Mar 12, 2020
Nice introductory course to healthcare informatics. Although there was some information I had previously known, I learned more deeply about the future of nursing and the Omaha system. Thank you.
Apr 6, 2017
The course was very informative to expand upon. It would have been very nice to have the presentation material made available in the form of slides or a readable PDF document...
By Cassy G
•Dec 3, 2018
Great content, but many of the links our out-of-date, so they definitely need to be updated.
By Deepa F P
•Sep 5, 2017
The class was very high level and tailored for clinical staff interested in an overview of Healthcare Informatics. I was able to complete in 3 days and was surprised that a fee was charged upfront for a short and high level class. This class was marketed as 9 weeks long. Not being a clinical staff, this class was only minimally helpful. The quizzes at the end were painful as they expected 100% correct answers where particular words from the instructor had to be remembered. Compared to the other Coursera classes this was not good enough quality with a compulsory fee.
By Frankson U
•Oct 13, 2015
This course is just perfect,
the layout
the details,
it is a well thoughout course, very easy to understand, extensive materials to look at
By Rahul H
•Nov 9, 2016
It was a great learning experience to learn Informatics at such a prestigious platform. Looking forward to do more courses from Coursera community.
By Thej S
•Apr 7, 2017
The course was very informative to expand upon. It would have been very nice to have the presentation material made available in the form of slides or a readable PDF document...
By Thomas S
•Aug 17, 2015
I felt this course was well developed. It certainly captured some of the growing areas of informatics throughout healthcare. I would have liked to have seen a broader scale of examples such as how informatics is impacted other avenues of healthcare - such as in clinics, pharmacies, etc. There are several links in this course which are broken, so I was not able to do the additional reading on the sites I was being directed to. Overall, I felt the information discussed was direct and to the point and all of those who presented the material was helpful and knowledgeable.
By Jeffrey L
•Dec 20, 2020
Very Informative. I've worked in the healthcare industry for 17 years and have been exposed to HL7 but never really knew the intricacies on what it takes to develop an EHR, and the challenges when implementing the system in a healthcare setting. Thank you for broadening my horizons, Team University of Minnesota!
By Philip T
•Mar 11, 2016
I'm about half way through this course. It's a great accompaniment to the Health Informatics on FHIR (Georgia Tech). Its well presented and give a huge amount of additional reading to support the learning in each module. For me it has 'formalised' my on the job experience gained in the past few years.
By norbert b
•Jul 13, 2017
This was a powerful course, sincerely it has improved my teaching-Health informatics is at it is infancy here in Kenya, yet we are suppose to teach it, with your awesome explanation and examples, things get better.
By Scott56
•Aug 21, 2015
Fun, easy, great pace - about 3 videos per week. This course is instructive and understandable. It is not about gene sequencing and statistical modelling. I recommend this to all healthcare professionals.
By Claudio D S F
•Aug 13, 2015
I I really enjoyed the classes and materials Thanks Teacher Thanks Coursera for the opportunity of everyone to study
By Ananda s
•Oct 12, 2016
Being in the medical field Its very useful course for me to understand EHR and other Healthcare information.
By 남호준
•Jan 13, 2017
With this on-line education, I learned how much health information impacts consumers.
Healthcare consumers actively explore health information and make decisions about their health. And they get information via a number of resources such as friends and family, printing, electronic media, health care providers, other consumers and so on.It is very important that health information should be accessible to people and medical staff directly related to patients, and I think that the process of health information delivery should be appropriate to the degree of need of acquiring personal information of medical consumers.
In addition, I think that the problem which critical to challenge was examined as long as consumers, providers, and information scientists who develop using health information should go through.
By M. T B G
•Oct 5, 2015
No podemos abstraernos de la situación actual: aunque muchos presentan reticencias al "Big Data", podemos beneficiarnos de la globalización para facilitar y mejorar la atención sanitaria de gran cantidad de personas, formando a los profesionales en el uso racional de las nuevas tecnologÃas y valiéndonos de estas para mejorar la calidad de la asistencia. Con el ejemplo de una escuela de EnfermerÃa, este curso nos descubre los secretos de la tecnologÃa adaptada a la atención sanitaria y nos abre un mundo de posibilidades para poder llegar, desde nuestros despachos, a gran parte de la población que de otro modo verÃa muy mermadas sus oportunidades de avanzar en sus programas y carteras de servicios.
By Dr F Z S
•Jun 5, 2016
The course really helped me in understanding the basics of health informatics and definitely adds value to my CV. The faculty is very well versed and have a good knowledge of the subject. The class of data visualization really helped in evaluating how to visualize data and present it in a good form.
By Stanley O
•Sep 3, 2018
An excellent course with a great professor. The information was very simple to understand, and lots of interaction. Also appreciated the weekly reading articles, and the use of video's to help see how information and technology are changing healthcare.
By Rorey P
•Mar 13, 2020
Nice introductory course to healthcare informatics. Although there was some information I had previously known, I learned more deeply about the future of nursing and the Omaha system. Thank you.
By Roosewelt L d A
•Oct 20, 2016
Fantástico! Recomendo à todos os profissionais da área de saúde. Curso muito bem organizado e com bastante material de suporte ao aprendizado.
By Tim D
•Jun 6, 2021
This course was a great introduction to healthcare informatics and is a must for anyone looking to further their knowledge in the field.
By Vamsi C
•Sep 9, 2015
A very high level overview of what needs to be done in the next n number of years to improve the population health by x times.
By Kevin O
•Sep 28, 2015
Really a good starting point for anyone interested in learning or starting a new career in health informatics.
By Okwukwe D
•Jul 14, 2017
Great informative and inspiring course. I am moved to find and utilize data for healthcare improvement.
By Gustavo C S
•Dec 27, 2017
It's a very interesting course that permits connect the begginer student to the basis of techonology.
By Neha K
•Feb 28, 2016
A very nice course to get end to end understanding of components involved in Healthcare practices.
By Sunday E
•Jul 8, 2020
Fantastic course.. I love the richness and simplicity of the course by the tutors. It's amazing.