Jan 18, 2017
This is a great introductory course for entry level Hadoop learner. I hope more content can be added into this course. This course overlaps with other big data courses offered by USDC.
Jan 12, 2016
Excellent material, teachers and all in place to head studies in the right direction to learn Hadoop and related tools..!Thanks very much for the great time shared with us..!
By Khaled E
•Nov 16, 2015
I really enjoyed this course. It helped me a lot in making my first steps through Big Data. I'm really looking forward for the next courses in Big Data specialization.
By Sujay J
•Aug 5, 2017
Course is very much helpful to enhance knowledge as it is designed based on concepts and hands on exercise. So one just can not complete without proper understanding.
By Ernani B
•Dec 18, 2016
Curso excepcional, a minha unica recomendacao e que ele passe uma bagagem um pouco maior de spark, para facilitar o entendimento e resolucao dos exercicios finais.
By tech v (
•Jun 27, 2016
some assignments are ambiguous like hadoop advance join assignment expect answer having int val but people were uploading those values as str and it keeps failing.
By govind s
•Nov 19, 2017
excellent course for all those who want to start with hadoop and spark from scratch. Programming in Cloudera makes hadoop journey a easy and fun ride :)
By Ashish K
•May 4, 2016
This was a great experience and tutors explained the concepts quite well. Tricky questions from quiz make you read more in detail. This definitely helps
By Mohammad A
•Feb 20, 2016
I liked the exercise in this course. Which give me more hands-on experience. However, there were some videos that have some minor recording issues.
By Olga M S R
•Jan 1, 2016
Bien orientado. ADemás lo tengo clsificado en función de mis preferencias porque la página de cursos no da opción a otra ordencación . oido?
By Kumaresh P
•Sep 26, 2016
Simply Outstanding.. Anyone who wants to do deep dive on HDFS,Spark and Map reduce..i will suggest simply to study and finish this course.
By fabien c
•Feb 1, 2016
Excellent course, this lead me to understand basic concepts on Hadoop I would hardly figured out by myself.
Thanks UCSanDiego & Coursera !
By Chaitali A
•Jun 18, 2017
The course structure so well defined that it was easy for me to go through all the topics and assignments are really good for learning.
By Israel L
•Sep 11, 2017
Professors and course are excellent. I would like to recommend you this course if you want to get knowledge and hands-on about Hadoop.
By Deleted A
•Jan 16, 2016
This course is a lot of hand-on on Spark, Hadoop. I'm very recommended to take this course to understand inner of Hadoop ecosystem.
By Huixin L
•Mar 4, 2019
It provide the basis of the Hadoop platform. It also provide with some command to do the real life work. Good course to recommend.
By Mavlarn T
•Nov 25, 2015
It's a little easy, but it has described the concepts of hadoop clearly. So, it's good enough for a totally new big data learner.
By Sachin C
•Sep 13, 2017
There are Best experties for guidance with the very basics of Big-Data hadoop . Its a very good plateform for hadoop begineer.
By Mumtaz H
•Apr 29, 2018
Course was highly organized and it helped me to learn new things about Hadoop Platform. I will recommend to take this course.
By mohammedniyas
•May 16, 2017
The course is really good for Hadoop beginners. As a beginner I got some hands on in Hadoop filesyatem, Mapreduce and Spark.
By Jose N
•Oct 23, 2017
Me parece un excelente curso para iniciarse en estos frameworks e incentivar el interes acerca de la manipulacion de datos.
By Caner Y
•May 3, 2017
Awesome for beginners. It provides a brief intro into the theoretical & technical sides by providing hands-on assignments.
By Mahmood M S
•Apr 23, 2016
Very useful course on Hadoop, MapReduce and Spark. It gives the motivation and momentum to explore Hadoop platform further.
By Danqi Y
•Feb 14, 2016
Excellent course. Finally understood the mapreduce and spark frameworks after this course, and I am glad they made it free.
By Cassio M d A
•Feb 19, 2018
The practical aproach, mainly on the last weeks, makes you realize what Hadoop is about. Very good stratategy of learning.
By Ratnashen M
•Jun 25, 2017
Excellent Course for whoever is trying to step in the world of Big Data. Good exercises on hadoop , mapreduce and spark! ~