Aug 3, 2020
The course has been challenging , yet fulfilling. Conducted in a scientific way, the course has changed the way I look at Happiness ! Thanks a lot Dr. Raj and team for making the course so engrossing!
Sep 30, 2016
I enjoyed doing this course very much. The amount of research, references included in the study material makes it credible and easy to relate to. The assignment and exercises are also very helpful.
By Camila P
•Jan 17, 2018
There was no need to show the video of the baby monkeys, even with the warning... why? Was it really necessary?? Really there was no other way of explaining or other examples that could be used? Totally killed my happiness and the will to finish this course. It does not make sense at all to show so much suffering, especially of babies (no matter what species), in a course to help us be happier. When I started this course, I thought it was supposed to help me ne happy, not sad or depressed, but guess I was wrong :( Don't take this course if you care about animals or are sensitive towards cruelty and suffering. Please put a warning in the beginning of the course: this course contains scenes of animal experiments.
By Mariko M
•Feb 1, 2016
Prof Raj is a charismatic and engaging professor. Although at first glance, the content may seem theoretically heavy and dull, he teaches in an entertaining way without jargon, and with lots of anecdotes and metaphors, making it easy to follow, and most of all, fun to learn. I would definitely recommend this course for you!
Each module and the entirety of the course is structured very comprehensively. The lectures incorporate various professors who are experts in their field via video conference, telephone, and quotes. Lecture videos (though sometimes long) have lots of embedded quizzes and relevant external videos. Just like taking a course at university, supplemental (yet an optional) reading list is provided for those who wish to explore further.
Prof Raj definitely knows what he is talking about and the videos are easy to follow. There are only a few videos where the audio isn't the best, but transcripts can be downloaded on Coursera, and a clean-format of the transcription can be found on the Facebook page. The animations, lighting, audio, in general are all great.
The discussion forum is very active. With at least three mentors active during the duration of the course, and at least one responding to a post within a business day, you won't feel like you're taking the course alone.
Although it states that time commitment is 2-3 hours a week, it will most likely take more than that. The total number of minutes spent on watching all lecture videos (for that week) averages to a little over 2 hours. If you're like me and want to take notes or take a break while studying or re-watch a lecture, you'll need more time. Plus on top of that, there are quizzes and assignments. (You can save time by not submitting assignments via the ISB website.) I would allocate minimum 3 hours a week for this course and maximum 5. Bare this in mind for those who are working or studying full-time or are taking other MOOC courses. - Enjoy the course!
By Galina T
•Dec 18, 2017
Всем привет! Курс отличается от прочих на Курсере и подачей и ожиданиями. Здесь я действительно контролировала сама себя и радовалась за сокурсников. Курс о счастье, о научно доказанных исследованиях и просто ощущениях как жить лучше. Не правильнее, а именно лучше для себя. Я рекомендую новым ученикам отнестись серьезно к занятиям, записывать все, обязательно дойти до конца.
Курс запущен 2015 году и в Америке в школе MBA он признан лучшим курсом года. Все здесь становятся семьей, профессор даже отвечал мне на электронные письма :) .Это самая позитивная дисциплина о научном исследовании счастья, доказательствах, нейропластичности, привычках, "грехах" на пути к счастью. Это и жертвование своим счастьем ради чего-то другого (эффект "золотой рыбки", когда мы просим сразу что-то материальное, вместо просьбы быть счастливым), черезмерный контроль, недоверие к другим, потребность во внимании, в чувстве компетентности и мастерстве, погоня за превосходством над другими, недоверие к жизни ("стакан всегда наполовину пуст") и игнорирование внутреннего источника счастья - осознанности.
Начали мы с четкого определения счастья для себя и теста для замера уровня счастья. Конечно, оказалось потом, что мое определение описывает уровни демократичной свободы по философии. Учили и положительные стороны: эффективный альтруизм, практики умного доверия, создание ситуаций, в которых проще принять правильные решения, сосредоточенность, самосострадание.Наш профессор записывал интервью с кучей настоящих мастодонтов-профессоров исследователей психологии и эмоций людей. Это и создатель "Потока" Михай Чиксентмихай, и Ричард Девидсон (его книгу я сейчас и читаю) и Голдсмит. Последний сказал очень важную фразу в конце курса."Почему мы не делаем что-то ради своего счастья? Я веду много тренингов для руководителей, через год кто-то из них придерживается полученных знаний и инструментов, а кто-то нет.И я понял, что нам часто мешает одна мысль. Всего одна. Вот она:"Сейчас я слишком занят".
