Nov 10, 2017
I loved the course. The study material was well explained. There were presented many interesting facts and curiosities, and good first insight into Politics and Economics of International Energy.
Oct 9, 2017
Thank you so much for professor , it was very interting course and now, i know a lot of infromation about energy. What i really like from this course is inteview with differents professors. 10/10
By Aarne G
•Jul 4, 2016
The course is out of touch with reality and systematically underplays the Paris Agreement, progress of renewable energy and EU emissions mitigation, says absolutely nothing about climate science. At times the attitude is down right hostile and disgusting. Will share these observations widely. We are in a climate emergency and need to do everything we can. When I was taking this course, my city is going through severe flooding and the country is in yellow alert stage due to abnormal thunder storms. You should be ashamed of yourself for pushing this garbage.
By Maria S
•Jul 26, 2021
By Anand V
•Aug 10, 2020
The course teaches some very useful lessons in economic conservation. You'll learn a lot, and you will think critically.
Fundamentally, though, it has flaws. Some videos (esp. in Weeks 2 and 3) are extremely long and hard to follow. In addition, you cannot review wrong answers on quizzes. While I understand that it prevents cheating before one passes, it also means you cannot find out what answers you missed after passing. Finally, some of the quizzes have very few attempts per time period (128 hours is too long to wait, in my opinion).
By Vincent E K
•Apr 28, 2018
The course was very interesting. And as i completed the Certificate of Energy & Finance from HEC in 2015, It was what i needed as a refresh of information. However, all the data in the course is dated from 2014. Since then, the energy landscape changed and i was expected a better overview on this. I was expecting an update to date or at least late 2016 early 2017.
The scope is very good, but the information needs to be more up to date
Thank you
By Amnuaysak T
•Oct 15, 2017
Professor Giacomo LUCIANI is very knowledgeable in this field and he has ability to present the topics in an easy and understandable way. We learnt this course with full understanding of the course content.
The course content is very good. It covers the basic topics that one should know about the issue so that they can use it being the stepping stone to search for deeper and specific relevant information/knowledge.
Thank you very much for your contribution.
By Aditya S
•Jul 29, 2019
It could have been less focused on the energy policies of the countries of the Europe and European union.
By Aidana Y
•Oct 10, 2017
Thank you so much for professor , it was very interting course and now, i know a lot of infromation about energy. What i really like from this course is inteview with differents professors. 10/10
By Dhana R M
•Jan 25, 2019
This course provides an acceptable beginners introduction to a broad range of energy issues. The lectures given by Professor Giacomo Luciani are interesting, as are most of the interviews with other experts.
The content on oil, gas and EU energy policies are okay for a beginner-level course. However the topics on renewable energy and nuclear seem to be under-developed and could have been better. Overall, much of the material is based pre-2014 data and needs to be updated in order for the course to continue being relevant.
About 50% of the course material comes from external public domain sources like YouTube and Vimeo, with most of them being rather short and superficial. There are several broken links and a few videos are available only in French with no subtitles.
Long-standing comments on the forums regarding issues with the content and assessments do not appear to have been addressed.
•Jan 6, 2022
This course is well-designed, interesting and perfect for anyone seeking to learn about the current challenges of the energy sector. I recommend it without any hesitation. However, a few aspects should be improved: 1) the quality of at least two videos is mediocre, inaudible (even though I have a C2 proficiency english level); 2) some questions of the quizzes are not properly formulated and are thus confusing; 3) the quizzes' corrections do not provide any explanation, which is quite frustrating - I expected more than "you're wrong" from a Science Po Paris MOOC exam correction. Apart from that, the course is really clear and covers objectively all the relevant aspects of the topic.
By Alex M
•May 6, 2018
The pace is slow and the tone is unenthusiastic and backward looking. The content is generally sound but could do with freshening, particularly with respect to oil markets and OPEC/Russia vs American shale, solar's downward cost curve and energy storage developments. Incentives for renewables (feed-in tariffs etc) are not covered. There are better International Energy modules on Coursera than this one.
