Jan 16, 2016
Este es un curso básico de Gamification que abarca los conceptos al detalle y mediante ejemplos practico de la teoría se facilita el aprendizaje. Felicito al profesor y agradezco el tiempo brindado.
May 22, 2019
Excellent course! I found it very useful. It really builds a super strong foundation to think about this User Motivation and UX. The word Gamification is something that some people like and some hate.
By Deleted A
•Sep 19, 2021
It was informational while also keeping the lessons "bite-sized" without it feeling too long or a bore. I feel I have learnt a lot and enjoyed the course in its entirety.
By Evgeny T
•Feb 24, 2019
Good course for starters. But i think it's need to an updated version, due to it's launch date - 2012, there is a lot things happens into gamification subject.
By Stasyulevich V
•Dec 7, 2020
Отличный и очень полезный курс, который помог мне в написании диссертации. Спасибо!
By sebastian m
•Sep 10, 2023
muy completo y serio, sin dudas el mejor mooc en el tema
By Adam H
•Mar 1, 2022
3.8 stars actually. What makes the course good is the instructor speaks well, content is well organized, and the course is complete in the sense that you could take the course and then go start designing/creating gamified systems for real situations. Also, the instructor is great at creating enthusiasm in the learner about the content. Lastly, it is great to see that the instructor is approaching teaching the course as a gamer himself, and thus truly understands the impact of what he is teaching on more than an intellectuallevel.
Course is good, but old. On the topic of old, the course content needs a major update as it has been six years since first release, some of the examples no longer exist, and there are many examples that are just not relevant to the people taking the course today.
The course lacks the resources you might expect. For example, a download of annotated slides associated with each lecture, and most important missing resource is a 1-page document summarizing the whole gamification framework. The first part of the framework is presented as a triangle on day 2, and the second part is presented as a list of 6 points to consider on day 4. I am not criticizing the presentation order, you know the content better than I and best way to present. But, my feedback is the difficulty to digest the framework when presented in a fragmented way. Without a reference back to a single page document that we could see what part of the framework are we exploring now made it difficult to understand the big picture at all times. In general, it would help to take a look at other courses created in the last 3 years, granted there could be limitations with Coursera and the types of content it can offer that I am not aware of.
By Connor W
•Jul 2, 2017
Wasn't bad, but felt it should be updated. Also, I think the psychology element should have been taught earlier.
By Marcos P
•Sep 21, 2019
For being a course on Gamification, I found this course to be quite boring. The professor has read and written some things about gamification, but he doesn't seem to have any practical experience designing successful games or gamified systems. As a result, much of the advice and knowledge in this course is very basic, something anyone who's spent an hour or so thinking about what makes the games they like great would already know. If you want to learn more about gamification, I'd recommend playing great games or reading articles from actual game designers. You'll learn much more from inference than the direct but very basic teachings in this course. Or, you can also audit this course and skim through the lessons at 2x speed only to pause when you find something that interests you. Other than that, this course isn't worth your money.
By Mike Y W
•Aug 21, 2018
I highly recommend this beginner's course to those interested in seeing the ups and downs of a purpose-built system that can motivate human behavior, achieve business objectives, and even work towards social benefit. The professor is genuinely interested in communicating to students his view on the topic, and the game he plays with students is an interesting twist to add in for such an online course. The final exam actually tests your knowledge, and is a welcome challenge. It was nice to see interviews from relevant contributors to gamification, and the "Site" movie was REALLY cool and was a great visual aid. It would be nice to see more updated material on the topic given this course is probably a few years old now, and quizzes / final exam should switch out all questions if taken again to make the student really work to understand the material. All in all, thanks professor for a great experience, and game on!
By Chase H
•Jul 24, 2017
I really like the way we do peer review on our assignments where we exchange feebacks and ideas with other students. That really gives me more feeling that I am not just taking an online course but also I am in this learning community. I guess this is especially helpful to introverted people like me who doesn't have much energy participating in the forum. I have been working in the online game industry for more than 7 years and only recently I got to the concept of gamification. By taking this course I believe I not only learned a lot more about gamification, but also I got to learn more of why some games are better than the other. Big thanks for offering this course I will definitely be taking any follow up courses in this space.
By Irina K
•Jan 28, 2016
This course is AMAZING! The professor managed to cram in so much theory in such a concise form, and all the theory is straight to the point and corraborated with real scientific research findings. I highly recommend to participate in all (even optional) discussions because they make you consider important things and reinforce what you've already learned. The practical projects were also great and really interesting! I'm getting a PhD in Educational Psychology, and I can tell you that this course is even better that those I took in my university. The information provided here is invaluable. And the teacher is awesome! So don't hesitate to take this course and enjoy! :)
By Martin C
•Jul 25, 2018
Very comprehensive introduction to gamification; the concepts underlying it and its practical application. Course tutor Kevin Werbach cleverly gamifies the presentation of the material to ensure that participants are constantly engaged and motivated to concentrate and continue. Scope for updating of some website and app examples used as technology has moved beyond many of those used (especially with the advances in mobile technology). Otherwise excellent and I would wholeheartedly recommend the course to anyone seeking to learn about gamification specifically or indeed add to their knowledge of other subjects e.g. design concepts and behavioural psychology.
By Pradeep I
•Jan 31, 2019
It's a great journey full of detailed definition / examples & different layers of the gamification concept pumped with elaborated videos. The course is designed very well & wisely, which is delivering the expected objective seamlessly. As student when I started this course I never thought that Gamification would have such a great impact on human behavior. But know I know I has tremendous powerful tool which can be used anywhere to get the desired output.
I thank you all of them, who put their effort to make this course available for the seekers like me...! A special thank to Mr. Kevin Werbach, Mentors & coursera team.