By Lucinda S
•Jan 24, 2017
This course is a joy! I cannot recommend it highly enough. Practical advice based on long-term research, interviews with worldwide experts on the topics discussed, and a fabulous professor. So great!
By Chris R
•Apr 23, 2018
Excellent course, Professor Raj is great. I found it very helpful to see what types of personality traits I have that may contribute to my happiness level and possible approaches to dealing with them.
By Elizabeth M
•Oct 26, 2015
ridiculous , unscientific 'self-helpie", far below of even talk-show standards. It gives bad reputation to any business school that endorses such "course".
By Himanshu M
•Mar 29, 2020
i really like this course because it helps me in mental and emotional level now i am happy and make other person happy and leads there life to happiness this is all because of this course.
By Peter V
•Feb 27, 2017
A disorganized mess. Got no acknowledgement that i was turning in assignments. My peer-review assignment for week 1 was done the first week was never peered, reviewed, or peer-reviewed. Completed three weeks, all assignments exactly as instructed. God only knows if anything has been received or credited. I hate myself for getting suckered into this awful thing. Bye Coursera.
By Veda A
•Jan 4, 2019
I did not enjoy this course at all. Absolutely a waste of time. Did not learn anything from it.
By Michael N R
•Jun 12, 2016
Too much peer and dealing with others--not making me happy at all
By Virat M
•Jul 18, 2016
What a fantastic course! I stumbled upon this through an email from Prof Barbara Oakley who had recommended this highly. Prof Raj Raghunathan and team have done a super job in putting together a fun, thought provoking and a potentially life changing course. I must admit that I took this course with great trepidation because I am an Atheist and felt that there would be a lot of religious discussion and woo-woo as part of the subject matter. I was certainly mistaken as this was not the case. The emphasis through the course was on recent research and geared to convince rather than philosophical and airy. For a person like me this approached proved to be convincing and clear. I have personally benefitted tremendously and have certainly evangelised it to anyone I meet and will continue to do so.
Highly highly highly recommended by me!
By Rishabh S
•Sep 10, 2018
Good course content and explained everything is simple language. Hoping that will be benefited by the course. Thanks to Prof Raj and Team
By Grzegorz K
•Apr 19, 2020
Unprofessional course with very much questionable statements from the presenter. Even though Raj has a PhD he presents data that is not backing his statements in any way. A lot of BS (aka bad science) in this material. Too much of this for any academic work...even for MOOC.
By Sergiu
•Feb 21, 2017
This course is based on personal anecdotes and not facts. Many of the examples provided have been proven to be farces and/or practical jokes.
By M D
•Aug 27, 2017
The laughter track and lame jokes gotta go. Prof Raj is no Seinfeld, and he should stick to what he knows best, and not try stand up comedy.
By Narine
•Dec 5, 2015
Lecture uses "you know" so much, that I couldn't hear enything else.
By Prashant B
•Sep 30, 2016
I enjoyed doing this course very much. The amount of research, references included in the study material makes it credible and easy to relate to. The assignment and exercises are also very helpful.
By Ana K G M
•Jan 28, 2019
I loved this course, it has changed my everyday life in so many ways I feel very gratefull. Thank you very very much.
By Nisarga G
•Jan 6, 2019
A course, which provides an excellent and practical tips and approaches to improve your happiness and fulfillment.
By pilar e
•Nov 30, 2018
A rigorous, complete and entertaining course
By Vinod M
•Jan 2, 2019
So far enjoying and learning new things
By Olga L
•Feb 14, 2019
very unusual to see how scientific happiness can be.
Good advises and points to think of, especially all different kinds of surveys and experiments.
•Jan 30, 2019
motivational course. i like it
By dhruv g
•Jan 17, 2019
peer grading is too unpredictable
By Jiayi W (
•Oct 4, 2018
Life changer!