the whole thing.

By Yvonne


Mar 11, 2022

I appreciate having access to this introductory course and collected 30 pages of notes for Course 1: Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design. I found that some of my conversations reflected the learning that I experienced with the coursework and that my thinking was changing to frame situations around what I was learning about User Experience. I am thankful and look forward to Course 2 in this series.

By Atharva P


Mar 8, 2025

"Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" provides a solid, accessible entry point for beginners. It effectively covers core concepts like user research, information architecture, and basic prototyping. While it might lack deep dives into advanced techniques, it excels at laying a clear, structured groundwork. Ideal for those starting their UX journey or needing a refresher on fundamental principles.

By Tasha


Sep 2, 2024

Great! The course is fun and very informative. I've learned a lot about the Foundations of UX. The instructor is clear in terms of delivering the course materials and explanations. Overall, the course is easy to understand and participate in. Many kinds of assignments are designed very well to build some detail of comprehension to the course. I'm feeling grateful to get to know and finished this course.

By Tanay


Aug 27, 2022

Good foundations course that will help you get an overview of the entire UX process and what is in it for you. Things have been simplified as much as possible and with little effort even someone from non-design background will be able to start gaining knowledge and the feel for this field. I can't wait to start with the next part of this course series So, anyone looking to take this course - Good luck!

By ari l


Jun 1, 2022

this is course really made me surprise because i am not just study but there are give me feedback like experience people at google and also give a advice. all of the topic, i will to apply at my life. I really recommended for a beginner UX design to take the course you never a regret. Thank Your for the mentor at the this course. See you the next or another course, thank you coursera, thank you google.

By Astha K


Nov 29, 2021

Curated by industry's best experts, the Googlers, this course is very student friendly. The course content, insights, practical cues and questionnaires are well thought through for anyone, from any past experience who is interested in UX design can achieve it easily. The mentor's way or say the language used is easy to understand. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to switch their career towards UX.

By Agnieszka K


Jan 4, 2022

This course shows you the basics of ux design very well and answers the questions that appear at the very beginning. All the most important foundations gathered in one place. It allows you to look at the topic from a wide perspective and immediately draws attention to important matters for ux designers, such as portfolio or personal brand. I will definitely come back to the notes from him. Great job!

By Kinkenat


Nov 22, 2021

I really enjoyed this first month of learning about the basics of UX design. I have so much more to learn but I have a better understanding of what UX design is and what interest me the most for a future career. I just found week 4 daunting being completely new to the world of UX design but I am sure with time I will feel more and more comfortable to network and have conversations with UX designers.

By karun s k


Jun 20, 2021

The course covers the basics of UX Design. I recommend this to anybody starting out in UX. It has definetly helped me understand UX in depth. It's mostly for beginners. The tutor does an excellent job in teaching the concepts clearly and efficiently. Writing down the notes they give you really buries down all the knowledge into your head and you can easily go back to your notes for future reference.