Thank you,
Pradeep Indalkar
By Deleted A
•Apr 16, 2019
I am really satisfied with this course. It is thorough, well structured and gradually leads you to acquire the skills, structures and design techniques necessary to proceed independently. In particular it provides many frameworks to guide the designer in the various phases of gamification analysis. The interviews and countless examples of case studies are very useful. Professor Werbach speaks very clear English for non-native speakers. The subtitles are complete even if the Italian translation is not always correct. The grades' assignments are well set up and the performance is well guided.
Thank you very much Professor Werbach! Good job!
By Joe S
•Jun 7, 2016
Excelente curso. Altamente recomendado para todos os profissionais de diversos campos de atuação que desejam atuar/adquirir conhecimentos voltados a Gamificação. Uma proposta de ensino bastante gratificante e dinâmica. Conteúdo e tarefas muito bem colocada e desenvolvida no decorrer das semanas. Espero em breve que a Coursera venha disponibilizar novos cursos voltado a Gamificação. Só tenho a agradecer pela oportunidade e pelo conhecimento disponibilizado. Este é meu primeiro passo dentro do assunto, afim de explorar infinitamente. De fato amei, eternamente Grato.
By jon r m
•May 11, 2020
i would give this 5 stars but i would suggest rethinking some parts and updating the course given what the market is like right now. also it would be nice if there are more studies about how gamification fails. i guess a lot of problems in digital ideas is we learn from successes but we don't learn a lot from failures. Having said these i still think this course deserves 5 stars. I find a lot of useful info here that i have successfully applied in my job as an entertainment industry creative even halfway through finishing the course.
By Anver L
•Dec 1, 2016
Wonderful course! Opens your mind to totally new, but, in the same tame, so obvious things that can improve your personal skills and team skills if only you could implement this Gamification knowledge! Prof. Werbach is really one of the most admired Guru in this area and his lecture is not actually a lecture =) It is a game like WOW and you simply jump into and learn with FUN! I reacommend this course to business leaders, team leaders and individuals looking for a change of paradigm! You'll enjoy as thousands of people did already!
By Domenico C
•Jul 15, 2019
Information and topics are laid out very clearly from the very start.
Sources are solid, interviews are very rich and insightful. Models are very useful and I was even able to apply them right after completing the course.
High-spirited teacher. It was a joy to see his enthusiasm for adding Gamification examples in the course background throughout the whole course. As well as him showing off his World of Warcraft gear and affinity. That was almost heartwarming to see.
Overall, a very well-rounded and useful course.
•Jul 2, 2017
I really liked the course! It was very challenging and fun! The new concepts that I've learned brought further, especially because it gave me a lot of new ideas on how I could use it in my new company. Some of the aspects of motivation and psychology I had some knowledge due to the position that I had at the last company I worked for (management trainee, supervisor and manager). Therefore, the course complemented the concepts that I had in mind. Thank you very much for the opportunity. It was awesome!!!
By Sebastien C
•Feb 10, 2016
This is the best humanities course I have taken online. The lectures were thought provoking, and there are plenty of chances to think about and apply the concepts of Gamification outside of the lectures and quizzes. For example, the 'discussion' topics given were stimulating and rewarding to think about. A lot was left to the learner's imagination in wondering how the concepts could be applied to the real world - for better and for worse! The quizzes definitely tested the knowledge from the lectures.
By Rafael V
•Aug 24, 2021
I enjoyed Kevin's clear, direct and engaging way of communicating the course content. There were plenty of real world examples and I also feel ready to apply the concepts/techniques I've learned. On the tech side I loved viewing videos on the app with the text being highlighted which made it easier to focus and remember concepts after the first viewing. Quizzes were great and reviewing other people's work was satisfying. Can't wait to take my next course and hope the delivery is as good as this one.
By Mica A
•Feb 8, 2016
Highly recommend this intriguing course. It covers psychology, behavioural economics, motivation, employee and customer engagement and of course elements of game design. The assignments are a blend of quizzes - which can be tricky! - and 3 written papers which allow for a lot of fun and creativity in putting the theory you cover into practice. A course with real meat on its bones, you'll come away with a lot of learning and start seeing gamification all around you. More courses like this, please!
By Laura S
•May 18, 2019
The instructor is obviously very knowledgeable in the area of gamification. The experts he had in the course really added to the content. I was hesitant taking this course because I wasn't sure if I would learn anything important or useful, but I definitely feel that I have learned. I downloaded many materials from this course and hope to review everything again at a later date. The material was excellent, the framework and psychology behind gamification makes sense and is very useful to know.
By Srinivasan V
•Jan 7, 2017
The course gave me an insight on the Concept of Gamification and ideas of its possible applications in my professional life. From just a buzz word which I heard in the office corridors to being able to understand the details on what goes into real gamification is my take-away from the course. The content was easy to understand, the references and examples were very relevant. Overall, a great sense of achievement and learning. Thank you Prof Kevin Werbach for making it so interesting.
By guillermo l
•Jan 19, 2017
This course provided with a strong foundation on what gamification is, thinking like a game designer and enabled me to understand the benefits of gamification as well as how to apply these concepts.
Dan and Kevin did an outstanding job putting this together and points students in right direction to further understanding of this "new" (or not so new) paradigm.
I'm really excited about how I can apply self deterministic concepts at my job.
Guillermo Lam - Solution Architect (MAPFRE USA)
By Magali R
•Apr 4, 2017
This course is very dense and requires a large amount of time but it's worth it. There's rich and deep content, useful tools, and warnings. I like the emphasis on ethics and the thought for the players. Pleasant alternation between quiz and written assignements to manage the workload, and assigment on credible case is great to build condifence in the use of the content of the course and on future real implementation. Thanks ! That was a great experience !