Aug 28, 2015
If I'd had access to this material when I first failed freshman chemistry 40 years ago, I probably wouldn't have failed. Kudos to Dean Hutchinson for bringing us his innovative approach.
Jun 8, 2021
I love the opportunity given to me to learn this course... It explained the basis and really made me understand the harder parts, now i have better understanding and wider knowledge!.
By M.R.T.
•Jun 17, 2019
Perfect MOOC
By Nagaraj P
•Apr 22, 2020
By Leonor P A J
•Feb 28, 2017
muy bueno
By José L D D
•Feb 11, 2017
By Johnny S
•Dec 29, 2016
By Emmanuel N
•Mar 23, 2019
•Aug 20, 2019
By 刘诗凡
•May 12, 2018
By Victor A
•Sep 12, 2015
By Deleted A
•Oct 25, 2015
By Steven M J M
•Oct 23, 2015
By David D
•Mar 14, 2020
I took the course "General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application" from Dec 2019 - Mar 2020. I found this to be an excellent course on many levels. First, I thought the educational theory of the course was outstanding. Beginning each unit with empirical data, building from these to create a model (inductive reasoning), and then applying/adapting the model to answer questions/solve problems (deductive reasoning), was fantastic. I took general chemistry for the first time 40 years ago, and was taught using a strictly deductive reasoning approach - and honestly I really didn't like chemistry all that much. It seemed stale and boring. To my great surprise however I found that when I became a practicing chemist in industry, I totally loved chemistry! This love has deepened and broadened throughout my career. I applaud Prof. Hutchinson on creating this course and making it available on Coursera.
Second, I think the course structure was outstanding. It seems to me that the entire course aim was to get the student to understand that at equilibrium, delta G^0 = -RTlnKp. Each unit in the course introduced data and theories which led to this powerful relationship between thermodynamics and equilibrium. I relearned concepts and equations from my past and came to understand and appreciate them in new ways.
I could not give the course 5 stars however due to the many errors I found throughout. There were errors in what was said in the lectures, errors in what was hand written in the lectures, and most importantly errors in quiz questions and answers. Some of the quiz questions had no correct answer option at all. Other quiz questions/answers were very poorly worded. Fortunately I had a chemistry career to fall back up when confronted with these errors. However I have concern for those taking this course as their very first introduction to chemistry. It could be very frustrating and confusing to these individuals. A thorough review and correction of the course lectures and quizzes would be most beneficial.
Despite these limitations - I heartily recommend this course to any wishing to get an introduction to fundamental chemistry concepts and principles. It allows the student the understand where our current understanding of chemistry came from and how this is applied in current chemical research.
By Cliff S
•Oct 23, 2016
Excellent introduction to Chemistry, focused on models which allow you to understand all of the empirical rules/laws. However, it appears to be an older course and some of the quizzes were effected by Cousera upgrades and they are corrupted and some questions can't be answered (as in some cases there are actually no choices given!).
By Edmund E
•May 20, 2020
The calculations questions need practice questions within the material rather than just in the assessment components otherwise excellent.
By hakan b
•Feb 11, 2017
How can i get certificate please
By John R
•Aug 3, 2020
I didn't Recieve Certificate after completion
By Lesli F
•Sep 24, 2015
While the visual set up is well thought out (you can see the instructor, slides and writing space, the setup of course materials is too stringent for the beginning chemist. More time seems to be needed focusing on the basics of chemistry and chemistry math (such as how to read CH4, sig figs, etc) prior to testing on stoichiometry.
By Vinit K
•Jun 8, 2020
first they tell there is a certificate then they wont provide it this isnt fair...........
By Kathleen P
•Nov 15, 2015
Too many mistakes in the math. I dropped after a week
By Don C
•Mar 28, 2022
Being an 81 year old guy who last took a college chemistry class 64 years ago at UC Berkeley, I have found this course presented in a very impressive manner by Prof. Hutchinson. His clear and concise dialog was excellent, and his concept development approach was always involving. Over the past years I've taken some 40+ Coursera courses, and would rank this one as number one.
By Al N
•Aug 31, 2021
I've enjoyed this course due to the professor's use of logic, reasoning, sign-posting, foretelling etc. to progress through the topics. Due to the professor's teaching techniques I am able to actually conceptually understand more difficult topics as we go along, rather than just memorising and rote-learning. Thank you!
By MR. N P
•Jun 20, 2020
I think this is the biggest platforms to learn at home by the COURSERA. And I hope u guys get such a wonderful details about CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT knowledge for those people who actually wants to make different from the different.
Thanks to Prof.Hutchiston who spread their anormous knowledge of Basic Chemistry.
By Alnardo T
•Oct 29, 2020
the lessons is related to so much on a highschool lesson because of that , i can keep up with the lesson and i'm not find it difficult to misunderstanding the video lesson. But sometimes the quiz is not hard or not easy just normal, in addition to the quiz is so easy and so hard on the other lesson.
By Jimmy O
•Jul 30, 2020
Very well presented course with an excellent free textbook to study with. My only complaint is that the quizzes sometimes include questions from chapters outside of the section, but I'm still giving 5 stars because the quality of everything else is so good.
By Malcolm W
•May 24, 2020
The second half is not as polished as the first half. However, I still found this useful as this encourages engaged learning and worked well with the constructivist philosophy of the course. Overall, an excellent experience.