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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design by Google

71,300 ratings

About the Course

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is the first of a series of seven courses that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience design. UX designers focus on the interactions that people have with products like websites, mobile apps, and physical objects. UX designers make those everyday interactions usable, enjoyable, and accessible. The role of an entry-level UX designer might include empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up with ideas for design solutions, creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups, and testing designs to get feedback. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Define the field of UX and explain why it’s important for consumers and businesses. - Understand foundational concepts in UX design, such as user-centered design, the design thinking framework, accessibility, and equity-focused design. - Identify the factors that contribute to great user experience design. - Review common job responsibilities of entry-level UX designers and teams that they work with. - Explore job opportunities and career paths within the field of user experience. - Explain why design sprints are an important and useful part of a UX designer’s work. - Describe common UX research methods. - Identify and account for biases in UX research....

Top reviews


Oct 1, 2024

This particular learning provided me a strong foundation in user experience design principles and helped me understand the importance of designing products considering the user needs and expectations.


May 13, 2021

This course introduced me to the world of UX Design. It has also encouraged me to go deeper in this field and explore more. Thank you, Google, Coursera, Commonwealth, and the Government of Bangladesh.

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26 - 50 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

By Fernanda G G

Mar 26, 2021

This course is incredible, even having experience as a UX I learned concepts that allowed me to connect many of my experiences, in addition to teaching me to better plan my professional growth.

By Prashant N

Mar 19, 2021

This course will give you a overview of what USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN is. You will get to know about definitions of ux to different framework and tools, some deep topic such as inclusive design and equity focused design, about design sprints and finally it will get you started with building your online profile, portfolio as well as joining UX communities. I personally feel that that the WEEK 4 section might be included later on after learning all the complete process and building case studies and hence i reduced one star. The reason behind that is because i am new to UX design and i want a job in it saw within a week just by creating my profile how would i connect with people by just basic knowledge where everyone searches for proper case studies and all. But ok it like a kickstarter section which i have to always come back and look so that whenever i learn the important things in course 2,3,4,5, and 6 i could use the knowledge of this section and put it on.

By Amritpreet S

Aug 23, 2021

Basic. Slow. Repetative. Political.

I feel like I haven't learnt anything 'new'. It's just obvious stuff repeated over and over again that you're already supposed to know if you use technology. You can really save yourselves time by learning how to use Figma and Adobe Xd through free tutorials all over the internet.

Also, why does everything need to be full of woke politics these days?

By Rishiraj M

Sep 26, 2021

The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course!

By Binary G

Jun 8, 2022

An excellent introduction to the field of UX Design. This course gave me fantastic insights into the design process, the workplace as well as how to ensure that my designs will be satisfying to users.

By Michael D

Jul 17, 2022

I just want to say a big thank you to Google for this opportunity. It is really worth it and i recommend every single person out there to step on this evolution of change created by Google. Thank you.

By Sử T T C

Apr 15, 2021

The course is very interesting and useful to learn with the beginner in UX Field. It helps you know more the terms and definations in UX Field and how a UX Designer do to create a product for users.

By Ashish A

Aug 20, 2022

It's a wonderful course that I've ever taken. I'm being proud of me that I've elected this particular course.

The way of taking their challenges (or tests) on a weekly basis had impressed me a lot.

By Ana V

Mar 25, 2021

This was a very goof first course and it really got me excited for the next six of the program. My only comment is that for me, personally, having a whole session about building a portfolio in the very beginning was not very useful. I would rather save it and watch it later, when I start working on projects that I can present future potential employers. :)

By Douglas M

Aug 18, 2021

I would like a refund for my subscription to Google UX Design. I want to learn design, but the course is politically motivated. In order to proceed, I need to accept and incorporate equity. Equity!

“ Equity design is a creative process to dismantle systems of oppression and (re)design towards liberation and healing by centering the power of communities historically impacted by the oppressive systems being (re)designed.”

This is a far-left liberal political position, that require me to evaluate my history and current standing as racist. I am not racist. I am a white man, yes, but I am not nor do I intend to told that I must believe that we live in a "system of oppression" that needs to be "dismantle(d)".

I signed up for design, not basic far left-leaning ideocratic nonsense that serves to glorify lack of responsibility and victimhood.

If you cannot refund me for the Google UX program, then I would like to change my course and select a STEM subject. Hopefully void of political propaganda.

And, finally, I'm disappointed because I've been really looking for to this.

Here is the link to the videos that start and continue to propagate and endocrine: in a new tab

By Deleted A

May 11, 2021

Very disappointed so far. First off, Coursera's layout is not easy to navigate which is ironic. This first course was vocabulary stretched over four weeks. They spent most of the time going on about diversity and seemed to forget people are trying to learn UX design. Week four was just promoting website builders. I feel cheated out of my money. I do not recommend this course to anyone trying to learn UX design.

