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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Hardware Security by University of Maryland, College Park

683 ratings

About the Course

In this course, we will study security and trust from the hardware perspective. Upon completing the course, students will understand the vulnerabilities in current digital system design flow and the physical attacks to these systems. They will learn that security starts from hardware design and be familiar with the tools and skills to build secure and trusted hardware....

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2019

Great course, very helpful. The content is well organised and you need to have all the require knowledge, otherwise you won't get it.


Jun 27, 2020

Well presented course that could use a bit of tweaking in terms of the quizzes, but altogether a well composed learning experience.

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76 - 100 of 134 Reviews for Hardware Security

By Will B

Sep 21, 2017

The presentation style is dry but straightforward. Material is excellent, and the lecturer can speak authoritatively about it. In Weeks 4 and 5, Montgomery reductions are presented without much mathematical background, which means you'll need to go figure out Euclidean division, Bezout's identity, etc. on your own. Not recommended for people without a background in CS, electrical engineering, or math.

By faraz k

Jul 14, 2019

An excellent course to learn about Hardware security architecture. Instructor elaborates well what are threats to hardware security i-e hardware trojan, passive attacks and side channel attacks.He describes well to preserve and secure hardware intellectual property(IP) by using different techniques.

By Pavan R

Apr 20, 2017

Course contents was good , assignments were challenging . One suggestion is to provide pdf for each classroom session or may be a weekly pdf would be great , It so happened that attending each quiz without pdf it was hard to search from video/transcript back and forth

By Ajedra K

Aug 15, 2020

It is really a helpful course which has helped to refresh my college knowledge and added a lot more new things to my understanding and i believe I am competent in this area of hardware securing how to protect against it and look for loop holes in my system

By Zilu T

Oct 19, 2016

It is a great intro course with very rich information about hardware security. But just as some other students have mentioned, the difficulty level of each assignment is not well balanced, and Week 6 videos are out of order.

By Syed R H

Mar 30, 2021

Very good course but math portion should have more clear explanation. Some easy part is over explained where some hard part is less explained. Overall it's a good course.

By Michael R

May 22, 2017

This is not a class for a non-computer scientist or a non-electrical engineer. It's frustrating to learn the material this way, but the information is valuable.


Nov 6, 2020

A great course for someone wants to begin thinking/design more secure hardware. I would like although more practical examples or maybe some exercises.

By Alexandru J

Sep 11, 2017

Nice, instructive course.

However, from time to time I felt I would need to have access to the copies of the slides, not currently available.

By Victor J

Feb 4, 2017

Complete course in order to have a clear overview of HW security. I would recommend it to all HW engineers or System Engineers as well.

By nicolas d o r

Mar 13, 2021

un curso bueno pero seria interesante que tuviera mas practicas y uso de herramientas y creaciones de laboratorios

By Muhammad D

Apr 4, 2021

Pretty good course, I enjoyed taking it. Suggest recommending texts for the course other than papers listed.

By Emilio A O Z

Aug 21, 2016

Excelente curso, para alguien que estudia electrónica le ayudará a ver un enfoque en seguridad.

By adriano u

Mar 29, 2019

Some the information around PUFs seemed a bit arbitrary,

All in all a good introductory course.

By Utkarsh T

Oct 20, 2020

You should update the course yearly. Charging money for old course is not good.

By Antonio P

Feb 16, 2020

Great but I would prefer more examples from less difficult to more difficult.

By Salahuddin E

May 4, 2018

A very nice course to give you a push into hardware security!

By Ethan L

Jul 8, 2016

The content is rich but the way of teaching is dull.

By Yair C M

Sep 14, 2018

Great course but need someone moderating the forum.

By Edgardo P F J

Feb 27, 2019

Some material are not polished, especially week 6.

By Fabio D

Mar 28, 2017

Great overviez on Hardware Security

By Mohd Y

Jul 5, 2019

Pretty good...

By Nishant Y

Mar 2, 2020

good content.

By Kasra O

Aug 16, 2017

Good content!

By Felipe M M L

May 12, 2017

Audio quality is very poor, this makes it very difficult to understand, sometimes impossible to understand the professor which is not a native eanglish speaker. His mispronunciation and strugle with words combined with low audio volume makes it almost imposible to understand at times.