Mar 15, 2018
Excellent course on the GFC, I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to learn more about the crisis. The instructors were very good and took a complex subject and made it very understandable.
Apr 8, 2017
Great course indeed. I was following the materials and videos of the crisis for a long time and this course perfectly summarized everthing back by data analysis. Highly recommended to all enthusiasts.
By Chandra K
•Feb 7, 2019
The course gives you the clear picture of what had happened during Financial Crisis and the best part is what should have/ what action need to be taken for future crisis.
By Yoman
•Jan 13, 2016
We are really very fortunate to have the courses like this. A lot of thanks with a request that please continue to bring these very high quality courses in future also.
By Satisch D
•Feb 21, 2016
Excellent course, probably the best narrative that exists. Hopefully a sequel on 2016 won't be required. But if it does let's hope it's from the same team.
Thank you.
By Robert P
•Jan 25, 2016
An excellent course! Very detailed without being boring and expertly delivered.
An important course for everyone to study and one I will definitely be recommending.
By Karen I
•Sep 1, 2018
This is a very interesting course with a very informative professor and instructor. I just received “The Stress Test” in the mail, but have not started reading it.
By Ammon B
•Jul 5, 2018
Incredible. Both Metrick and Geithner were excellent lecturers. All of the associated journal articles and speeches were helpful supplements for a deep background.
•Aug 13, 2020
Professor Andrew Metrick explained very clearly the functioning of the financial system and the causes and dynamics of the global financial crisis. Great course!
By Luiz H D
•Jun 12, 2020
A Very well-constructed overview of the global financial crisis, its causes and the tools used to fight it. Engaging and a good place to learn about the subject.
By Alan E
•Feb 22, 2016
Sets a high bar for online educational content. The instructors clearly know their subject matter, and are serving a public duty by offering this course online.
By Alexander K
•Feb 13, 2017
Thank you very much for providing this in depth view into the mechanisms causing the Great Recession. AAA rating on the well-organized structure of the course.
By A C I
•Mar 26, 2017
Great insight on the Financial Crisis. It takes incount that a lot of misinformation went through the news and papers and debunks the myths behind the crisis.
By Adam M
•Jan 21, 2016
Great overview! The details and figures were sufficient to explain what happened without confusing people who might not know a lot about economics and finance
By Miguel-Angel W
•Dec 16, 2015
Very useful in order to understand all the mechanisms of the Global Financial Crisis. Need to be related to the new book of Ben Bernanke "The Courage to Act".
By Aaman L
•Jan 18, 2016
Interesting and topical, from people who were in the thick of things and don't pull punches. The camerawork leaves a bit to be desired, but not the content.
By Lukman E
•Aug 14, 2016
Very insightful and useful, particularly for someone whose limited knowledge and time to read papers and books about global financial crisis in 2007-2008.
By John M
•Feb 23, 2016
Good explanation of the background of the crisis, and the impact on U.S. and E.U. as well. I never understood the term "shadow banking" before; now I do.
By David D
•Nov 11, 2021
The course is very practical and useful in my work field. I strongly recommend this course to everyone who is working in finance and financial services.
•Jul 14, 2020
A very good and structured course on the Global Financial Crisis. This course is a must need for all as it is very easily explained by the Lecturers.
By Vijay S
•Mar 23, 2019
Very well constructed course matertial with enough detail and data though not to make it tedious, just wonder if there is way to shorten the length?
By Larissa N L V
•Oct 19, 2017
Excelente course, very well explained ! I am happy to have done it , because now I finally could understand many things I couldn't before . Thankyou
By Lennert O
•Jul 13, 2019
Excellent course. Well explained. Very interesting and engaging, even for someone who experienced the Global Financial Crisis from .the front line.
By Mihaela
•Jun 13, 2020
I really enjoyed the course, it was very interesting, very well organised, the workload was manageable every week. Thank you for the nice course!
By Christopher M
•Apr 19, 2019
The only course available on the GFC. Great summary of the crisis and excellent recommended readings. I would recommend this course to anyone.
•Jul 29, 2016
This is a very informative course, a very complicated global financial event explained in a way the average person can understand ,thank you !
By Eugenio D
•Jun 18, 2016
Very well done in general, with useful materials. The lecturer does a great job of explaining even the hardest mechanisms. Highly recommended!