Jun 19, 2020
Great explanation! I can practice the theory in Qwiklabs and try the Google Cloud Platform. Thank you!
Jun 15, 2020
Dengan adanya pelatihan ini , berharap untuk menambah softskill dan wawasan tentang cloud computing
By Satrio F T 0
•Jun 20, 2020
By Jonathan S 0
•Jun 29, 2020
By Ajib H
•Jun 16, 2020
By Ulul A
•Jun 21, 2020
It's hard to translate English-Indonesian Terms. Sometimes the quiz just feel disconnected to the materials because of linguistic difference.
By Aris M 0
•Jun 28, 2020
Akan sangat bagus jika quiz tersedia dalam bahasa asli (bahasa inggris), karena kadang susah belajar dengan istilah-istilah terjemahan
By Irfandi
•Aug 25, 2019
all is good, only indonesian translate are too poor
By irwan
•Mar 14, 2022
ada beberapa command tidak dapat dijalankan
By Bangfad
•Jun 20, 2020
sedikit susah dimengerti terjemahannya
By Irvan T
•Jun 18, 2020
Quiz in Bahasa Indonesia was weird...
By Fatahillah F
•Oct 2, 2019
languang not fully in bahasa
By Dicky S 0
•Jun 24, 2020
nice and clear explanation
By Andi H A
•Aug 22, 2019
great instruction
By Rifma D O
•Jun 14, 2020
By Sahrul M S
•Aug 24, 2019
By Imam S
•Jun 22, 2020
By Kalam A L
•Jun 28, 2020
The course is good, but the lab experience needed to be improved, since there were so many updates in platform but the instruction is not updated
By Arsya P
•Aug 30, 2020
Some instructions did not clear enough.
By Rizky R
•Jun 21, 2020
Bahasa Indonesia translation is terrible. It is better to take in English one rather than this one because it would cost you time to re-translate it. Additionally, the quiz and the lab that you will take.