By Saad A A

Oct 23, 2022

This course helped me a lot. Now I have the knowledge of UI UX at the basic level, and also I’m feeling much enthusiastic to know more about this tremendous topic.

Thank You, Google

Saad Al Amin

By Lukra S

Mar 27, 2021

A great introductory course! I would recommend it to everyone. Many concepts can be very useful in everyday life and provide some understanding and new perspective about everything around us.

By Fabricio T

Apr 11, 2021

Too focused on networking and promoting Google's own patented methods.

By Chelsea N

Apr 11, 2021

This was what I was searching for! About a year ago I discovered UX Design and I fascinated by this career that was a combination of design and psychology. I did my research on the field but was still not sure if I wanted to change careers. With the affordable price and newly acquired free time I decided to enroll (I'm also a full time graphic design student).

There were many gaps in my UX career research like roles, what to put in my portfolio, and terminology. all the gaps were filled after taking this course, plus so much more. I do wish the discussion boards and community were more interactive with each other. It's nice to get a sneak peek at Google and their team members, which all seem so humble and intelligent. Who knows, maybe I could work for Google someday!

By Aayush C

Jun 15, 2021

Thank you so much for this course I have learned so much from this course really helped in so many ways. I also suggest you to taking this course and kick start your carrer in UX desing community.

By Brandon S

Apr 28, 2021

Poorly designed and frustrating for the user. It's cart-before-the-horse in practice. Provide me with skills to create examples for my portfolio. Don't ask me to create a website and sit on a domain when I have nothing to show yet. It killed the momentum of the course for me. I was able to finish it, despite the utter frustration, but felt like I had gained nothing from it.

By Natalie

Mar 13, 2021

Exciting start to a long journey! This course was informative and well paced, and I appreciate the consideration for people with 0 experience and background knowledge.

By Melanie R

Mar 26, 2021

I feel like weeks 1-3 were super beneficial for people who are new to UX Design (like myself) and are considering UX Design as a career because it focused on what UX Design is, what jobs you might work on, and how UX Designers work so it helped me really start to put myself in this role and I could actually see myself doing this as a career in the near future. Week 4 is the reason I deducted a star. For newbies, like myself, I feel like the networking is not beneficial. We barely know what UX Design is. I feel like a more helpful approach would be gently introducing us to these social media sites and prompting us to gain inspiration from other designers from these sites and then in a later course going back to these sites and being like "okay, now that you know more about UX Design and at this point are set on finishing this certificate let's talk about networking and how to do that." I do think that starting to think about your personal brand and about me pages and portfolios was helpful as that is something we have to start thinking about from the beginning in order to craft it over these next courses, but sometimes it felt like we were expected to already have our website up and running, which didn't make sense to me as newbies have no designs to showcase yet and don't fully know how we work as a designer in order to fully understand our personal brand.

By Dyan

Aug 25, 2021

The guy with the bald head is a liar about getting a job in UX design . This course is a scam. Guy with the bald head said it was easy to get into UX design and a lot of job openings were available. Here I am an unemployed UX designer with a great portfolio. There is also a lot of discrimination in UX design industry. All the people interviewing me were white. Its an overprivileged position for white tech woke liberals. Also a lot of discrimination towards people on the autism spectrum if you have communication problems like me.

By oscar l

Mar 13, 2021

A useful, enjoyable and well-produced course that gives a good introduction the area of UX Design. Great addition of topics such as equitable design.

By Yen J L

Mar 13, 2021

Most of the content is basics. But I think the Design Sprint part is great!

By Paul

Jul 20, 2021

This course can be distilled into a few meaningful videos with concrete information instead of being bloated with a lot of useless videos about abstract nothingness, accompanied by disingenuous encouragement. He says emotionless, "Way to go." His eyes are dead as he reads the script and hands are kept flat at the table like he's a hostage. There's no conviction and I'm not convinced he believes what he's saying. I feel like I'm being scammed.

By Vita B

Apr 8, 2021

Incredible course: provides you with basics and covers a lot of different interesting topics that you would never even think of when it comes to UX design.

Enjoyed the professionalism of the videos, animations and overall experience as I was completing the course, clear speech of the teacher and other colleagues is worth mentioning as well. I'd definitely recommended this course to anyone interested in the UX design but doesn't know where to start from.

By Prashant J

Oct 2, 2024

This particular learning provided me a strong foundation in user experience design principles and helped me understand the importance of designing products considering the user needs and expectations.