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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Healing with the Arts by University of Florida

937 ratings

About the Course

Through art projects—including visual arts, dance, writing, and music—along with spiritual practices and guided imagery, Healing With the Arts gives you the tools to heal what you need to heal in your life: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual....

Top reviews


Nov 15, 2017

Unfortunately due to travelling i was not able to complete the last lesson but I loved this course so much!!! It was very inspiring and i will put everything i learned in practice! Thank you!!


Mar 18, 2018

I learnt such a grateful skill now I am feeling more confident, now I am able to help a lot of people in my community who are suffering with negative thoughts and psychological problems .

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101 - 125 of 359 Reviews for Healing with the Arts

By Patrícia D

Jul 5, 2020

O curso mostra o nosso potencial de cura e arte. Através de algumas atividades e dicas apresenta possibilidades para nos expressarmos através da arte e assim desenvolver em nós o nosso potencial criativo e de cura. Excelente! Adorei!!!

By Mst. Z K

May 28, 2020

Thank you so much for making available to us such a valuable course. The module is amazing and designed nicely. Learned so much about arts and feeling interested to take more courses on art. You were really nice throughout the course.

By María F

Mar 9, 2021

He disfrutado muchísimo este curso que, además, me ha servido para encauzar mis objetivos vitales y profesionales. Es un curso completo, realista, holístico y el profesorado maravilloso. Lo recomiendo sin lugar a dudas.

By Chiara C Z M

Nov 8, 2021

I LOOVE this course i learned so much about art and it's healing power and i also learend about myself and my connection with everything that sorrownds me and my own healthcare in a spiritual and also physical level.

By Poonam S

Aug 28, 2020

It is an amazing course. I recommend it to everyone irrespective of the suffering or not. This will definitely help you grow in the natural way. Thank you so much for the wonderful content and the course structure.

By Manjula T

May 12, 2020

This is course is really simple and very interesting. Those who really want to learn to heal with art this is the best selection. Please do not miss the opportunity to explore your inner talent of healing with art.

By Lada S

May 28, 2020

It is a wonderful journey where you can do things with your hands, your body rather than just talking. You can see yourself more clearly through the creative process and I am very thankful for this experience!

By Triveni G

Aug 26, 2022

The course was quite engaging. I found the assignments quite enriching. If one were to do the assignments seriously, one can really introspect, learn a lot about oneself and work on their thought processes!

By Hana M

Dec 27, 2024

Nice overview - speaks about various types of art. Art is for anyone. And should be taught to kids at the early age. It helps to overcome difficult times. Thank you for this course. Greetings from Czech.

By Raffaella C

May 17, 2020

Thank you very much for this wonderful opportunity. A path of growth through experimentation. And great examples of how the arts can facilitate sustaining and helping to heal. thanks thanks thanks

By Dominika W

May 12, 2018

it is really amazing course. A lot of work but il ove it... opened me an my heart. Mary, so charismatic person. I back there so willingly to learn and do my exercises. Thank you so much

By Samia S

Jul 18, 2020

This course help me to find my passion and happiness. Now I don't care about inner critic anymore. I'm free to do my creativity. Thank you so much for helping me with it. Thank you❤️

By Tracy K

Jun 2, 2024

Overall, there are some tweaks this course could use, but I have to give it 5 stars because I learned so much. It's pretty comprehensive and the homework/assignments were valuable.

By Ananya C

Nov 2, 2022

I started this course when the world was reeling under pandemic and lockdowns. Needless to say this course helped me to use my creativity and channelise it to create inner peace.

By Ala D

Jul 12, 2020

I really enjoyed every moment of this course. i have not seen Mary but i really adore her kind and positive way of teaching , i am grateful for the opportunity you gave me


By Mudure B

Jun 8, 2020

A beautiful travel in my inner self, loving people meeting and most of all I succeeded to find in a gentle way abilities that i was nor aware of. Thank you and a lot of blessing.

By Radhika S

May 22, 2020

The course was really a wonderful experience,i really learned something valuable from this course and i will try to recommend to my other friends too,THANK YOU MARY AND MICHAEL

By Solange C

Jun 26, 2020

Realmente me encantó el curso, siempre quise dedicar mi vida al arte pero también poder ayudar a otros, haber encontrado este curso me hizo notar que si podía hacer ambas cosas


Mar 4, 2018

A wealth of information. And great examples. We were not just TOLD what to do, we were showed with examples. This is a route I may be going with my art, and it sure guided me!

By Katherine K C

Apr 9, 2018

I'm really enjoying doing art projects for homework and working with my spirit animal. :) I also ordered the book with the 12 wee program so I can share this with others!

By Prakriti S

Aug 7, 2017

It has really been a great journey and this course has helped me to grow in the process. I am looking forward to keep up the spirit and continue to work on my own self.

By Binumol T

Sep 13, 2020

I loved the course. It lightened my stress and made me joyful. Gave an understanding how the skills of arts can be used to calm my mind and enjoy life. Thanks a tonne.

By Anjali C

Apr 23, 2020

its was awsum to learn how you can work and accept yourself without reservation and can take you out from any misery, only if you try. learn to live in HERE AND NOW.

By Jenna-Lee

Mar 2, 2017

An amazing and inspirational course! The best course that I have done to date. The videos are informative, interactive and excellently presented. Highly recommended.