Oct 10, 2019
The labs in this course were a lot of fun. Deployment Manager and Terraform are two systems that I have been interested in for awhile and it was great actually building (small) things out with them.
Mar 13, 2019
Course content is good However I would be more happy if it has given by Jason, or Philip Maier. I like those guys very much how they deliver the content, never have to go back and look again...
By Leonardo T
•Nov 6, 2019
Pretty concise, to the point, hands-on and effective course. The content is comprehensive including not only the GCP tools but also open source tools for achieving the same automation goals.
By Praveen
•Nov 10, 2018
This has been the most fun course to learn in this series. The amount of relevant material and references in the resources section is just perfect! Thank you Mylene Biddle!! Please do more
By Parag G
•Jul 17, 2019
A good understanding of networking on GCP. Also elaborate knowledge on infrastructure auto scaling. Got some idea about deployment manager and infrastructure as a code concepts.
By Erin F
•Jul 13, 2019
Definitely learned a lot in this lab! The only change I would suggest is to add a lab for the cloud applications discussed at the end, BigQuery, BigData, DataFlow, and PUB/SUB.
By Fidelis I
•Apr 18, 2020
This course is an eye-opener to automation and scaling in GCP. I learned to use Terraform an the Deployment manager even though I had a little challenge with the latter. Thank
By Gareth D
•Nov 26, 2017
Solid course, once again gets a bit deeper into the interesting parts about working at scale (automation, auto-scaling) and touches on some of the data based manages services.
By Giovanni E L G
•Dec 18, 2019
This is amazing if you want to do a cloud devops, this is a good start point, you will lear about lb, manage servies, deploy management, terraform and al lot of other staff
By Aditya K G
•Jul 29, 2020
The course content, demo and lab give inside of subject, However I am not able to figure out the link section of video, which was referred multiple time durisn sessions.
By Rajesh G
•Jun 4, 2019
This course gives hands on knowledge about various method of automations,managed services and scaling methods available in GCP and easier way to learn and pass through.
By Robert P C
•Jul 9, 2020
I really enjoyed learning how to use languages like yaml and jinja2 to build clusters. The http(s) load balancer tutorial was neat too. Thank you Phillip and Priyanka!
By Timothy W
•Nov 18, 2017
Lots of content on scaling and automating the deployment of cloud infrastructure on GCP. Also covers some of the managed service offerings on GCP such as Hadoop.
By khaled b
•May 12, 2020
I really like the course content it was very helpful to get hands on load balancers and infrastructure automation using Terraform and google deployment manager
By Alex T
•Apr 11, 2020
Learned networking and load balancing, along with VPC networking,=: allowing access to various VM's using firewall rules and bastion hosting. Very intriguing!
By Shigeo M
•Sep 8, 2018
Hands-on labs to illustrate the flexibility, scalability, and elasticity of Google infrastractures were just marvellous. Thanks for the learning experience.
By shawn s
•Jan 3, 2019
from my perspective, this course is very useful for me. Main contents include advanced network, tunnel encryption, autoscaling, managed services, and so on.
By Charles U
•Jul 11, 2019
Yet again an outstanding walk through of GCP Scaling and Automation capabilities. Lectures and labs were perfectly mixed to fortify learning. Well done!
By Sandeep B
•Oct 2, 2019
This course was really useful and more practical sessions were there to provide hands on experience especially with load balancing and network creation
By Zezhou J
•Oct 22, 2018
Instructions are clear and rigorous. Labs and assignments are engaging. The course is well-structured and provides a lot of useful content about GCP.
By Alquimista e
•May 5, 2020
I think the volume of the videos is too low, so it is difficult to hear when you are in the public transport that is my main space to whatch them
By Racheal I
•Aug 25, 2019
This course made me understand how to make use of deployment management and most especially I enjoyed the Virtual Private Networking or VPN course.
By Rose C
•Jan 24, 2021
I recommend anyone who want to know Infrastructure Automation in GCP, take this course. It has very clear outline, and well-designed labs. Enjoy!
By Eduardo M
•May 6, 2020
Una mirada completa a las capacidades de automatizacion en GCP en un curso muy escueto. Buen punto de partida para despues profundizar mucho mas.
By Mouneel M
•Dec 19, 2019
The course had very good lab sessions to clarify the solution explained in the class room, providing the good hands on to gain the confidence.
By Sharifa A A S A
•Mar 12, 2021
I had fun doing this lab assignment, even though it was tedious and many steps, and with precise instructions I managed to to get it through.
By S. R
•Apr 6, 2020
I recommend to anyone who wants to scale their cloud practices should take Google hands labs along with video lectures. More Power to Google!