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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies by Emory University

352 ratings

About the Course

The Center for Humanitarian Emergencies is a partnership between CDC's Emergency Response and Recovery Branch and the Rollins School of Public Health that drives global collaboration, research and evidence based training to improve the lives and well-being of populations impacted by humanitarian emergencies. - Center for Humanitarian Emergencies: - CDC's Emergency Response and Recovery Branch: This course covers the technical and management principles that are the basis of planning, implementing, and evaluating health programs for acutely displaced populations in developing countries. The emphasis is on refugees in camp situations. The course includes modules on assessment, nutrition, epidemiology of major health problems, surveillance, and program management in the context of an international relief operation. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to: 1. Describe a complex humanitarian crisis in terms of magnitude, person, time and place. 2. Calculate basic epidemiology measures. 3. Evaluate the strengths and limitations of epidemiological data within the context of CHE. 4. Develop public health programs and strategies responsive to the diverse cultural values and traditions of the community being served. 5. Identify internal and external problems that may affect the delivery of essential public health services in a CHE. 6. Identify the different technical areas in a public health response in CHEs....

Top reviews


Oct 8, 2023

This course is a good overview of all the aspects of a humanitarian response especially health, WaSH, Shelter, logistics and program management in emergency. I have really appreciated it.


Sep 5, 2023

thank you so much for the opportunity to equip myself with this knowledge and certification. definitely a must do course for those in the humanitarian line of work...

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1 - 25 of 88 Reviews for Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies

By Willemijn d B


Jun 15, 2017

The course was very interesting and definitely developed with a lot of care - it is just that with a MSC in International Public Health I suppose I expected a little bit more depth and also more challenging test/assignments.

By Ahmed I


May 26, 2017

Amazing course, gives a good simplified background on what happens during humanitarian crises

By Kayla M L


Jun 12, 2018

Good introductory course. Very short modules/lessons, but plenty of readings. Would have preferred a more advanced course, or sections that would go more in-depth and provide practicals.

By Dr S W P


Feb 3, 2020

This course is well organised and concrete for health care worker working in complex health emergency. It is tailored with key messages.

By Kingsley I


Oct 31, 2017

Actually, Its awesome learning at coursera, but am yet to have my certificate after being debited.

By Chtaura J


Nov 4, 2017

Excellent Course! I look forward to taking future course around health in CHE.

By Abdullah A


Jan 4, 2017

Good learning for those who have interests in humanitarian emergency.

By Nicolas U


Dec 3, 2016

wow! Emory is awesome! shout out to Jiong Jones and Omar Lattouf!

By Huong Q


Oct 26, 2019

It's a useful course to approach Health in Complex Humanitarian

By Eva D


Feb 25, 2020

Good essenital course, but very basic and too closely linked to US-based apparoches. The implementation ideas are good, but often not feasible in real interventions, especially when it comes to camp management.

Great resources! However, they should be checked for updates - often links did not work (404 error/document does no longer exist).


By René F N


May 22, 2017

Interesting lectures for those who want to know more about the subject. There were few meaningful discussions or interactions with the faculty, however. But it's good enough as a refresher if you've taken courses in public health in general, infectious diseases, and public health in developing nations.

By Faith M


Mar 3, 2018

It was really great doing this course. Quite informative. I expected more though. Especially on mental health and project management.

By Aedrian A


Jan 26, 2021

The course provides a comprehensive overview of how complex humanitarian emergencies are defined (and, by connection, are formed) and handled at several levels - from the global (through supranational and international organizations) to the local/on-the-ground. Throughout the material, focus is given on behind-the-scenes topics such as humanitarian worker safety & well-being and the logistics & details of the physical & technical interventions provided to those in need. This offering is incredibly insightful; it has provided me a new level of respect to the efforts and resources that go into taking care of people when their local governments or their communities are too weakened to provide for them. Finally, I highly appreciate the course creators' honesty in pointing out the limitations of the current paradigms for such response; these rooms for improvement are ripe opportunities for research and policy-making.

By Sandra M M G d A


Jan 9, 2018

I liked so mush! I’ve been working in the field for a few years. And with this course I learn new things These new applications of technology provide students with greater flexibility. More important they make it possible to change the way we learn and the way that is teaching. Give motivation. The Moocs place more the responsibility, encourage the students to think critically about the issues being taught.On this course HCHE the avaliation depends only of the teachers. Not like in the others courses that I participated, that we need the opinion of our peers to get enough credit. Congrats



Feb 8, 2017

Es un curso ameno, interesante y frofundo. No tiene ni un minuto de desperdicio, se aprovecha en su totalidad. Jerarquiza los sapectos importates y logra interesar al alumno. Muchas gracais por la posibilidad de aprender de una forma accesible a quienes estamos en regiones del mundo con poco acceso a educación Institucional en le área de emergencias humanitarias.

By Valeria M B


Apr 11, 2020

Great and interesting course. It gives the main important factors to take into account when it comes to a CHE. Health personal should take the course in order to keep in mind the important actions to make in CHE, that are a reality in our world. I learned a lot and I am grateful for taking this course.

By Elena C


Feb 3, 2018

This was amazing! It was very detailed and useful for an aid worker. Sincerely I strongly hope to find a full university master similar to this course.

Thanks to all the professors, I just recommend to some of you to speak louder and more cleary because sometimes I had a bit of difficulty hearing.

By Raineer B J


Aug 31, 2020

This is one of the most meaningful courses I enrolled in Coursera, given the current health crisis and possible emerging health emergencies that may occur in the future. The course is complex yet easy to digest. The lecturers/presenters ate top-notch. Many thanks for this opportunity.

By Luis A D


Nov 30, 2020

A Perfect course. Really good the professionalism of every person in this course, the material, and the extra information, also the lectures, reflex the detail when they create the material, the motivation to give you the most good experience in learning. Thanks so much.



Aug 14, 2019

It was very informative and the way they explained the subjects were simple and smooth,

supporting their topics with pictures and examples of some incidents happened were helpful to attract our attentions more.

Thank you.

By Mahbub H


Aug 16, 2017

It was a wonderful learning experience. It is a great course for humanitarian aid providers as well as a student or professional to understand the core health issues during humanitarian crisis around the globe.



Feb 5, 2020

It is very helpful covering most common situations which can be faced by aid workers in CHE. It also improves my humanitarian knowledge including Complex humanitarian emergencies concepts and knowledge.

By Jamie L L


Sep 15, 2019

Excellent overview of a variety of areas crucial to health and humanitarian response. Several different expert speakers with quizzes relevant to the week's materials. Good readings.

By Aminata G


Nov 28, 2016

The course covered the mains issues of a very complex topic in a very compact way, I have definitely extended my skills and knowledge! Thanks to the lecturers!

By Cynthia N J D


Dec 20, 2020

Brief but comprehensive. It's quite relevant to my job. Introduced frameworks are quite helpful to understand the basics of humanitarian response in CHEs.