Oct 18, 2017
从基础讲起,到各种方向。最好的是,从很多方面介绍了python的用处很适合初学者来此寻找方向! Start from the basics and go in all directions.Best of all, in many ways, the use of python is well suited for beginners to find directions!
May 28, 2017
It is a good course. Starting from the very basic part, the course is suitable for beginner. Those methods that are introduced in the course are all useful, without redundant part.
By Leo L
•Feb 5, 2018
By 顾姚瑜
•Mar 12, 2018
1.在每一次视频课结束后就添加一次阅读材料,而不是每一小单元结束后才是大段的阅读材料,因为原先那样不利于调动阅读材料的积极性 ,也不利于与视频课配合;
By 陈宇
•Sep 12, 2015
By Alex l
•May 31, 2019
By 王博康
•Jun 22, 2018
终于完成啦!哈哈哈大壮老师太可爱了。嗯,作为我第一个完成的网课,我要和大家分享一些看法。课程难度:偏高。 我是学商科的(完全0基础),自认为理科并不能算弱。但要跟上课程还是要费很大工夫的。说实在不太建议完全没有编程基础的同学来学,也可能是我个人太弱了吧。但有一些编程的基础概念完全没有提及,是需要同学在课后自己补的,这一部分可以说非常折磨人了。一节课10分钟几个概念,我经常翻来覆去要听好多好多遍,建议同学自己补练习题,不然真的很难跟上。老师:一百昏啊一百昏,我都成了大壮老师的粉丝了(✧◡✧)课程设置:我觉得设置的太全了,以至于刚对request有点感觉,啪,过了;刚对data frame有点感觉,啪,又过了。。。而且个人觉得最后一部分实在太快,可以考虑删去GUI这一部分,先把基础打牢比较适合我们这类以实用为目的的人综合:4.5❤ 老师加分加分,但是课程设置和难度有可以商榷的地方∠(°ゝ°)敬礼!谢谢老师带我领略到了编程的世界!感谢!
By Xiaolong C
•Dec 26, 2016
刚刚学习结束, 还留了一个GUI的大项目没做完, 先考完了试. 个人觉得第四周开始难度比较大, 聚类分析这些我找了统计的教科书复习了才明白. 第五周的GUI部分其实难度蛮大的, 这部分讲解不太够, 最后做项目我想模仿老师的做都感觉很吃力...
总的下来, 感觉主要学习的是python编程的基本, DataFrame这个数据结构相关的操作和很基本的统计分析.
总结: 这是一门合格的Python在数据应用方面的入门课.
By 马栖恬
•Oct 14, 2017
I wrote this review in English so all Cousera students can unsderstand. This course is intended for students with a mixture background in statistics & CS and trying to shift to python programming from another OO or statistic language, not for new learners as indicated in the prerequisites. The teacher follows a pedagogic Chinese teaching style, making it a python dictionary —— too few practices and too many skills. I personally find the web mining part ridiculously advanced and I am even required to be tested on that. The course's high grade is mainly due to the Chinese' traditional respect towards teachers. If you need a practical python introductory course, the Programming for Everyone Specialization of U by Michigan is much much better.
By 黄晖 D
•Oct 19, 2017
Start from the basics and go in all directions.Best of all, in many ways, the use of python is well suited for beginners to find directions!
By Wenzhi D
•May 28, 2017
It is a good course. Starting from the very basic part, the course is suitable for beginner. Those methods that are introduced in the course are all useful, without redundant part.
•Jun 3, 2017
That's a very useful and fundamantal class for a novice~Now I need to use Python to create my dissertation ~
By Li Z
•Dec 19, 2017
The professor is really good, with interesting explanation and easy-to-understand examples. And the content of the course is really rich with a wide range of applications of Python. The only little problem for a beginner like me is that maybe there is too much information in this one single course and sometimes I can't really master the skills in one sector. It will be better if the course can be split into several parts with more profound explanation and more exercises to practice.
By Sue Y
•Jul 29, 2017
Very good course for getting started with basic Python. Not too slow. The tutor has good sense of humor - the content is not boring at all. The exercises are helpful for understanding what you have learnt. Not too easy or too difficult. I have never done Python before and got 100% mark. I will do more Python because this course has given me a good start. Look forward to the other related courses coming up!
By Wang Y
•Feb 1, 2018
Someone in the comment said, "The comments are all praise because Chinese people have a tradition of respecting their teachers and they certainly will not give any bad reviews to the teachers." Reading this, I think this person has never been to a university.
By Justin Y
•May 20, 2018
The course is quite useful and great! I've learned a lot about python via this course. I'd recommend this course to my classmates and my friends. I will attend more courses if given by Nanjing University and prof.Zhang!
By Shuai C
•Oct 22, 2016
1.Main topics about python has been explained clearly
2. The tests after lessons are supposed to be answered & re-examined and can be confirmed independently with Python(x,y)
3. The final application is funny.
4. Look forward for more lessons like this.
5. Thanks for sharing.
By Weisi D
•Mar 4, 2018
Very helpful! introductory course! It triggers my interest in data analysis. Great thanks to the whole teaching team and Prof.Dazhuang for all the effort! You made this course so friendly to a beginner;) I really enjoy taking this course and also prof's bonus surprise!
By reneryu
•Mar 4, 2016
This introductory course is fairly detailed and with depth. I have used Python for a while, but still I feel this course is a nice review to revisit basics in Python. It is a pity that it's only in Chinese and there aren't hands on programming projects but only quiz.
By yuji w
•Oct 4, 2017
great to see Chinese speakers to offer python couses on coursera and it is a great eye openner for python. It touches all aspect of the python, give you an panarama view of the very popular programming language.
By Hao X
•Nov 19, 2016
A nice course for Python beginner or even Programming beginner, but not suitable for a professional developer, most of the concepts are too basic, the SciPy lectures are complicate to me though.
By Wen Y
•Dec 26, 2016
Miss Zhang Li is so fun and humorous, and her lectures are very easy to understand. By taking this course, i got a fundamental picture about using Python to analyze data.
By lin w
•Apr 12, 2021
•Feb 23, 2017
This course is very great for me to learn how to use python to get data and analysis big data. Thanks for my great teacher Zhang Li.
•Feb 18, 2017
This course is really interesting! Something in week4 and week5 is relatively complex and we can explore more in this field later!
By Brian L
•Nov 27, 2020
It's a good course to introduce the usage in finance data analysis by python, though the contents are not more detailed enough.
By Xuetao H
•Mar 7, 2016
Awesome! I've taken Michigan's Python specialization, but I would say this course from Nanjing University is much better.