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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World by University of London

1,672 ratings

About the Course

The course offers a well-researched and broad-ranging primer to the United Nations system. Consisting of an introduction to the complex UN family and its history, and a series of ‘snapshots’ of key UN functions, which are used to explore important UN themes and help learners develop important analysis, communication, and policy-based skills. The course is aimed broadly at people interested in learning more about the United Nations system, assuming a level of interest but no necessary previous knowledge, whilst also offering offering sufficient up to date research and new critical perspectives that it will also be of interest to people with more expertise or academic familiarity with the topic as well. The main aim of the course is to provide this wide-ranging introduction in a self-contained, but in-depth form, alongside the important practical skills necessary to understand and discuss UN affairs, and potentially lay the groundwork for greater engagement in future – either in civil society or in further study....

Top reviews


Aug 20, 2020

Very useful course with valuable inputs. Thank you very much for your efforts and making it available for free. Highly recommend to those who study global diplomacy, UN system and human rights.


Dec 6, 2018

It was very interesting to get to know better about the UN structure and concepts, and it helped me a lot to get my first opportunity in an UN mission! Starting a new career. Thank you so much.

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451 - 475 of 556 Reviews for Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World

By Fernando J B

Oct 4, 2020

This is a great introduction to the UN. Some of the links for readings are outdated. The course is nice, you end it with a general overview of the UN and will have the opportunity to create your own opinion about the organization. This is a short course so do not expect to go beyond the very basics of the UN system.

By Brian M

Feb 27, 2021

Es un gran curso, los expositores tienen un dominio claro de la materia y los materiales son de gran ayuda para profundizar en las materias, sin embargo considero que abonaría mucho a la retroalimentación del curso adicional a los ensayos integrar cuestionarios aleatorios para robustecer el conocimiento adquirido.

By Soraia M

Sep 7, 2020

This course is perfect for those who want to know what is happening nowadays at the UN and also understand how it works. Moreover, it gives you a clear view of the constant role that is having in our lives. Besides that, the opinions given by representatives who worked there and professors were an excellent input.

By Juan E R

Aug 5, 2021

Very very good course especially for those of us starting to learn about UN and the humanitarian world. I would suggest to check on the links to readings as many take you to expired pages, so some of the readings are old dated making me feel im not getting to learn the latest news on the topics addressed.

By Belén L

Feb 4, 2021

I really like the course. One of the things I like the most of the course was the different speakers, their opinions towards the different questions posted was really useful and interesting.

My overall feedback of the course is very positive; I found it very usefull, enriching and interesting.

Thank you!

By Matt K

Dec 28, 2021

Strong material, really appreciated the ability to be graded and grade my peers.

The main negative is that a lot of the links for required reading are dead and need to be updated. But aside from that, it was really good and will help how I think about not just the UN but working with others in general.

By Benjamin N

May 24, 2020

It is an excellent course if you want to become a policy analyst like myself for your career. This course helps to you to have a better understanding regarding the principle of the United Nations such as their policy in humanitarian, international laws, NGO, UN agencies, and UN security council.

By Joao V R

Apr 11, 2022

O curso nos dá uma panorama geral sobre a ONU, seus principais órgãos e suas atribuições. Nele, estão disponíveis diversas leituras interessantes sobre o tema, desde artigos até notícias. O único ponto negativo é que muitas dessas leituras não estão mais no ar e não tem um acesso possível.

By Marwah A K

Jun 8, 2020





By Thomas L

Dec 13, 2022

Enjoyable self directed course. The question short answers forced me to research and thus I learnt a lot about the structure and modus operandi of the UN system. The course reading resources need to be updated as 90% of them didn't work for me.


Jul 2, 2023

очень интересно, даёт новый взгляд на ООН, раньше думал, что ООН то есть то нету, а сейчас понимаю что ООН есть! и сталкивается с такими уникальными трудностями и пытается их решать и развиваться. ООН единственная и неповторима в наши дни

By Juliana

Mar 22, 2019

Creo que el curso está muy bien pero le faltarían algunas precisiones importantes y mayores explicaciones sobre la estructura de las Naciones Unidas (tanto en su funcionamiento en NY como en Viena y en Ginebra) para ser más completo.

By Pierre-Olivier S

Sep 17, 2017

Very interesting maerials and perspectiveto analyze history, present and future being of the UN. I would have let more time for subject matter experts to expose their viewson each topic, but overall, good and intesting content.

By Meghana

May 20, 2020

i loved the course. the suggested readings were very interesting and helpful. although i wish there were more of those 'talking sessions' as i really liked hearing the opinions of those very intelligent and scholarly people.

By María A D L G V

Jul 24, 2020

I've learned a lot! But have some suggestions: FIrst, it would be great if the videos would last a little bit longer. Second, someone needs to fix all the broken links on each week's session. Thanks for the information!

By Enos W

Oct 21, 2018

The course was helpful. It expanded my understanding of United Nations in the context of global diplomacy while also highlighting the challenges it faces and and in them, the opportunities for reforms.

By Beki

Mar 21, 2023

Great course with very interesting insights. Only reason to not give 5 stars is because some of the links in course materials are not valid anymore, so just needs a bit of updating. Otherwise fab!

By Raul C

Dec 20, 2022

This course is very comprehensive and it is useful not only for Sociology professors like myself, but also for anyone who wants to know more about the history of the United Nations and its roles.

By Edward C

Nov 7, 2019

I very much enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. I thought the mixture of different media (videos, readings, etc) was good and the level of work required was well-judged. Thanks.

By josipa b

Sep 18, 2020

Some of links for education material I couldn't open but no matter,the rest of material was suficient,clear and straight to the point. It made me realize complexity and UN importance.

By Sofía A Z H

Jan 28, 2021

I would have liked if there were more video lectures. I felt like I didn't learn as much as I was expecting to. Eitherway, I did gain some knowledge and somewhat enjoyed the course.


Jul 23, 2022

I have learned a lot of education and I got more knowledge. This e-learning system is a best way for international students. Finally I would like to thanks for giving this chance.

By Catherine G T R

Mar 23, 2021

Thanks to this course, now I know in which part of the government I'll specialize on for my masters degree. Thank you everyone. I like how different the course approach is.

By Ewa A

Aug 26, 2024

Overall, it is a good course, some of the materials are not available anymore and if you want to have some more in-depth into the subject you should search it by yourself.

By Geoff H

Feb 14, 2021

A really interesting course - I enjoyed learning about the UN. The assignments were not too difficult but helped to concentrate the mind and explore more about the subject