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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Grammar and Punctuation by University of California, Irvine

19,347 ratings

About the Course

Course 1: Grammar and Punctuation Do you need to review English grammar? Have you forgotten the grammar you once studied? If so, this course is perfect for you. The first course in this specialization is a refresher on some tools needed for good writing. It will help prepare you for the other courses. You will need about 10 hours to complete this first course. Writing is a skill and to learn a skill well, you need to practice. In this course, you will watch short video lectures and then practice and discuss what you have learned. Make sure you take good notes and use the peer discussions to ask questions. Then you'll be able to remember the rules you learn in this course when you start writing essays in the next course. After completing this course, you will be able to: - identify the correct verb tenses to use - use commas effectively - utilize several different sentence types - write more effectively in English Please note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version....

Top reviews


Oct 6, 2016

This course had an outstanding syllabus and i have learned a lot about punctuation rules and regulations in English Language; which will excel my capabilities for my future endeavors and study plan.


Jun 25, 2020

I highly recommend this course. This paves the way to keep a note higher in my English skills particularly in grammar and punctuation. What a remarkable experience ! You will definitely learn a lot .

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1026 - 1050 of 5,826 Reviews for Grammar and Punctuation

By Zianneil T G


Apr 26, 2020

I'm happy that I was able to finish this course even though I am working. I like how you made it simple but also knowledgeable. :)

By Ale M


Jan 6, 2020

It was a really helpful and quick course to revise all important and basic aspects of grammar and punctuation. I highly recommend.

By Shubham N


Dec 7, 2019

Exceptionally good! Just check if there are any punctuation errors in these sentences. If not, You are good to take-up the course.

By Gilberto B


Oct 27, 2019

This was an awesome opportunity to learn about the english grammar and to find an educational material to study. 100% recommended.

By Sara A A W


Oct 20, 2018

It's an interesting course , helpful , and amazing one .

Thanks a lot for this chance to learn from such a brilliant university .

By Emilie B


Oct 22, 2017

The quality of the course is great. The explanations are clear and conveyed in a way you can easily absorb. I highly recommend it.

By Barbara W


Sep 8, 2016

Great course and tutor. I've put in place all my grammar knowledge and learned a bunch of completely new things about punctuation.

By Hossam B


Sep 3, 2021

Never expected I would finish this course having this much of new skills in writing. Just Wow! I would recommend it to everyone.

By Melvi M C


Jul 27, 2020

Excelente para quienes quieren entender un poco mas la gramática del ingles, no solo académicamente, sino profesional y personal.

By Erika M L


Jun 24, 2020

Very simple and clear explanations. The exercises helped a lot, particularly, because they were provided with immediate feedback.

By Rajasekaran C


Jun 7, 2020

This is a new experience for me after twenty-five years, I have got an opportunity to gain knowledge on grammar and punctuations.

By Punam


May 3, 2020

This course helped me to clear my doubts about tenses and sentences.

Because I get less errors or Grammarly, I can see the result.

By Irina M


Nov 4, 2019

Thank you so much for that course! I loved it. It was very interesting, useful and easy to understand. The teacher is just great!

By Inna T


Feb 2, 2016

I strongly recommend this course for everyone who wants to improve English. All so clear and easy to understand. I like it a lot!

By Erick O


Jan 21, 2016

Very good course, I learned a lot about Grammar and Punctuation. A very friendly teacher. It´s a fast way to improve our writing.

By kalu s e


Nov 27, 2022

This course taught me a lot, and I feel more confident in my Grammar and Punctuation skills. I'll definitely recommend to anyone

By Iryna K


May 25, 2022

I'm glad to e on this course. I can improve my skills in wrighting letters. And for my work it's nessesery skill. Thanks a lot!

By Irfan A I


Jun 13, 2021

This is really a helpful course which helped me a lot in terms of building a concrete foundation in grammatical rules and so on.

By Dung P N


Nov 29, 2020

This course helps me revise my grammar and punctuation to perfect my academic writing. It also provides useful tips for writing!

By Jeanna M H


Nov 8, 2020

I really enjoy taking this course , It really helped me a lot and I learned things that I had trouble understanding in the past.

By Inura N D G G


Oct 12, 2020

Learned a lot! Thank you for all lecturers. Some of practice exercises are not working please fix that issue of future learners.

By Osamah H A A


Aug 12, 2020

I really liked the information mentioned in this course. They were very helpful and I cannot wait to finish this specialization.

By Md. A C


Jul 5, 2020

All the materials were extravagant. So was the practice tests and popup tests between the videos. Quite content with the course.

By David R E B


May 29, 2020

Excelente curso, es fácil de realizar y aprendes los temas de manera muy natural y sencilla por la manera en la que se explican.

By José C E C


Sep 23, 2019

This firs part of the course helped me to understand the different types of sentences and use them to improve my writing skills.