Dec 27, 2019
I actually learnt lot of good stuff regarding GCP and ML on cloud. This is the beginner course for anyone who wants to start off their career in GCP and ML. Thanks coursera and GCP for this course
Nov 1, 2018
Interesting and engaging content of ML. The course is structured well and emphasizes important aspects of ML which tend to be overlooked by many. Just hope some exercises could be further refined.
By Dana M
•Jan 12, 2022
Some of the quizzes seemed to test material that wasn't covered in lecture. I like the section taught by Josh.
By Ulrich K
•Dec 14, 2023
Hands on use of tools. lon gwait times an CO2 use to again train a model - pre shared models could heal this
By Edward J M
•Aug 16, 2020
Felt a bit like an advertisement. But at the same time, as a beginner, I now like Google Cloud more than AWS.
By Fabien C
•Sep 7, 2020
Good except for the Bias / Inclusive ML which is either too short or too long, and not very clear overall
By Brian R
•Feb 17, 2019
Very high level so not for everyone; but very good intro to GCP and its services. Labs flowed smoothly.
By Ameet K
•Jun 27, 2018
Good basic introduction to google ML. Liked the Business processes and approaches to solving ML problems
By Anthony B
•Sep 30, 2020
Great intro to machine learning. A little 'salesy' which takes away from some of the general learning.
By Prateek G
•Feb 7, 2022
great course to get started on AI/ML concepts. the labs & tests are a little out of sync with content
By Sarvesh V
•Jun 3, 2020
Helps get a brief understanding of the fundamental working of machine learning on Google and use APIs.
By Anand K M
•Nov 18, 2018
Very nice course for understanding how google does machine learning using Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
By Michał G
•Feb 25, 2021
I prefer more labs sessions. Very interesting was google facets, but there are no labs how to use it.
By Pavan e
•May 3, 2020
it would be much more helpful , if the code that is pre written in the jupyter notebooks is explained
By Venkata M T
•Feb 7, 2020
Some of the labs were not working verbatim. Needed to make some changes to reflect the latest updates
By Shihao W
•Jul 4, 2018
The only problem I have so far is the first presenter keeps swinging and make me feel unprofessional.
By Rupesh K
•Apr 7, 2022
Few Practice courses needs detailed about how to setup the complete lab before we start the practice
By Guo L
•Jun 20, 2018
Good! It can be better if a highlighted dot can be added when directing step-by-step on the screen.
By Amaan G
•Jun 9, 2020
This is mostly information. I loved it anyway. All the information was the latest and up to date.
By Şükrü O
•Nov 5, 2018
A good introductory course to get know of the Google Cloud's capabilities and associated aspects.
By Ammar J D
•Oct 21, 2018
It was particularly interesting to hear Google's definition of ML and what problems it can solve.
By meet h
•Jun 22, 2019
it is nice course for completely unknown with ML and cloud computing, but very easy for others.
•Oct 15, 2018
Nice way to begin stuff! Hoping to see amazing stuff in upcoming courses of the specialization!
By Ruixin Y
•Jun 2, 2018
I enjoy the course, but I really don't like the last question in quiz 5, it's a waste of time.
By Akshit S
•Jun 23, 2020
course was really great and I have learnt a lot from this course about google cloud services
By Azucena C
•Mar 27, 2019
Good intro to understanding how Machine Learning is utilized across several Google products.
By Christopher B
•May 9, 2021
Very informative, this covered a lot of material and helped my understanding of Google ML