Jun 28, 2019
Healthcare Data Models is a great course that elaborately exposed various models relevant for healthcare data analysis.Doug did a very good job.
Oct 3, 2019
Very well developed, simple and to the point. Highly recommended for doctors and healthcare IT professionals.
By U K
•Apr 23, 2019
Intro level.
By Debopam R
•Oct 30, 2020
Course is good but at a very basic level. Little more technical depth around developing a healthcare data model would have been useful
By Kabakov B
•Jan 17, 2020
Very basic info. Peer-review final task.
By Justice D A
•Jun 29, 2019
Healthcare Data Models is a great course that elaborately exposed various models relevant for healthcare data analysis.
Doug did a very good job.
By Dr M I
•Oct 4, 2019
Very well developed, simple and to the point. Highly recommended for doctors and healthcare IT professionals.
By Hathaipach I
•Jul 17, 2023
Thank you, teacher, I will use the knowledge gained to benefit the public.
By Rosetta T
•Mar 4, 2019
Great examples and reinforces what the goals of each module are.
By Dora A
•Feb 3, 2023
Excelent course about quality of data in heathcare.
By Zhikuan Q
•Jun 27, 2019
Very interesting course.
By Luke M D
•Jan 30, 2019
Excellent instructor
By Nikhil S
•Jun 30, 2020
amazing course
By Aied A
•Feb 20, 2024
By Dattatreya P
•Oct 10, 2020
i have came across various data releted concecrn of healthcare to provide n=better complience to patients.
thanks a lot to university of california and coursera.