Jan 28, 2017
Great course to introduce the specialization. It could be more robust, but it does the job and you are also provided with links for documents that will help you build on what you learn in the course.
Feb 4, 2020
This course gives good non-in-depth overview of GCP. You'll learn about most of options and tools GCP offers. Also I really liked that all labs are automated and don't suffer from peer-review issues.
By Kevin M
•Jul 7, 2023
Excellent material, explanations and labs. Labs are on the real Google Cloud Platform through time-bound credentials provided by Qwiklabs.
By Joseph A D
•May 13, 2021
Enjoyed the setup for the hands on labs - that was probably the easiest way to walk through and perform hands on learning I've ever taken.
•Jan 22, 2021
I have a good idea about the GCP infrastructure after completing the course. But still need to reference them again as they are new to me.
By Jaime Z G
•Apr 12, 2020
Un buen curso. Ameno y bien explicado. La opción de poder hacer prácticas reales en la plataforma ha sido fundamental para el aprendizaje.
By Alamsyah
•Apr 8, 2020
The course that are given satisfy my requirement to get basic understanding of GCP and act as fundamental to learn more about the platform
By Hrubaru V A
•Jul 10, 2019
Some of the videos were outdated but the quicklabs instructions were spot on. Definitely learned more about GCP products from this course.
By Randy J
•Dec 18, 2017
I think this course has prepared me to start using GCP in real world environments and I am anxious to learn more the use of this platform.
By Alfina S C
•May 25, 2022
The topics and materials in this class make me understand and it goes well with the time with setting of target. Thank you coursera team!
•Dec 4, 2020
I like this GCP course and it is very interesting and confusing at first..
But finally I managed to compete and Pass this certification.
By Saurav K
•Sep 17, 2020
This was an awesome intro to GCP services. I work with GCP on a daily basis and a lot of things I learned here were new to me. Thank you!
By Rafael R
•Sep 1, 2020
Excellent videos, I am very impressive with high quality of exponents. Great idea on interactive labs is better option than peers review.
By Edric L P
•Jul 19, 2020
The courses is great, example is easy to understand and very useful to begin the introduction to the environment. Thanks GCP and Coursera
By Shashikant T K
•Jun 20, 2020
ITs best detailed GCP fundamental course.I was able to compare and get insights about GCP and able to relate with AWS. which was my goal.
By Pushpak P
•May 16, 2020
I have learned a lot from this course and very enjoyed the course.I have learne a lot of stuff in Google Cloud Platform
Thank you coursera
•Apr 23, 2020
Great Course for beginners, who wants to get to know what cloud is and how is google putting its efforts to build a great cloud platform.
By Chandrashekhar M
•Apr 21, 2020
Since I'm worked in IT Infrastructure I can relate many things.. and also helped to understand cloud fundamentals for Core Infrastructure
•Jul 22, 2019
For instant help or for some doubt .. where we need to chat or message or mail.. i did not get that part.
Request you to please assist me.
By Diego A V B
•Jul 10, 2019
Excelente curso, se aprendio mucho y los laboratorios nos aproximan adecuadamente a conocer los servicios más importantes que ofrece GCP.
By Laurent J
•Aug 13, 2018
A well done training material and very good introduction to the fundamentals of GCP. A good balance of presentation and hands-on sessions
•Nov 29, 2017
Excellent Introduction to Google Cloud Platform. Very precise and consistent. The labs are a good point to understand how platform works.
By Kristian D
•Aug 23, 2017
Muy buen curso para concer las bases de los servicios que ofrece google cloud, pero hay que tomar en cuenta que es un curso introductorio
By Abraham G
•May 30, 2022
Excellent inroduction to Google Cloud services.
Well-paced and the demos and labs worked quite well to show what was being talked about.
•Aug 30, 2020
Good starting point to get insight into GCP and its various offering. The video sessions and corresponding labs makes the learning easy.
By Navin P
•Jul 11, 2020
It was a nice experience learning google cloud core infrastructure. Cloud computing, Cloud storage, VPC, Big data and Machine learning.
By Ezeoke G
•Apr 28, 2020
The Labs and Quiz sections made the whole learning experience very engaging and worthwhile, it was really fun and a resourceful journey.