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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design by Google

71,354 ratings

About the Course

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is the first of a series of seven courses that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience design. UX designers focus on the interactions that people have with products like websites, mobile apps, and physical objects. UX designers make those everyday interactions usable, enjoyable, and accessible. The role of an entry-level UX designer might include empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up with ideas for design solutions, creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups, and testing designs to get feedback. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Define the field of UX and explain why it’s important for consumers and businesses. - Understand foundational concepts in UX design, such as user-centered design, the design thinking framework, accessibility, and equity-focused design. - Identify the factors that contribute to great user experience design. - Review common job responsibilities of entry-level UX designers and teams that they work with. - Explore job opportunities and career paths within the field of user experience. - Explain why design sprints are an important and useful part of a UX designer’s work. - Describe common UX research methods. - Identify and account for biases in UX research....

Top reviews


Apr 8, 2021

Really friendly course for beginners who want to go deep into the UX field. The course is really complete and provide a global vision of the field.This course, prompt you to build a UX design mindset.


Apr 30, 2022

Highly recommend! I was scared before taking the course but my tutors made everything easy. I have never had this kind of learning experience. Everything is broken down in bits and beginner friendly.

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1351 - 1375 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

By Anne R M


May 3, 2021

I am completely new to UI/UX. I can also say that I am just an artist with curation in design. This course is really which I would suggest to anyone who wants to start a new leaf in their career in design.

By Eduardo H O


Sep 4, 2024

Its a good foundational course. Theory oriented so you won't be opening figma and start sketching products in this course, but very useful to dust off ux research best practices and design sprint planning

By Muthu s


Sep 3, 2024

Great to start if you are looking for UI/UX Introductory or Foundational courses. This course is designed in the way that is easy to grasp, focusing on Important core topics at the same time fun to learn.

By Ed F


Jan 7, 2024

Great and informative...! One suggestion, use experienced instructional designers for the quizzes. on a few occasions I found the questions to be unclear (especially the ones of paragraph length). Thanks!

By Merve K


Jun 21, 2023

ı love ıt thıs course .ıt helps me a lot to understand what wıll we see further steps .rıght now ı am pretty sure ı wıll keep goıng other lessons .thank you a lot for this opportunıty coursera and google.

By Sarmad S


Nov 18, 2022

Top-quality content.

Very detailed and descriptive information.

I love the dynamic quizzes and how they change after every attempt

This makes learning easy and fun and makes me want to be a lifetime learner.

By Juan F G S


Oct 25, 2022

excelente curso! sobretodo para personas que están empezando en el diseño UX. te va guiando desde lo más básico hasta como desarrolla un portafolio, encontrar un mentor y como buacar un trabajo un trabajo

By Austin Z M


Oct 4, 2022

I love the format with introductory videos and detailed readings afterwards. The direct links out to other resources is also an incredibly useful tool for learning more about the subject. Awesome so far!



Apr 13, 2022

It was great experience and It helps to know more the terms and definations in UX Field and how a UX Designer do to create a product for users. It kept me engaged the whole time! Can't wait to learn more!

By adriana d b


Dec 7, 2021

This course helped me to understand the different career and foundations for the UX design path. I've learned about important terms, definitions and frameworks, among other important topics. Great course!

By David Y


Oct 10, 2021

The Foundations of User Experience course is one of the best into level courses I've ever completed. The videos are engaging and informative. I believe this course has helped me build a solid foundation.

By Arvind V


Oct 9, 2021

This is the best course because it is design in such a way that anyone can understand it easily .

And there are so many good things in this course like questions in between videos and test and assignment.

By Jim T I


Jun 6, 2021

This was a very helpful course for introducing UX concepts to software developers, as myself, with technical knowledge of application development whom may lack the front-end, interface development aspect.

By Gaurang J


Oct 6, 2023

The Google instructors worked really well to design this course in such a way that it is easy for a beginner to understand. I liked the materials provided as well and also the links to various resources.

By Comfort O


Feb 18, 2023

Loved everything about this course. Each lesson was a build up to the next. The course was well simplified and easy to comprehend and the quizzes, prompts and discussions made it much more easy to follow

By Chandrakanth T


Aug 25, 2022

It is pretty good. You learn new things even as someone who has some idea of what UX is. Would recommend it to those who want to start learning because it is affordable and provides valuable information.

By Lindsey B


Jul 29, 2022

Some grading criteria later on in the course can be a bit silly but overall the course is a good foundation to gain some credible skills. How seriously you take the course determines your future success.

By Róbert J


Apr 30, 2022

Just the right amount of information to pique your interest, and some marketable knowledge occasionally. Perfext introduction, it made me want to jump on the next course, which I am going to do just now.

By Joseane d J P


Apr 24, 2022

Ótimo curso. Muito explicativo e traz informações fundamentais sobre o UX Designer. Foi fundamental para meu início nessa carreira tão desbravadora do UX.

Obrigada Cousera pelo conhecimento compartilhado!



Mar 24, 2022

Super helpful course for me !! I 'm just switching from development to design and I find this course very interesting and helpful at the foundation level. I will definately take up other courses offered.

By Hilal A


Feb 22, 2022

One of the best courses I have taken by far. Everything from the videos to assignments and quizes all stuff are so amazing and informative. It has helped me tremendously. I encourage everyone to take it.

By Balqees I


Sep 21, 2021

I love the way the course is structure, from ground up it gradually build my awareness of what really UX design is, its been awesome so far. I can't wait to start other section of the certificate course.

By Tom M


Jul 19, 2021

All the foundational basics were covered in great depth. The cousrework included video learning, reading, writing and community exploration. I'm ready to move on to the next step in my learning journey.

By Rubèn D


Apr 19, 2021

This course is really well done and structured. I already have a training as a UX designer but this is much deeper and more complex. There are so many interesting and useful parts, I really like it a lot

By Edgar R


Apr 19, 2021

The foundations of User Experience Design adequately covers the basics needed to begin to understand the world of UX. Thanks to all for taking the time and effort in creating a concise, elaborate course.