By Marjori P
•Nov 27, 2018
The content is ok but the course is messy and badly produced. Lots of links to go to Youtube videos and the accents are a bit too strong to understand sometimes. The graphics in the videos sometimes are barely eligible.
By Erik C K
•Oct 20, 2021
very disorganized course, without clear direction, and many lectures too long and unclear what their added value was. Many of the quiz questions were poorly formulated such as to be difficult to understand.
By Sondos A C
•Jan 17, 2017
Its a hard course, and u may only take the quizzes twice every week.
By Carlos A
•Nov 11, 2017
This course gave me a better understanding on Geopolitics of Energy and a clear view of the energy trends with regards to oil, carbon, gas, renewables and nuclear. I feel more prepare to understand the debate between de-carbonization via renewables, energy efficiency, less pollutant energy sources (such as gas) and the dependence on traditional energy sources such as Oil. It was also very interesting to listen directly from the experts their points of view and the issues that need to be tackled first. The role of Russia and the emerging new leaders and potential providers of GAS, Shale Oil, and the new frontiers on innovation. I do recommend this course to anyone who has something to do with a Job related to any source of energy, either on the upstream, the downstream of oil/gas/carbon, on the Government, on Energy Agencies, on the Global warming side, or even in the Environment protection and Climate change defenders side. We all are part of the same planet and it is of outmost importance for all to understand each other.
By Jatuphat L
•Dec 17, 2023
As a legal professional in an energy company, this content provides me with a comprehensive understanding of the broader landscape of energy industry. The knowledge gives me better ideas to address both the business and legal requirements of stakeholders. It is highly recommended for fellow legal associates seeking a clearer insight into this specific area.
By Raphaëlle G
•May 8, 2020
Très bon cours, simplement le chapitre sur le pétrole est très scientifique et difficile à suivre je trouve s'il on étudie les sciences politiques comme moi. Dommage qu'il n'y ait pas de graphiques/illustrations pour les deux dernières séances. Merci beaucoup c'était mon premier MOOCet j'ai appris énormément de choses!
By Dorian S
•Dec 9, 2016
Ce cours est idéal si vous souhaitez apprendre comment fonctionne les marchés des énergies. Il est clair, les sous-titres et la transcription sont très pratiques pour suivre le cours et rendre des notes.
En revanche, j'aurai aimé que le cours aille plus loin, notamment sur les énergies renouvelables.
By Romel T
•Aug 2, 2017
With this course I have been able to better understand the role of energy in the development of the countries, and in a clear and simple way I have managed to understand how renewable energies work.
By Diana M
•Nov 11, 2017
I loved the course. The study material was well explained. There were presented many interesting facts and curiosities, and good first insight into Politics and Economics of International Energy.
By Thibault B
•Jun 15, 2017
Very interesting course ! Very well explained but maybe needs updates on current news (even if it may be hard I acknowledge) !
Really well balanced between definitions, geopolitics and science.
By David P
•Sep 11, 2016
Excellent delivery.
Fantastic external sources with clear and precise explanations from a graphical viewpoint.
Great range of industry expertise and professionals within the appropriate fields.
By Allaya M
•Apr 20, 2023
Excellent cours . Dans l'attente d'une troisième édition qui prend en compte les changements suite à la crise COVID et à la guerre d'Ukraine.
By Paolo B D P
•May 18, 2023
Excellent course. I think a review, considering recent events, would be useful.
By Buwaneka D
•May 22, 2021
recommended for beginners and all enthusiasts.
By Federico B
•Jul 31, 2020
I enjoyed the course and I enjoyed Prof. Luciani and his guests. I much appreciate the efforts of Science Po to create this MOOC. The quiz assessments at the end of each week are also helpful however some I suggest that each quiz notably for the week on oil and the week 8 be revised in terms of their pertinence and accuracy, it seems to me that some questions are ill formulated or do not make sense. It would be good to correct these in order to warrant for a full 5 star course!