Dec 12, 2020
I already learnt GKE from Qwiklabs courses. But there are new things that I learnt now, like Architecture of K8s, Edge presence of GCP (GKE), Still there are things that can be taught about Anthos.
Apr 25, 2020
Very nice course that I finished in 5 hours straight! I liked the Spinnaker lab and the fact that it's the first time I have seen 78Gb memory cluster running on a 12vCPUs without having to pay.
By Davi O
•Jun 4, 2018
Content of great value, despite being the basics of kubernetes. I liked it a lot.
By Dmitri G
•Nov 15, 2019
Easy to understand and learn new technology. Labs are very detailed and easy to fol,low
By Julián R
•May 8, 2022
A great course! Really practical and fast, without large videos or really heavy tests.
By German A
•Sep 9, 2018
A very practical course. This was so useful to getting started with kubernetes. Great!
By Felipe B
•Jun 4, 2018
Very good, I learning somethings so important for my current job and futures projects.
By Matheus P d O e S
•May 25, 2018
Interesting to know more about the tool and apply it somehow to some daily activities
By Simon B O
•Jul 23, 2024
The lab was the best part! if the hands-on approach really helped get used to the UI
By Adrián R F (
•Apr 5, 2018
Excelente curso, bien explicado y con casos prácticos para un acercamiento inicial !
By Lipsa D
•Jul 4, 2019
Great Learning. everything is very detailed and good to understand for new lerners
By Govind R A
•Jun 12, 2019
Amazing course content, espcially the handson Lab was awesome. Really appreciate !
By Rengarajan R
•Aug 14, 2020
Very good course which gives an overview of complete google kubernetes components
By Sachintha U
•Jan 12, 2020
Good course, learnt lots new things, but need to have some intermediate knowledge
By Edson M
•Sep 24, 2019
A perfect way to understand how Kubernets can help and improve fast environment!!
By Arnold V
•Aug 10, 2019
Both GCP Trainers are very knowledgeable and know how to convey complex concepts.
By Matheus F
•May 22, 2018
Curso muito bom, realmente ensina muito sobre criação e utilização do kubernetes
By Персиянцев А Е
•Mar 3, 2018
Nice trip for understanding a scale of my future trobles. =) It help me a lot.
By Naga S B G
•Jan 4, 2022
Good and Easy to understand for someone has knowledge on VM's and cloud basics
By André H
•Mar 21, 2018
Great introduction to Kubernetes in a controlled environment on Google Cloud.
By Jorge R R
•Jul 24, 2020 I'd like to be infomed next courses and material. Thanks.
By Jungwoo K
•Apr 1, 2019
Overall, it was great to get to know about Kubernetes for beginners like me!
By Rodrigo B C
•Jun 15, 2018
Gostei de ter participado do treinamneto da Google Cloud! Muito bom o curso!
By Yair B
•Jun 7, 2018
Instructions are very clear and the growth of each step taken feels natural.
By Ravindra S K K
•May 4, 2020
Amazing Course. The Hands-On Experience through Lab was just wonderful !!!!
By Enrique Z (
•Jul 30, 2018
Totally practical, great course for the use of kubernetes in the real world
By Satadru B
•Aug 5, 2019
Great to get a quick working handson to the CD and deployment strategies !