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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Chinese Characters for beginner 汉字 by Peking University

1,031 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to "Chinese Characters for beginner"! This is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will start from the basic element of Chinese characters-- Strokes. Then we will learn 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “一”(one), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect. ① Each Chinese character is with pinyin; ② Each Chinese character is shown in the form of animation in the process of writing, namely strokes; ③ English translation is used on the Chinese character can be a word itself. Other Chinese characters can not be independent of words are the characters of. The English translation of this kind of characters is marked in parentheses; ④ Each Chinese word is accompanied by Pinyin, English translation and picture, which is easy to understand; ⑤ There are proper exercises at the end of each lesson. Good luck !...

Top reviews


Jul 4, 2022

V​ery good course! Some of the exercises are a bit hard, but all in all I'm just grateful that it's free and that it teaches well!


Jan 7, 2021

Thank you for letting me study with you through this course. I can't afford a Mandarin course at the moment so thank you so much!

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251 - 275 of 321 Reviews for Chinese Characters for beginner 汉字

By hoctiengtrung g

Jul 4, 2021


By Tharavit P

Jul 6, 2020


By Eneshka

Jun 22, 2020



May 7, 2019


By Sarah M A A

Jul 12, 2022



May 29, 2020


By Ruiz A G M

Jun 19, 2023


By natchaya y

May 9, 2020


By Alice M L

Jun 18, 2020

I self-learned Chinese by watching a lot of shows and listening to music. So, I am pretty fluent in listening and can speak a little. But I could not read or write, so this was the perfect course for me. I enjoyed the material and the pace it was going. I've noticed that I'm beginning to recognize more Chinese characters as I sometimes need to research Chinese companies for work, and I can read them when I am watching tv shows. The only thing I wish it taught was the different sounds because it does get confusing when the words are the same characters but different sounds.

By Tigest A

Jul 25, 2020

Overall, this course is VERY rigorous and comprehensive! You learn SO MANY words/characters! Not 5 stars because some of the videos drag on a little too long, this class is a little on the difficult side, and sometimes there are questions on a quiz for content that has not been taught yet. I would definitely recommend this course if you are a hard worker, have the time, and have the interest in learning the Chinese language. Also, make sure you take paper notes in order to keep track of all of the characters :)

By Gwen J

Mar 12, 2022

I enjoyed this course. Would have loved to receive an explanation for why the same characters are used several times with a different pronounciation different meanings; however, this course does not provide that level of detailed information. You simply become familiar with the character and its new meaning. Neither does it give an explanation for "radical". Otherwise it's an intense course that moves at a good pace; even when self-pacing. I'm looking forward to taking Part 2 of this course.

By Mary P

Apr 9, 2022

The course has a great pace--videos were clear and concise. There were a few discrepencies in the quizzes, which in a few quetions, none of the answer choices were the correct ones, so I was a bit confused with that. I would definately recommend taking this course in conjunction with another beginner's Mandarin course (one that doesn't focus on Chinese Characters, but on simple conversation instead.)

By Richard F

Oct 24, 2021

This is a beginner's course but i think difficult for many people -- i have stayed in Shanghai many times so have basic knowledge of mandarin. To progress one has to study to progress. I am also learning french,german and latin so i do not have a lot of spare time. This course is very good but i would rate it above beginner's level for sure.

By Daniel D

Mar 17, 2021

A very interesting and useful course. I give it only 4 stars as I was not able to obtain the recommended text book, because the sellers did not deliver to my country in Europe. It is a bit difficult to follow without explanatory materials and I had to use supplemental textbooks and grammars to make sense of the exercises in the quiz tests.

By Phương L H

Sep 15, 2021

Learning Chinese with Chinese characters for beginners course helped me feel more confident to start learning Chinese. Everything, from the characters to the spelling, is easy to understand. Sincere thanks to the teachers and the university. Hope to become a student of Peking University in the near future!

By jamie h

Sep 13, 2020

Great for vocabulary building. Sometimes new vocabulary was included in the test questions, and translation wasn't given. If the test review showed pinyin and English translation of the questions I would have given 5 stars. Overall very good for elementary level learners of Chinese, thank you.

By Sheue L Y

Dec 18, 2020

Very informative especially explanation on the ancient Chinese form, however not all are easily relatable. Certain individual character means the same as after being added to the second character eg mei (beautiful) and mei li (beautiful) - non-chinese may be puzzled by this.

By Anna G L

Feb 18, 2017

La cantidad de caracteres que se deben aprender semanalmente es demasiado grande. Está muy bien explicado todo, pero en el caso de los tests, sería positivo poder contar con la traducción de las frases al inglés, para poder comprobar que hemos entendido bien su significado.

By Aishwarya M

Apr 5, 2023

The videos were well-done, but the tests were lacking a bit, in that the images could have been smaller, and the questions could have some English or pinyin. I am happy to have learnt a bit, even though I know I have a lot more to learn but this is a good starting place!

By Marios M

Mar 19, 2017

Great step-by-step introduction to Chinese Characters! Filled with historical background to help understand the underlying meaning of the characters and not just the image.

It would be nice to have a complete vocabulary for the whole class that we can download and use!

By Juergen S

May 17, 2017

It is a good starting course if you already understand some basic Chinese and its structure, however it is still difficult to remember and recognize characters, revise, practice and more practice then it all becomes clearer

By Linh P

Jun 19, 2017

great course for beginner.

i'm from VietNam , too be interested in this course

it's too useful for me to repair step by step learn China like native language.

thank you very much who conduct this course

By Wanvipa P

Jan 7, 2017

This course is good for someone who has the basic knowledge about Chinese language and wants to study more. It should be better when there are the sentences examples of using each word.

By Sara d V

Apr 24, 2022

He aprendido mucho con este curso, el único fallo que tiene es que a veces crea confusión, cuando dos carazteres tienen el mismo significado, no explica cuando usar uno y cuando otro